September 24 - 3 Large Earthquakes And A Major Volcanic Eruption In Mexico Spark Fears That The Big One Could Hit California Soon
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
The recent earthquakes in Mexico situated along the "ring of fire" are
causing great concern for what may lie ahead for California. Are these
further signs we are living in the last times?
The portion of "the Ring of Fire" that runs along the west coast of
North America is starting to shake like a leaf. As most of
you already know, the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean is known for high
levels of seismic activity, and the experts tell us that more than 80 percent of
all earthquakes and more than 70 percent of all volcanic eruptions take place
within the Ring of Fire. The North American section of the Ring of Fire has been
relatively quiet for an extended period of time,
but now all of the shaking down in
Mexico is causing a tremendous amount of concern. In fact, some now fear that
all of the shaking down there may be a harbinger of things to come for
Within the last 30 days,
there have been three major earthquakes in Mexico. This latest one was a
magnitude 6.2 earthquake, and it was accompanied
by an eruption of Mt.
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September 25 - So, we're ALL aliens? New research suggests that DNA molecules were brought to Earth on meteorites
Article: Creation - Evolution
Comment from UTT:
Bible states in Romans chapter one that the evidence that
God created is so obvious from the things that were made
that we are without excuse if we reject this evidence.
However, men choose to be willingly ignorant and are
professing to be wise, become fools instead. This article is
proof of this point.
A new research suggested
that molecules brought to Earth in
meteor showers could potentially be converted into the building blocks of DNA,
according to a Science Daily
report. Researchers from the University of
York found that amino nitriles, the
molecular precursors to amino acids, were able to use molecules present in
interstellar ice to trigger the formation of DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic
acid. The study was published in
Chemical Communications.
Read Full Article....
September 24 - Inclusion, dialogue highlighted in new Vatican guidelines for educators
Article: One World Religion
Comment from UTT:
The Vatican continues to promote globalization and is encouraging the
inclusion of all religions through education. Expect this trend to
continue as we see the establishment of a one world religion for the
cause of peace.
The Vatican has issued new guidelines for
Catholic educators, developed to help them
respond to the modern challenges of a globalized
placing a heavy emphasis on inclusion,
the need to dialogue and the importance of
"humanizing" education so the person is at the
center. The guidelines were
published Sept. 22 in a short document
entitled "Educating to Fraternal
Humanism: Building a Civilization of Love 50
years after Populorum Progressio."
Read Full Article....
September 28 - Tipping Point: The Global Journey From Cash to Cashless
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The world continues to head down the path towards a cashless society
setting up a system of buying and selling that is foretold in the Bible.
The 'Cashless Journey' is a global initiative of
Technocrat, globalist bankers, who use
governments with statements like: 'Governments
can speed the journey.' In fact, Technocrats
despise government except for how they can use
them to manipulate the citizenry to buy into
their globalist pipe-dreams. ⁃
TN Editor
Today, around 85% of all retail
payment transactions are done with cash, which
equates to 60% of retail transaction value. Even
though much of the world's population has access
to many different options for making payments
other than cash, cash still persists. Cash takes
time to get at, is riskier to carry, and by most
estimates, cash costs society as much as 1.5% of
Electronic payments,
on the other hand, have been proven to boost
economic growth, while advancing financial
inclusion. It is for these reasons that
countries around the world are working to make
their payment systems less dependent on cash.
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September 28 - Silicon Valley Elitist Starts Religion to Worship Artificial Intelligence as God
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
The Darwinian theory of evolution lays the groundwork for the idea that
mankind as we know it is not the final step of evolution. The
advancement of artificial intelligence and the potential to combine with
biological intelligence is being promoted today in the name of
Documents uncovered as part of a separate court case
reveal that multi-millionaire Silicon Valley elitist
Anthony Levandowski started a religion based around
the concept of worshipping artificial intelligence
as a God.
Levandowski, who is currently embroiled in a high
profile lawsuit with Google over accusations he
stole sensitive data about their self-driving car
program and gave it to Uber,
founded a religious organization
Way of the Future
two years ago.
The goal of the religion
is to "develop and promote the realization of a
Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence," in line
with the species reaching the singularity, the point
at which computers surpass humanity in intelligence.
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September 18 - In first, US establishes permanent military base in Israel
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
establishment of a permanent military base in Israel adds to
the already precarious situation in the middle east. There
are many factors that indicate that Israel remains a powder
keg ready to explode at any time.
the first time in history, the
United States on Monday
established an official,
permanent military base in
Israel: an air defense base in
the heart of the Negev desert.
of US Air Force soldiers will
call home the new base, located
inside the Israeli Air Force's
Mashabim Air Base, west of the
towns of Dimona and Yerucham.
Brig. Gen.
Tzvika Haimovitch, head of the
IAF's Aerial Defense Command,
announced the establishment of
the installation on Monday
nothing short of historic," he
said. It demonstrates the
"years-old alliance between the
United States and the State of
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland