June 4 - The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for everyone, Pope Francis says
Article: Bridges To Rome
Comment from UTT:
Expect to see the unity of Charismatic
movement as the major bridge that will
bring back many of the separated
brethren back to Rome. This agenda has
been underway for years and continues to
advance under the present Pope who is
fulfilling the Jesuit agenda.
On Saturday, Pope
Francis said that
grace of the Holy Spirit is for everyone -
something we must keep in mind as we continue to
walk the path toward Christian unity through
prayer and good works. "Share with everyone in
the Church Baptism in the Holy Spirit, praise
the Lord without ceasing, walk together with
Christians of different Churches and Christian
communities in prayer and action for the most
needy," Pope Francis said
June 3.
Read Full Article....
June 5 - Pope Francis Reminds The World That Caring For The Earth Is Everyone's Responsibility
Article: Social Gospel
Comment from UTT:
Pope Francis continues to lead the way to use they environment as a
means to unite the world together politically and religiously. According
to the Bible, this will happen in the future as a system is formed to
prepare the way for the antichrist.
Barely a week early,
the U.S. president
met with Pope Francis for the first time and
promised to read
the pontiff's 184-page encyclical on climate
Francis gifted Trump
a copy of his 2015 encyclical, "Laudato
Si," which
makes the case that climate change is
inherently a moral and spiritual issue that
disproportionately affects the poor and the
The encyclical outlines
Francis' staunch belief
that the environmental crisis facing the
world is caused by human activity, and that
the world's leaders must act swiftly to
confront what he called a "global problem
with grave implications."
Read Full Article....
May 30 - Russia Conflict With NATO and U.S. Would Immediately Result in Nuclear War, Russian Lawmaker Warns
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
The dangerous situation that this article describes shows how close the
world is to the Armageddon described in the Bible. Those who reject
Bible prophecy should read the article and wake up to the times.
veteran Russian politician has suggested that
Moscow could resort to nuclear arms
to defend the nation if forces led by the U.S. or
NATO moved against the Crimean Peninsula or eastern
Vyacheslav Alekseyevich Nikonov, a member of
Russia's lower house of parliament and a political
scientist involved with Russian politics since the
1970s, told attendees of the 2017 GLOBSEC Bratislava
Global Security Forum in Slovakia on Sunday
that Russian forces would need to
utilize some form of nuclear warfare to deter U.S.
or NATO forces from invading Russia should they
decide to enter Crimea or eastern Ukraine.
Read Full Article....
June 2 - Vatican Message to Muslims for Ramadan
Article: Ecumenical Movement Other Religions Uniting With Roman Catholics
According to this article, there is an active agenda by the
Roman Catholic Church to establish closer connections with
Islam. If one is a Bible believing Christian there should be
many obvious questions. Where does this lead?
Christians and Muslims:
Caring for our Common Home
Dear Muslim Brothers and
wish to assure you of our prayerful
solidarity during this time of fasting
in the month of Ramadan and the
celebration of
'Id al-Fitr
concludes it, and we extend to you our
heartfelt best wishes for serenity, joy
and abundant spiritual gifts.
Read Full Article....
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland