October 15 - China developing huge facial recognition database to identify citizens
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
Is it possible to assign personal identification for the purpose of
tracking every person on the planet and making them part of a global
monetary system. According to the following article China is well on the
way to providing the technology to make this happen. This is exactly
what the Bible foretold would be taking place.
China is developing what is expected
to be the world's most powerful facial recognition
system with the capacity to identify any one of its
1.3 billion citizens within three seconds,
according to a report by South China Morning Post.
The system aims to match
an individual's face to their ID photo with
approximately 90 percent accuracy for the purpose of
tracking wanted suspects and public administration.
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October 14 - In India, schoolkids say Virgin Mary appeared amid scent of jasmine
Article: Signs And Wonders
Comment from UTT:
Appearances of an apparition believed to be "Mary," the mother of Jesus,
are being seen by both Hindu and Roman Catholic children at a school in
India. Will this assist in the ecumenical unity so that eventually
Hinduism and Catholicism will be united as part of a one world religion?
Remember Pope Francis claims that all religions worship the same God.
Both Hindu and
Catholic schoolchildren in India claim to have
witnessed an apparition of Christ and several
appearances of the Virgin Mary accompanied by
the scent of jasmine, the gift of contrition,
and the healing of a girl's ear problem.
Read Full Article....
October 11 - Cardinal Bertone talks about the third secret of Fatima
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
This article reveals the focus of a Mary based Christianity claiming the
unbiblical view that the mother of Jesus is the mediator of salvation.
The Bible states that salvation is through accepting the finished work
of Jesus Christ on the cross and nothing else.
The third secret of
Fatima deals with past events, but at the
same time, its call to conversion is always
current, always up to date,
said Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican
Secretary of State emeritus. In an interview
with CNA, Cardinal Bertone spoke about the
third secret of Fatima, how the decision to
release the secret was made, and his
memories of his three meetings with Sr.
Lucia, the longest-living of the three
shepherd children who had been the custodian
of the secret until it was released by the
Vatican at the request of Pope John Paul II.
Read Full Article....
October 15 - "We Microchip Dogs, So Why Not Athletes" - Olympics Suggest Implants To Prevent Doping
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The discussion of micro chipping professional athletes is one more
example of where society is headed as part of a system to control and
monitor human beings on a global basis. While this would have been
considered absurd a decade or so ago, now the idea is being widely
upheld without concern.
Companies in Scandinavia and the US
have already embraced
microchipping as a way to make the office
experience more seamless by allowing employees
to easily unlock doors or pay for food in the
Of course, while workers say
they've welcomed the technology (one Russian
hobbyist has reported self-implanted six
microchips), and companies not to abuse the
technology, the temptation to do so should make
people nervous. But the use of microchips in the
workplace likely won't be limited to corporate
environments. Pretty soon, microchipping might
become a common tool for monitoring professional
and amateur athletes as sports leagues try to
eradicate the use of banned
performance-enhancing drugs.
At least that's what recent
remarks from Mike Miller, chief executive of the
World Olympians Association, appeared to
suggest. Speaking Tuesday to anti-doping leaders
at a Westminster forum on integrity in sport,
Miller said the Olympic Games
should begin microchipping athletes to try and
prevent the type of state-sponsored evasion of
anti-doping rules purportedly organized by the
Russian government ahead of the winter games in
the Guardian reported.
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October 16 - Vatican tells Hindus that diversity is a sign of richness, not intolerance
Article: Ecumenical Movement
Comment from UTT:
While it is important for religions of the world to be tolerant of one
another, it is also important to understand that an overemphasis on
tolerance leads to a global ecumenical religion that leads to the coming
one world religion foretold by the Bible. Is this what we see happening
in India as the Roman Catholic Church participates in the Hindu festival
of Diwali?
The Pontifical Council for Interreligious
issued a message titled 'Christians and
Hindus: Going beyond tolerance' on the occasion
of the Hindu festival of Deepawali or Diwali,
the festival of lights.
Based on an ancient mythology, the event
symbolically represents the victory of truth
over lies, light on darkness, life over death,
good over evil. The actual celebration lasts
three days, and marks the beginning of the New
Year, family reconciliation, especially among
brothers and sisters, and the worship of God.
This year the festival will be start on 19
The message, signed by the Council's president, Card
Jean-Louis Tauran, and secretary, Mgr Miguel Ángel
Ayuso Guixot, M.C.J.,
addresses the issue of intolerance, noting that
seeing "pluralism and diversity as a threat to unity
leads tragically to intolerance and violence." "We
can rightfully acknowledge the many wonderful things
that are happening throughout the world, for which
we are very grateful. At the same time, we are also
mindful of the difficulties which confront our
communities and which deeply concern us.
The growth of intolerance, spawning
violence in many parts of the world, is one such
challenge we face today. On this occasion,
therefore, we wish to reflect on how Christians and
Hindus can together foster mutual respect among
people - and go beyond tolerance, in order to usher
in a more peaceful and harmonious era for every
Read Full Article ...
October 12 - Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
The following article is not Fake News. It is a sobering wake-up call
that reveals how the current situation is critical. We are facing the
possibility of a coming nuclear global disaster that very well could be
the Armageddon foretold in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.
Congress was warned Thursday that
North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today
with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut
down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of
"all Americans" within a year.
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland