October 23 - Religions in Jerusalem must live in peace, Pope says
Article: One World Religion
Comment from UTT:
The fact that Pope Francis would call the
different religions in Jerusalem to unify for peace in the
name of Christ is absurd. Certainly this is a stepping stone
towards the Antichrist system outlined in the Bible, but not
Jesus Christ the Son of God.
with the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem on Monday,
Pope Francis
said that the different religions in Jerusalem must live
together in peace, preserving dignity and rights so that
suffering and violence can end. "The
Holy City, whose
Status Quo
must be defended and preserved,
ought to be a
place where all can live together peaceably; otherwise, the
endless spiral of suffering will continue for all,"
the Pope said Oct. 23.
Read Full Article....
October 30 - Europe Fears 'The Big One' After 140 Earthquakes Strike The French Alps In 40 Days
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Earthquake "swarms" are taking place around
the world at an increasing frequency. This is one of the
signs that Jesus indicated would be occurring before his
return. This article explains what is happening in Europe in
an area near the French Alps.
In recent weeks,
the locals living in the
Maurienne part of Savoie in the
French Alps
been getting used to being
shaken awake at night. The
region has been rocked by 140
earthquakes in a mere 40 days
sparking fears that Europe may
soon experience "the big one."
Read Full Article....
October 26 - Christian-Muslim Relations Vital
Article: Ecumenical Movement - Other Religions Uniting With Roman Catholics
Comment from UTT:
This article explains the unification of
Roman Catholicism with Islam. This of course is not
unexpected in light of the fact that Pope Francis has
proclaimed that all religions worship the same God and has
pushed to unite the religions for the cause of world peace.
On Oct. 13, 2017, following Pope Francis' meeting
with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Rafic Harir, the
Holy See Press Office released a statement,
the two leaders agreed on "the value of
collaboration between Christians and Muslims to
promote peace and justice, taking into consideration
the historic and institutional role of the Church in
the life of the country and the importance of the
Christian presence in the Middle East."
In this interview with Aid to the Church in Need,
Lebanese Maronite Bishop Michel Aoun
on the importance of Muslim-Christian relations,
as well as the work of the Church in Lebanon on
behalf of refugees from Syria.
Read Full Article....
October 27 - 'Unbelief' and 'Comfortable' Christianity Fueling Millennial Interest in Occult, Astrology, Pastors Say
Article: Rising Interest In The Supernatural
Comment from UTT:
It should be no surprise that the younger generation is being influenced
by the occult and witchcraft in our times. The media and Hollywood's
agenda promotes the fallen side of the spiritual realm and scoffs at the
Bible as a source of understanding the truth about good and evil.
Millennials are increasingly
exploring and turning to occultic spirituality
and astrology, as statistics continue showing
rising numbers of "nones," those who do not
identify with any particular faith. This is in
part due to a mindset of fear and unbelief and
comfortable Christianity,
some pastors say. Market Watch reported Monday
the psychic services industry grew 2
percent between the years of 2011 and 2016, an
industry now worth approximately $2 billion.
Also in recent years, according to Pew,
the percentage of people ages
18-29 who "never doubt the existence of God"
dropped from 81 percent in 2007 to 67 percent in
Read Full Article ...
October 25 - PSA: With Camera Permission, iPhone Apps Can Take Pictures And Videos Without You Noticing
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The days of privacy no longer exist. Technology has created the
environment that allows our cell phones to take photos of every move we
and transmit them.
This sets up the global "big brother" system the Bible predicts.
Whenever you give iPhone apps
permission to access your camera, the app can
surreptitiously take pictures and videos of you as
long as the app is in the foreground,
a security researcher warned on Wednesday. Felix
Krause, who recently warned of the danger of
malicious iPhone password popups, wrote a blog post
as a sort of PSA for iPhone users.
To be clear, this is not a bug, but
likely intended behavior.
Read Full Article ...
October 26 - Most Brits Think Only 6 of the 10 Commandments Are Relevant Today: Poll
Article: Unbiblical Christianity
Comment from UTT:
It is not only the people in Great Britain that no longer see the Bible
as relevant. This has occurred worldwide and even to those who profess
to be evangelicals. We are living in the era of last days apostasy.
Most Britons
believe that only six of the Ten Commandments are relevant today, and
Christians are split over whether some, like the Commandment to not
worship other gods, are essential to their faith,
according to a new survey.
Read Full Article ...
October 25 - Cash Is Already Pretty Much Dead In China
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The world is moving towards a cashless society at an incredible rate.
This article shows the advancement of a cashless society in China. Bible
prophecy is being fulfilled and a world system of control is being
Mobile pay is taking China by
storm and changing daily commerce.
The transformation of
a society limited to bills denominated in
100 yuan ($15) or less into one where QR
payment codes abound was by far the biggest
change in mainland China since my last visit
four years ago.
Read Full Article ...
November 1 - Is it weird that Catholics venerate relics? Here's why we do
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
This article from a Roman Catholic source needs no comment. It shows how
Scripture can be twisted to support tradition rather than how tradition
can be elevated above Scripture to support dogma.
"We are many parts, but we are all one
body," says the refrain of a popular '80s Church hymn, based on the words of 1
Cor. 12:12. While we are one body in Christ,
if you happen to be a Catholic saint, the many parts of your own body
might be spread out all over the world.
Read Full Article ...
October 31 - Catholics, Lutherans look toward Christian unity in Reformation statement
Article: Bridges To Rome
Comment from UTT:
The Lutheran church draws closer and closer
to full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. The road
to Rome continues to be traveled by willing leaders who are
being driven by the ecumenical movement that eventually
unites all denominations and all religions.
The Reformation anniversary
gives us a renewed impetus
to work for reconciliation,
said a statement released
jointly Tuesday by the
Pontifical Council for
Promoting Christian Unity
and the Lutheran World
"We recognize
that while the past cannot
be changed, its influence
upon us today can be
transformed to become a
stimulus for growing
communion, and a sign of
hope for the world to
overcome division and
it said Oct. 31.
"Again, it has become clear
that what we have in common
is far more than that which
still divides us."
The statement
was released to mark the end
of the year of common
commemoration of the 500th
anniversary of the
Read Full Article ...
November 1 - Under the skin: how insertable microchips could unlock the future
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
The implanting of personal identification
electronic chips under the tissues of human flesh is
becoming more and more acceptable for numerous
purposes which fulfills Bible prophecy
The microchip
is about the size of
a grain of rice and usually
inserted in the webbing between
the thumb and forefinger using a
needle the same thickness as
used in body piercing.
It feels, says
insertable technology expert
Kayla Heffernan, like getting a
drip. Once the needle is removed
the incision heals in a few days
microchip remains, allowing the
wearer to open doors with the
brush of a hand - provided they
only wish to access one
particular place.
Read Full Article ...
November 2 - October seismicity in Yellowstone marked by the ongoing but waning swarm
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
The Yellowstone area is being impacted by another swarm of earthquakes
indicating the potential for a major eruption in the future. Other news
items indicate that planet earth is beginning to shake in other places
such as the Alps in France. Are these signs or indicators of what lies
The October
2017 seismicity in Yellowstone
marked by the ongoing but waning
earthquake swarm north of West
Yellowstone, MT, contributing 60
earthquakes to the existing catalog of
2,475 events located in the area since
June, the
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory reports
in their monthly update released
November 1, 2017.
During October 2017, the
University of Utah Seismograph Stations,
responsible for the operation and
analysis of the Yellowstone Seismic
reports that 111
earthquakes were located in the
Yellowstone National Park region.
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland