April 19 - Swedes Microchip Themselves, Become Guinea Pigs in Digital Dystopia
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
Sweden is leading the way to become part of the end times
biblical scenario that set up the world for the antichrist.
The rest of the world will soon be joining in the formation
of a cashless society.
The present is
becoming increasingly futuristic.
Over a
thousand of Swedes have chosen to
voluntary implant a microchip under
their skin to keep track of personal
health data and avoid the necessity
of having to remember a password.
The technology used to chip people
is roughly the same being used on
dogs and cats.
Using today's cutting-edge
technology, a microchip, which
takes half a second to install,
can be
read from several decimeters'
distance, and its contents can
be altered using a mobile phone.
From that moment onwards, the
digital microchip may be used
for many features commonly
performed in Scandinavia using
mobile phones, such as opening
and unlocking doors, paying
for goods and services, and
storing data.
Read Full Article....
April 17 - North Korean envoy at UN warns of nuclear war possibility
Article: Wars And Rumolrs Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
red line has been crossed. Countries around the world are
now talking about the possibility of nuclear war as the
result of the threats being spouted by the North Korean
government. Perilous times.
Only at a North Korean press
conference at the United
Nations, can you hear a diplomat
say he hoped journalists had a
good holiday weekend and then
warn of possible thermonuclear
North Korea has consistently
issued threats of war toward the
United States in recent decades,
but the Trump administration's
announced end of a "strategic
patience" policy with Pyongyang
has upped the ante in terms of
warnings and bellicose rhetoric.
North Korea's UN deputy
representative, Kim In Ryong, on
Monday unleashed at a hastily
called UN press conference a
torrent of threats, war
scenarios and rhetoric aimed at
the United States.
The press event was held hours
after US Vice President Mike
Pence visited the demilitarized
zone between North and South
Pence warned North
Korea not to test the resolve of
the United States "or the
strength of our military
Read Full Article....
April 30 - Scientists: Growing Humans In Artificial Wombs Gets Closer
Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Bible indicates that whatever man imagines he can do, he can
do. Artificial wombs are on the drawing board. So what is
next? Will humans remain humans when they become a
collection of parts? Human society is on a slippery slope
Scientists were successful
in creating an artificial womb that grew premature
lamb fetuses for four weeks. They hope to develop a
similar system for human babies in the next three to
five years.
Being born prematurely is the most
common cause of death among babies, while even
survivors are often plagued by various lifelong
disabilities due to underdeveloped organs. About 10%
of babies born every year in the U.S. are premature.
Scientists hope their unique system
of "BioBags,"
fluid-filled plastic bags that serve as artificial
uteruses, can make a major difference in the
survival and health of these babies.
Read Full Article....
May 3 - Hamas Calls for Israel's Annihilation as Abbas Meets Trump
Article:Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
situation in the middle-east continues without any light at
the end of the tunnel. What will be required to mediate this
situation will be a man of peace who the world will embrace.
While Donald Trump has offered to be a mediator, time will
tell whether or not he is the man or just a forerunner.
Hamas, the Palestinian faction ruling the Gaza
has released a policy statement that demands
Jerusalem for a Palestinian capital and alludes
to the total destruction of Israel.
The statement came as Palestinian leader Mahmoud
Abbas came to Washington to meet with U.S. President
Donald Trump. On Wednesday, President Trump offered
to be a "mediator and arbitrator" to help the
Palestinians and Israelis come to an agreement.
But the Islamist group Hamas says it
would only accept an independent Palestinian state
based on the pre-1967 armistice lines and the right
of return for an estimated 5 million descendants of
Arabs who left Israel in 1948, both non-starters for
Read Full Article....
April 27 - Can Christians Affirm Transhumanism?
Comment from UTT:
Christians are often not aware of the trends that are
happening all around them. Transhumanism, the combination of
technology with human biology is a good example.
Transhumanists plan to accelerate the process of evolution
and eventually defy death. Christians who say they believe
the Bible should understand clearly that when man plays God,
God will not be tolerant and there will be consequences
Move over Fitbits and
Apple Watches.
Technology is
coming with radical implications for our
physical bodies this century.
"The next
frontier, the next real step-change in
human history, is biological,"
said author Andy Crouch in an interview
with CT last week.
"The next 'easy
everywhere' in the 21st century is about
permanently modifying the conditions of
human embodiment."
Read Full Article....
May 3 - UN's 'Absurd' Birthday Present to Israel: Resolution Brands Them 'Occupiers'
Article:Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
it comes to rulings promoted by the United Nations against
Israel, there is only one way to make sense of the nonsense.
Israel is despised by the nations of the world just as the
Bible predicted that it would be in the last days. The God
of Israel is the God of the Bible and will not be mocked. It
is only a matter of time until Bible prophecy will be
fulfilled and the nations that come against Israel will be
On the same day
Israel celebrated its 69th birthday,
the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural
Organization, better known as
UNESCO, passed a resolution
declaring Israel an "occupying
power" in Jerusalem.
.Read Full Article....
May 2 - Firestorm brewing as scientists work to create synthetic human DNA
Article: Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Why would
scientists who are researching the possibility of artificially
manufacturing DNA feel that it would be important to keep this
advancement in technology undercover? Obviously, there are still those
who are concerned with the reality that will occur when man tinkers with
life to this extent. Where are the limits and when will there be a
public outcry?
a seemingly commonplace
meeting kicked off a firestorm of controversy. More
than 100 experts in genetics and bioengineering
convened at Harvard Medical School for a meeting
that was closed to the public - attendees were asked
not to contact news media or to post about the
meeting on social media.
The same group is getting
back together in New York City next week.
.Read Full Article....
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland