October 17 - Microchipped Population
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The acceptance of chip implants for identification
purposes continues to advance throughout the world. This is setting up a
global end times society that buys and sells electronically fulfilling
Bible prophecy.
Technology as a whole has taken up a hugely disproportionate part of our
lives in the modern age. The would be useful tools- if used in a
rational proportion- that showcase the 'genius of man' for all to see,
gripped the once dreaming minds of young and old alike and have
disconnected us from one another on a scale which beggars belief. What
an irony that in the age of prolific 'communications advancement' we
have largely forgotten how to actually communicate with one another,
human being to human being, without the pixilated and fiber- optic
mediums situated in between and disconnecting us ever further from
Read Full Article....
October 18 Pope Praises 'Religions for Peace'
Article: One World Religion
Once again Pope Francis call upon all the
religions of the world to lay down differences and join
together for peace. This would be a noble idea in a perfect
world. The Pope plays the role as the peace maker as he
believes all religions worship the same God. This idea is
foreign to the Bible.
"I express my
esteem and appreciation for the work of
'Religions for Peace',"
Pope Francis said on October 18, 2017,
as he received a delegation from the
organization in a conference room near
Paul VI Hall.
"You provide a valuable service
to both religion and peace,"
the Holy Father continued,
"for the
religions are bound by their very nature
to promote peace through justice,
fraternity, disarmament and care for
Read Full Article....
October 16 - Freaky Future? How Humans and Machines Will Merge Sooner than You Think
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
Read the following article to see what humans are imagining they will be
able to do in the future to elevate the human race beyond being human.
This unity of technology with biology is supposed to create a super race
that humanists have been predicting will take over the world and
relegate the God of the Bible to museums.
Humans and machines could
be merging within 20 years through artificially
intelligent nano-machines, injected into people to
repair and improve muscles, cells, and bones, or to
help us send signals to other machines.
Read Full Article....
October 15 - AI implants will allow us to control our homes with our thoughts within 20 years, government report claims
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
The advancement of artificial intelligence is changing the whole concept
of what it means to be a human being. This goes along with the
humanistic agenda that humans can become their own gods and are not
accountable to God.
Artificially intelligent nano-machines
will be injected into humans within 20 years to
repair and enhance muscles, cells and bone, a senior
inventor at IBM has forecast.
John McNamara, who works at IBM
Hursley Innovation Centre, in Hampshire, submitted
evidence to the House of Lords Artificial
Intelligence Committee, which is considering the
economic, ethical and social implications of AI.
Read Full Article ...
October 16 - Why Have Americans Stopped Reading the Bible?
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
There are two truths that we can count on revealed in the Bible: the
Bible is true and Satan, God's adversary, hates the Bible. These two
truths help us to understand the statistics that are revealed in the
following article and why fewer people read and believe the Bible to be
Ask the average
American on the street if they read the
Bible, and after they stop looking at you
like you just came from another planet, they
will probably say "No."
According to the Center for Bible
93% of Americans say
they own a Bible but less than half of those
who identify as Christians have said they
have read it cover to cover, and most
Americans admit to never having opened one
at all.
Read Full Article ...
October 17 - Majority of Americans, Third of Evangelicals Say Faith in God Not Necessary to Be Moral: Pew
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
The Bible teaches that morality comes from an understanding of the Bible
and biblical standards. It is no surprise that the common view of the
day would contradict this view.
A majority of U.S. adults and almost a third of evangelicals now say
they believe that faith in God is not needed to be a moral person,
a survey has revealed. The Pew Research Center reported on Monday that
56 percent of all American adults
surveyed say they don't think that being a believer is a requirement for someone
to be moral and to have good values, which is up from the 49 percent who said
the same back in 2011.
Read Full Article ...
October 23 - Why millennials are ditching religion for witchcraft and astrology
Article: Rising Interest In The Supernatural
Comment from UTT:
This article explains how and why the younger generation is turning away
from the Bible and God towards witchcraft and astrology. This is exactly
what we would expect from a biblical perspective as we understand Bible
Coco Layne, a Brooklyn-based producer, meets someone
new these days, the first question that comes up in
conversation isn't "Where do you live?" or "What do
you do?" but "What's your sign?"
many millennials read their horoscopes every day and
believe them," Layne, who is
involved in a number of nonreligious spiritual
practices, said.
"It is a good reference point to
identify and place people in the world."
Read Full Article ...
October 19 - Pope to Methodists: Reconciliation is more than talk - it needs action
Article: Ecumenical Movement
Comment from UTT:
This article documents how the Methodist Church seems to be next in line
for ecumenical unity with Rome. According to the Catholic Church the
actual goal is "full communion." The "separated brethren" are "coming
home" which is the goal of the Catholic Church.
Marking 50 years of
Catholic-Methodist dialogue, Pope
Francis on Thursday
told members of both traditions
that when it comes to future relations,
simply speaking about reconciliation is
not enough - we must actually pray and
work for it. "This is the journey that
awaits us in the new phase of the
dialogue, devoted to reconciliation: we
cannot speak of prayer and charity
unless together we pray and work for
reconciliation and full communion,"
the Pope said Oct. 19.
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland