November 30 - Researchers: 'Super Eruption' More Likely
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
This article documents that super volcanic eruptions have taken place on
earth in the past causing global catastrophic events. The Bible
indicates that such events did happen at the time of the Flood of Noah.
The fact that scientists see the potential of supervolcanic activity
happening in the future also agrees with biblical prophetic predictions
that the earth will experience such events in the near future.
Researchers from
Bristol University,
after studying "100,000 years of
geological record," have concluded the likelihood of a volcanic
"super eruption" is much higher than previously thought.
Read Full Article....
November 29 - True justice and peace are for all people, Pope tells Buddhist leaders
Article: One World Religion
Comment from UTT:
While in Myanmar, Pope Francis met with Buddhist and other religious
leaders to discuss tolerance and peace on earth by advocating that all
religions should work together for the common goal of doing good. Of
course this sounds like the right thing to do and potentially leads to a
one world religion. Pope Francis believes that all religions worship the
same God. This contradicts the Bible.
In a meeting with
Buddhist monks in Burma on Wednesday, Pope
Francis stressed that true and lasting
justice and peace cannot be achieved unless
the dignity of all people is protected.
"Authentic justice
and lasting peace can only be achieved when
they are guaranteed for all,"
Pope Francis said Nov. 29. He
emphasized that his
meeting with the Buddhist monks is an
opportunity to strengthen the bonds of
friendship between Catholics and Buddhists
as well as "affirm a commitment to peace,
respect for human dignity and justice for
every man and woman."
Read Full Article....
December 1 - Interfaith unity is more than tolerance - it needs trust, Pope says
Article: One World Religion
Comment from UTT:
Moving on from Myanmar to Bangladesh, Pope Francis continued on his
Asian tour by calling for tolerance, trust and unity between the world's
religions. The Pope's agenda to bring peace to the world by working
together with the world's religions becomes more and more obvious.
In an encounter with interfaith
leaders in Bangladesh,
Pope Francis
stressed the need to join together in
promoting mutual respect and combating
religiously-justified violence, saying this cannot
be achieved through mere tolerance, but requires
real knowledge and trust of the other.
In a
Dec. 1 meeting with interreligious leaders in
Pope Francis praised them for their
commitment to live together in "mutual respect and
goodwill" in the country, "where the right to
religious freedom is a founding principle."The
fact that they are all meeting together, he said,
"stands as a subtle yet firm rebuke to those who
would seek to foment division, hatred and violence
in the name of religion." Pointing to the commitment
of interfaith leaders in Bangladesh to building a
culture of encounter, Francis said this goal
"entails more than mere tolerance." "It challenges
us to reach out to others in mutual trust and
understanding, and so to build a unity that sees
diversity not as a threat, but as a potential source
of enrichment and growth," he said, adding that it
also serves as a challenge to "cultivate an openness
of heart that views others as an avenue, not a
Read Full Article....
November 26 - There Have Been 698 Earthquakes In California Within The Past 30 Days
Article: Signs Of The Last Times
Comment from UTT:
Cluster earthquakes are happening in various places around the world
indicating that major quakes and/or a volcanic eruptions are about to
happen in the near future. The author of this article suggests that
these are signs indicating that major global catastrophic events lie
just ahead.
Why is the west coast shaking so violently?
According to the latest data from
Earthquake Track,
there have been 698 earthquakes in
California within the past 30 days. By the time that you read this article,
that number will undoubtedly have changed. In recent days I
have felt such an urgency
to write about the seismic
activity on the west coast,
and I am quite concerned that so few people seem to be paying attention to what
is happening.
Read Full Article ...
December 6 - Inside China's 'Big Brother' technology conference where companies reveal how they use AI to spy on citizens without them knowing
Article: Technology And A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
This article explains how China leads the world in the development of
artificial intelligence that is used to monitor their citizens.
Obviously it is only a matter of time that this "big brother" technology
will be used by all countries of the world. This sets up the system the
Bible predicts will be used to monitor and control citizens of the world
for the Antichrist.
Artificial intelligence
companies have shown off their tracking
technology at the World Internet Conference
in China - giving
a glimpse of how citizens are being watched
Read Full Article ...
December 5 - Evangelical Support for Israel Declining, Especially Among Millennials: Survey
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
It should be no surprise that support for Israel by the younger
millennial generation is on the decrease. This goes along with the
statistics showing that fewer younger evangelicals actually believe the
Bible is the word of God. Propaganda from the world and church that has
embraced replacement theology has played an important role in this
Support for Israel is decreasing
among evangelical Christians, particularly among
younger generations,
a new survey shows,
decline borne out of confusion about or
indifference to the world's only Jewish state.
Seventy-seven percent of evangelicals ages 65
and older say they support the existence,
security and prosperity of Israel,
according to a LifeWay Research survey released
Only 58 percent of evangelicals
ages 18 to 34 say the same.
Read Full Article....
December 4 - As Paganism Makes Comeback in Iceland, Temple Erected to Norse God Odin
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
The Bible reveals that when man willingly removes God from his thinking,
he will immediately turn to the pagan gods. This article gives examples
of how this is happening in the world today. The biblical pattern of the
past is being repeated. There is nothing new under the sun.
"On that day, men shall fling away,
to the flying foxes and the bats, the idols of
silver and the idols of gold which they made for
worshiping." (Isaiah 2:20)
As the
pagan Norse religion
makes a roaring comeback
in Iceland, the Asatru
Society is expected to
finish construction of a
new temple - the first
structure dedicated to
the Norse god Odin in
over one thousand years.
The Icelandic Ásatrú
religion follows the
belief systems of the
Old Norse religion, or
Germanic neo-paganism.
The followers worship
the ancient Norse gods
such as Ódin, Thor and
Freyja. There
have been no temples to
the Norse gods in
Iceland for over 900
years, but in 2015, the
Ásatrú Society,
re-established in 1972,
began construction on a
modern temple in
Reykjavík, the capital
of Iceland. It is
expected to be ready for
use sometime this summer
at a final cost of
around $1.25 million.
The pagan
religion is making a
comeback in Iceland,
necessitating the
construction of the new
Read Full Article....
December 3 - UN's Latest Anti-Israel Resolutions Deny Jerusalem Ties and Demand Israel Give Up Golan
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
Anti-Israel resolutions by the United Nations are common and numerous.
Now that Trump has declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel we can
expect that this will only increase.
The United Nations General
Assembly passed six new Arab-sponsored
resolutions condemning Israel on Thursday,
including a resolution erasing all Jewish
connection to the Temple Mount and another
condemning Israel's presence in the Golan
Read Full Article....
December 6 - Netanyahu: 'We have to act now against Iran'
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
The presence of Iranian and
Russian forces in Syria points
to the reality that the war
described in Ezekiel 38 is very
near. Israel has already
indicated they will not sit by
idle and watch this happen. A
major event in Bible prophecy is
about to take place.
Israel won't allow Iran to establish
a military base in Syria,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said
as he
called on the world to halt Iran's development of
ballistic missiles, nuclear power and its support of
global terrorism. "We have to act now against Iran,"
Netanyahu said on Wednesday afternoon at the
Jerusalem Post
Diplomatic Conference.
Read Full Article....
December 6 - Full Video and Transcript: Trump's Speech Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
On December 6, 2017, President Trump declared that the US embassy would
be moved to Jerusalem, and also that Jerusalem would become the capital
of Israel. This is a very significant event in light of Bible prophecy.
President Trump on Wednesday officially
recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, reversing decades
of American foreign policy.
Mr. Trump made
the formal announcement during a speech in the Diplomatic
Reception Room of the White House, with Vice President Mike
Pence standing behind him.The following is a transcript of his
remarks, as prepared by The New York Times.
Read Full Article....
December 6 - Iran 'will not tolerate' Trump Jerusalem 'violation': Rouhani
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Comment from UTT:
While Iran has vowed in the past to wipe out Israel, now that Trump has
declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, their efforts to do so
may be just around the corner.
President Hassan Rouhani
blasted his US counterpart Donald Trump's plan to
recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital on Wednesday, saying
it would not be tolerated. Rouhani also
spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by phone,
describing Trump's
announcement as "wrong, illegitimate, provocative and very
dangerous", according to an account posted
on the Iranian government's website.
Read Full Article....
December 8 - Turkey's Erdogan seeks to lead Muslim response on Jerusalem
Article: Israel And The Last Days
Comment from UTT:
It is interesting to note that the President of Turkey is the person who
is leading the charge to organize resistance against Israel by rallying
other Islamic nations. For years, Bible scholars have pointed out that
Turkey would play a major role in coming against Israel along with Iran
and Russia. Perhaps the recent announcement by Trump to declare
Jerusalem as capital of Israel will be the catalyst that brings this
leader is seeking to spearhead
Islamic reaction to the US
declaration on Jerusalem, but it is
uncertain if he can coordinate a
meaningful response among often
disunited Muslim nations.
Read Full Article....
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland