July 23 - Handy way to pay: US firm plans to fit employees with microchip implants
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
Read the following article in order to see
how close we are to seeing biblical prophecy
revealed in our time. John, in his vision
recorded in the book of Revelation, foresaw
the time when financial transactions on this
planet would require an identification
"mark" to be implanted in the tissues of
human flesh. Revelation chapter 13:16-17
And he
causeth all, both small and great, rich and
poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in
their right hand, or in their foreheads And
that no man might buy or sell, save he that
had the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name.
A US vending
is entering a new era
of 'convenience' by implanting
microchips in employees that
will allow them access to basic
workplace amenities. At least 50
staff at Wisconsin firm Three
Square Market have volunteered
to have a microchip, similar to
one in a contactless credit
card, inserted into their hand,
according to the company.Three Square
Market say
volunteers will be able to use
the tiny electromagnetic device
to bypass login requirements and
buy food on their lunch breaks.
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July 22 - Three Palestinians Killed in Clashes With Israel as Thousands Protest Over Temple Mount
Article: Israel And The last Days
Comment from UTT:
Bible foretells that Jerusalem would be the epicenter of
global unrest in the last days. Current events pinpoint the
problems that are presently underway indicating Jerusalem is
truly a powder keg on the verge of exploding. We are living
in perilous times. The return of Jesus Christ is at hand.
While numerous Bible prophecies are being fulfilled it seems
that not many are paying attention to the biblical warnings.
Palestinians were killed on Friday in
clashes between protestors and Israeli
security forces in East Jerusalem,
Palestinian sources have reported.
Israel's military say
over 3,000 took
part in protests throughout the West
Bank and East Jerusalem on Friday.
Clashes also erupted between protestors
and Israeli forces in the south of the
Gaza Strip.
Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas on Friday
ordered the
suspension of all official contact with
Israel until it removed new security
measures at a Jerusalem holy site. Over
300 were reportedly wounded in the
protests that were held in response to
new security measures put in place at
Jerusalem's Temple Mount following
Sunday's attack at the site in which two
police officers were killed. In total 27
people were arrested, 10 in Jerusalem
and 17 in the West Bank.
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July 20 - Severe drought devastating southern European crops
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Severe droughts are presently underway in many parts of the planet.
Meanwhile, the world's population continues to grow. While history shows
that droughts come and go, the time is coming according to the Bible
when weather patterns will drastically alter the potential mankind has
to produce food. A question to consider is: are we entering that period
of history now?
One of the worst droughts
in recent decades is devastating
southern European crops. Just this year,
the damage is estimated to more than 1
billion euros.
In Italy,
around 30% less rain has
fallen this year, compared with last
year. Grains have been particularly
badly hit by the lack of water and the
intense heat.
The drought now threatens
to reduce cereal production in Italy and
parts of Spain to its lowest level in at
least 20 years, and hit other regional
crops including olives and almonds.
Some farmers
said they won't even
harvest this year, because the overall
result would be so low it wouldn't be
worth the money.
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July 23 - Eight Tropical Cyclones At Once in the North Pacific Ocean For First Time Since 1974
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Drastic weather changes are being reported on a daily basis all over the
world. While it can be argued that this is not any different than what
has been experienced over time, it is just another sign indicating we
are seeing Bible prophecy being fulfilled. One thing we know for sure,
these signs will intensify as time passes. Jesus compared these signs to
a woman experiencing birth pangs.
The north Pacific Ocean
pulled off an impressive feat
with eight
tropical cyclones spinning at one time
Saturday, July 22, something that hasn't
been accomplished in more than four
decades.In the central
and eastern Pacific Ocean on Saturday
were two named storms, Fernanda and
Greg, along with Tropical Depression
Nine-E and Tropical Depression Ten-E.
The two tropical depressions eventually
went on to become Hilary and Irwin.
Meanwhile, the western Pacific Ocean had
Noru, Kulap, Roke and Tropical
Depression Eight-W all spinning in parts
of that basin. Tropical Depression
Eight-W would later become Tropical
Storm Sonca. Although it's not unheard
of to see multiple tropical cyclones at
the same time,
this is
impressive on any scale.
Eight tropical
cyclones have not roamed the north
Pacific Ocean simultaneously since 1974,
according to Dr. Phil Klotzbach,
a tropical scientist at Colorado State
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland