July 4 - Yellowstone reaches 878 earthquakes in just two weeks as scientists wonder when the volcano will blow
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
The earthquakes that are happening in Yellowstone Park should be a
reminder of what the Bible predicts lies just ahead. Someday the entire
planet will shake and every city will fall. At present the world and the
church are slumbering and ignoring the warnings
You don't have to be a geologist to understand
an earthquake in the
vicinity of a volcano could be a disaster
waiting to happen, but what if there were nearly
900 quakes near a supervolcano?
That is the situation that is playing out right now
in Yellowstone National Park,
878 earthquakes have struck since
June 12. Most of the quakes had a very low
magnitude, but the strongest one, which was recorded
on June 15, had a magnitude of 4.4. The park rests
atop one of the most dangerous supervolcanoes on the
planet, prompting fears that it could be about to
blow. Any doubts about its active state can be
dispelled by the sight of Old Faithful, shooting
water up every few hours.
Read Full Article....
July 6 - This Silicon Valley company wants to 'make better humans' through biohacking
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
course the promise that science has come up with a formula of
nutrients to make humans "better" will lure many who believe in
the lie of evolution. The fact is that often the promises of
science can produce byproducts that harmful to life rather than
want to make better humans. We
want to take technology and use
it to help you as a system,"
Brandt, the company's co-founder
and COO, told CNBC at his San
Francisco office.
have inputs. You have outputs
like your productivity, your
reaction time, your happiness
led a
$2 million investment for the
start-up in 2015, as more money
has been
poured into
biohacking-related startups in
recent years.
the company's offerings are
mixes of approved supplements,
the products don't actually
require approval from the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration,
according to Brandt.
Read Full Article....
June 26 - A Giant Asteroid Will Come Extremely Close To Earth In 2029, And Impact 'Can't Be Ruled Out'
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Scientific predictions that the earth will some day be struck by an
asteroid support what the Bible predicts will be happening in the near
future. It is not a matter of whether or not it will happen. Bible
prophecy is one hundred percent accurate. It will happen.
Scientists believe
a 40-million-ton
asteroid set to fly close to Earth in 12
years may end up colliding with our planet
on a future pass.
The Apophis asteroid will
pass within 18,600 miles of Earth on April
13, 2029, which is ridiculously close by
space distance standards. Scientists expect
the near-miss to disrupt the asteroid's
orbit, making its future path unpredictable.
Read Full Article....
June 29 - D.I.C.E.D. - The UN's Environmental Constitution For The World
Article: One World Government
Comment from UTT:
If you do not believe that there is an agenda by the United Nations to
set up a world wide governance system to control the world, then read
this article. While President Trump seems to be standing up against this
agenda, the Bible indicates that the world will eventually be governed
by an alliance of countries. Pope Francis is also in favor of this kind
of alliance and has stated that the United Nations has the plan for the
I am sure there are many Americans who have
no idea nor care what "The Draft International Covenant on Environment and
Development" (DICED) is. They should.
The Draft Covenant is the
"Environmental Constitution of Global Governance."
Read Full Article ...
July 4 - These Modern Witches Want to Cast a Spell on You
Article: Rising Interest In The Supernatural
Comment from UTT:
While Christianity is being banned in many places, witchcraft has hit
the mainstream. We are living in the last days and the current events
clearly show where we are headed.
Gala Darling reveals that
her spiritual awakening was like the
moment in
The Wizard of Oz
Dorothy wakes up,
miraculously transported from the sepia
world of rural Kansas to the technicolor
land of Oz. Darling is
standing beside
her altar-a
round, pink table laid with
energy-charged crystals and magic
candles-at The Wing, an all-women social
club in Manhattan where 60 members and
guests have signed up for her "Radical
A 33-year-old writer and self-help guru,
she explains
how her years-long
fog of depression lifted when she
discovered "tapping," an ancient Eastern
healing technique that she describes as
combination of acupuncture and cosmic
psychology." The
audience is rapt because Darling isn't
just a self-help guru but a stylish,
sassy witch who swears often and
radiates cool-girl vibes. She used to be
"really goth and cynical" and thought
tapping was "bullshit"-until,
she says, it worked. Now she casts
spells on Donald Trump.
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland