June 15 - World's Top Religious Leaders Issue Rare Joint Appeal
Article: Ecumenical Movement Other Religions Uniting With Roman Catholics
Comment from UTT:
Current events indicate a continuing ecumenical agenda that unites all
religions together for the cause of peace. This includes the Dalai Lama
and Pope Francis. It is also interesting that many who claim to believe
the Bible ignore this trend and even applaud what is going on.
Religion is often viewed as a force that sows
divisions between people.
But the world's most prominent
religious leaders have come together to present
a different vision of how faith can work in the
In a rare move, major religious
leaders ― from Pope Francis to the Dalai Lama ―
issued a joint appeal Wednesday asking people to
follow a simple bit of advice: Make friends with
people of other faiths.
Read Full Article....
June 24 - Nebraska 'Tri-Faith Initiative' Building Church, Synagogue, Mosque Side by Side
Article: Ecumenical Movement Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
While this article makes the claim that Jews and Christians worship the
same God as Islam, this is totally wrong. The Christian faith is based
on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God - Islam and Jews do
not. This is another example of an attempt to unite world religions in
an effort to bring about peace that we are experiencing.
A groundbreaking was recently
held as part of a Nebraska building project
that will erect a church, synagogue and
mosque side by side on the same property.
Temple Israel, the American
Muslim Institute and Countryside Christian
Church claim that they
are being led by God to create the multi-faith
location in Omaha. "We believe that we are being
led by our God to continue the journey started
by Abraham and that we are all called to be a
blessing to each other and our community,"
the FAQ section of the Tri-Faith Initiative
website outlines.
Read Full Article....
June 21 - Can relics unite Catholics and Orthodox? Pope Francis thinks so.
Article: Road To Rome
Comment from UTT:
There is not a single verse in the Bible that supports the veneration of
"Christian relics." There are many verses that explain that such a
practice would be better described as idolatry which God forbids.
Common veneration of relics is one of the
tools Pope Francis is using to foster
ecumenical relations with the Eastern
Orthodox Churches.
In May, relics
of St. Philip and St. Nicholas were
transported to Turkey and Russia,
They have been
exposed for the veneration of the Orthodox
faithful from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of
Constantinople and the Patriarchate of
Moscow. The
transportation of the relics of St. Nicholas
from the Italian city of Bari to Moscow is
particularly noteworthy. It is the first
time in 930 years that a part of the body of
St. Nicholas has left Bari for veneration
Read Full Article....
June 23 - Hezbollah warns '100s of thousands' would retaliate if conflict with Israel erupts
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
This article indicates the seriousness
of the conflict that is underway in the
middle east. Syria is a potential powder
keg that is about to explode. As the
Bible indicates, Israel is the epicenter
for future chaos and trouble in the
The next war with Israel would
draw hundreds of thousands of fighters from
across the entire Middle East, Hezbollah's
leader has warned after the Israeli Air Force
chief promised to drop a month's bombs in a
matter of days if a new conflict breaks out.
Read Full Article ...
June 16 - What's Up With the Sudden Rise in Satanism?
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
Did you know that there is a group of
atheists who describe them themselves
non-theistic Satanists? While the following
article does not make a lot of sense it does
show that humans that deny the existence of
God go to great lengths to justify their
beliefs. It should be obvious that they have
been inspired by Satan.
In recent years, there's been a bizarre spike in
media attention paid to people who openly associate
with a group called The Satanic Temple. You might
wonder what, exactly, would prompt someone to want
to be associated with what some might call "pure
evil." Well, there's a key detail that some people
might be missing after reading the litany of
Satanist-themed news stories that have emerged over
the past few years:
While many activists call themselves Satanists, a
lot of them are effectively atheists.
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June 20 - Paying with Your Face / Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow?
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The Chinese are taking "face recognition" to
a new level. A global monetary system that
will use personal identification in various
ways provides the basis for what the Bible
predicts will soon control the world.
after walking through the door at
a Chinese startup valued at roughly a billion
dollars, I see my face, unshaven and looking a bit
jet-lagged, flash up on a large screen near the
Having been added to a database, my face now
provides automatic access to the building. It can
also be used to monitor my movements through each
room inside. As I tour the offices of Face++
(pronounced "face plus plus"), located in a suburb
of Beijing,
see it appear on several more screens, automatically
captured from countless angles by the company's
software. On one screen a video shows the software
tracking 83 different points on my face
simultaneously. It's a little creepy, but undeniably
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland