December 18 - Visa survey shows consumers are ready for biometrics
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
Credit card transactions will soon be shifting to a
biometric means for personal identification. This is one more step
towards a cashless global society that will monitor and control all
transactions as foretold in the Bible.
Consumers are ready to give up passwords
for biometrics, according to survey results from Visa which show
86 percent are interested in using biometrics for identity
verification or to make payments.
Read Full Article....
December 18 - Yale Humanists Seek To Unite New Haven Community With Holiday Obelisk
Article: Miscellaneous
Comment from UTT:
Read this article to see how a group of humanists are expressing a way
to unite people who do not believe in Jesus Christ and Christmas, to
have something to believe in during the Christmas season.
Every holiday season, New Haven's Town Green
lights up with festive cheer. Passers-by flock
to the green space at the center of this
Connecticut city to admire a Christmas
tree, a
nativity scene and
This year,
another temporary structure is making a mark on
the green, and its secular creators hope people
with and without religious belief can appreciate
the message.
The "Lighthouse"
is a 12-foot, nine-sided obelisk created by
local artist Ted Salmon for the Yale Humanist
Community, a group composed of secular Yale
University students and secular residents of the
greater New Haven area. The steel structure,
which was officially dedicated on Sunday,
attempts to encapsulate the hope, beauty and
light that emerges when people of different
beliefs and values come together.
Read Full Article....
December 14 - India Creates The Largest Biometric Database In The World
Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System
Comment from UTT:
Recent reports show that India and China now have the technology to
implement biometric identification for citizens of both nations.
Obviously other countries will follow their lead. For certain, we are
living in the last of the last days as we watch Bible prophecy unfold
Indians are mandated to link all their financial services to the
national ID card, making surveillance ubiquitous with over 1 billion already
signed up. India has already been described as a
Technocracy, but this will certify it.
Surveillance like this, as well a similar program in China, is coming to
America soon, and then it will be too late to escape. You should now see why
India was the first nation to drive cash out of circulation.
⁃ TN Editor
Read Full Article....
December 14 - Humans 2.0: Let's Put A Chip In Your Brain
Article: Transhumanism
Comment from UTT:
Implanting silicon chips that can be linked to computers has moved well
beyond science fiction and is now a reality. This promises mankind a new
potential and the ability to rise a step beyond humanity and a step
closer to godhood. This was Satan's lie to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Mapping the Human Brain project
started by former President Obama is turning into a
full-fledged industry, with just neuroprosthetics
looking at $14.6 billion by 2024. Technocrats invent
because they must, not because there is a legitimate
need to do so.
⁃ TN Editor
Read Full Article ...
December 13 - China Gathering DNA, Iris Scans For Massive Database Of Millions In Muslim Province
Article: One World Government
Comment from UTT:
Read this article to see how Chinese medical authorities are gathering
personal information that is being collected for a data base through the
use of DNA and blood samples. While this is a violation of human rights,
it will only be a matter of time when it will become the norm world
Technocracy at work:
massive surveillance operation masquerades as 'free
healthcare' but collects DNA, blood samples and iris
scans from everyone in the Xinjiang province.
⁃ TN Editor
Chinese police have started gathering
blood types, DNA samples, fingerprints and iris
scans from millions of people in its Muslim-majority
Xinjiang province to build a massive citizen
according to report by activist group Human Rights
Watch (HRW). The report, published Wednesday, said
officials are collecting
the data from citizens between the ages of 12 and 65
years old using a variety of methods. Authorities
are gathering DNA and blood types through free
medical checkups, and HRW
said it is was unclear if patients were aware that
their biometric data was being collected for the
police during these physical exams.
Read Full Article ...
Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith
Sincerely, Roger Oakland