October 3 - Technocrats See Engineered Crops As Only Path To Solve Global Hunger
Article:Cloning And Genetic Engineering
Comment from UTT:
Genetically engineering crops is another
humanistic effort for mankind to replace the
Creator in an attempt to redesign life.
While these efforts seem to be an immediate
answer to the global food supply, the long
term results will be disastrous.
Technocracy is the 'science of social
engineering' where the only solution to any problem
is science itself. Thus, Technocrats will eagerly -
and permanently - modify the germline of major food
crops in order to feed the world. How will testing
be accomplished? Well, there will be no testing.
Technocrats see little need for testing when they
deem the science to be 'settled'. ⁃
TN Editor
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September 29 - Geo-Engineering: Scientists 'Able To Control The Weather Using Lasers'
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
Humanists who reject a sovereign God continue to look for ways to
control the world including the weather. While this may seem like it
could be a benefit to mankind, whenever man tries to play the role of
God, the consequences will be a total disaster.
Technocrats assume that technology must be used to modify the weather to
their liking, but they didn't ask anyone else for an opinion because the
'science is settled.' Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is
a real need to do so. The military has been experimenting with weather
modification as a weapon of war for decades. ⁃ TN Editor
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October 5 - Meet Siberia's Jesus: former traffic cop turned cult leader
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Jesus said one of the signs of the last days would be the
onslaught of individuals claiming to be Christ the Messiah.
This news event confirms we are living in such a period of
time. Expect this to happen more often in the future.
Thousands of Russians have flocked to
southern Siberia to follow a man who claims to be Jesus
Christ reincarnated.
Anatolyevitch Toro, 56,
was once a traffic policeman and a Red Army
soldier before the collapse of the Soviet Union. He is not
that man anymore. Now, the man formally known as Sergey
calls himself "Vissarion," and says he's the founder of the
Church of the Last Testament, The
Guardian reported.
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October 2 - 'In Satan We Trust': Florida Atheist Plans to Erect Six-Foot Metal Pentagram in City Park
Article: Perilous Times
Comment from UTT:
While we are accustomed to seeing Christian emblems removed
from public places by atheists and other non-Christians,
satanic symbols are being erected without any opposition.
What does this say about the days we are living in?
A Florida member of the Freedom From Religion
Foundation says that
plans to erect a large pentagram in a city park
this December in an effort to counter Christian
and Jewish displays regarding the birth of
Christ. Since 1990, a city
law in Boca Raton has allowed "unattended,
expressive installations, displays, exhibits and
similar objects" to be displayed during the
holiday season in the city's Sanborn
Park. According to a report from CBS12,
a local atheist named Preston
Smith plans to put up a blood-red pentagram that
stands six feet tall, weighs 300 pounds and
bears several captions, including "In Satan We
Trust," "I Kneel Before No Gods" and "May the
Children Hail Satan."
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October 9 - Roman Catholic Dioceses Nationwide Being 'Consecrated' to 'Immaculate Heart of Mary'
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
This article reveals the
unbiblical belief of placing
"Mary", the mother of Jesus,
at the heart of the Roman
Catholic faith. In spite of
this, a large percentage of
evangelical leaders like
Rick Warren continue to move
headlong towards ecumenical
unity with Rome.
A number of Roman Catholic
nationwide-and also
globally-have been consecrating themselves to the
"immaculate heart of Mary" throughout 2017, a
practice that evangelicals say is unbiblical and
gives to the earthly mother of Jesus the devotion
that should be bestowed to Christ alone.
"We are uniting ourselves to her who
opens up the way for God to enter, and we are
uniting our hearts to her immaculate heart, the one
heart that is perfectly united to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus," James
Johnston Jr. of the Diocese of Kansas City-St.
Joseph, Missouri told the National Catholic
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Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland