Dear Ron,
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The News In Review newsletter is a service
by Understand The Times that
is a compilation of the news articles
previously posted
on our site . Understand The Times does not
endorse these events but rather is
showing the church the current events.
purpose of posting these articles is to warn the church of deception from a
Biblical perspective.
July 31 - Rev. John Stott dies at 90; influential Anglican evangelist
Article: Social Gospel
Comment from
Understand the Times:
It is a fact that one of
the main pillars of modern ecumenism can be traced to the Lausanne
Covenant that was authored by John Stott. This article explains how
other ecumenists have praised Stott during his life or following his
death. They are Billy Graham, Rick Warren and Richard Mouw.
The Rev. John Stott did not fill stadiums with the faithful like his
longtime friend, Billy Graham, or give the
invocation at a presidential inauguration, as megachurch pastor Rick
Warren did for Barack Obama. Yet he was a giant of the evangelical
world - perhaps the most influential evangelist most people have
never heard of.
Unassuming but erudite, the Anglican pastor who died at 90
Wednesday in Surrey, England, after several months of deteriorating
health, wrote 50 books, including the 1958 classic "Basic
Christianity," which sold more than 2.5 million copies. His book
royalties seeded Langham Partnership International, a nonprofit
organization he founded that trains ministers in 100 countries.
He also was the principal framer of the
Lausanne Covenant, a defining statement that launched the global
evangelical movement.
When Time magazine named him one of the world's 100 most
influential people in 2005, Graham,
who like Warren revered Stott as a mentor, explained why the gentle
Englishman deserved the honor.
"I can't think of anyone
who has been more effective in introducing so many people to a
biblical world view," Graham said. He credited Stott's work
as "a significant factor in the explosive growth of Christianity in
parts of the Third World," which Stott preferred to call the
Majority World.
"He was a very broad-minded evangelical,"
said Richard J. Mouw, president of Fuller Theological Seminary in
Pasadena, which hosted Stott several times.
"He was the kind of person who wanted to bring different factions
together and emphasize what we hold in common."
Stott believed that evangelism was not the only
mission of Christians, a stance that some evangelicals criticized.
He urged Christians not only to spread the gospel but to act on the
Bible's teachings by addressing social
injustice in the world. He wrote and preached on climate change,
global debt and other pressing issues facing contemporary society.
It became a global phenomenon at the International Congress on World
Evangelization, convened by Graham
in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974. With 2,700 participants from 150
nations, half of which belonged to the developing world, it was an
unprecedented gathering, "possibly the widest-ranging meeting of
Christians ever held," Time reported.
Read Full Article ....
July 31 - Toward a cashless society: Treasury printing fewer dollars
Article: One World Government
Comment from Understand the TImes:
There is no
looking back. The cashless global economy is here. It will not be
long when a world currency will be standard. This will be followed
by a global electronic exchange buying and selling system that will
force everyone into the one world economy that will be run by the
This is why
the pope promotes a New World Order and a One World religion. For
those who read this who have been part of the Calvary Chapel
movement, you may want to get up to date. While many in Calvary
Chapel at one time warned about this agenda, they are now getting
involved with Rome in one way or another to help implement the
For evidence
of this, just hold on. We will be soon publishing an article that
will explain what is happening. It seems only those with discernment
are able to see.
Credit or debit. Check or
money order. And don't forget about PayPal and Google Checkout.
Since the late 1980s, the number of payment options has surged
and American consumers have been quick to adopt them.
"There are all sorts of ways that just take cash out of the
picture," said Bill Hardekopf, CEO of LowCards.com.
"We really have been moving toward
a cashless society."
All those changes mean
that fewer and fewer dollars
are being printed. Since 2000,
annual printing totals have been among the
lowest in three decades, according to the
U.S. Bureau of Printing and Engraving. In 2010,
production of $1 and $5 bills reached the
lowest levels in the last 30 years.
The cashless trend
will surely be augmented by the
arrival of Isis, a digital wallet that will allow users to pay
with a swipe of a smart phone. Earlier this month, Visa,
MasterCard, American Express, and Discover all signed on to help
create a "digital wallet." The system is scheduled to roll out
in the first half of 2012.
Debit cards
transactions ranked first in payments per
month in the 2009 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice. Cash came
in second and credit cards, third.
"Consumers are going
to have to become more educated and more savvy about payment
choices and navigating their way through the payment market,"
said Schuh. "Innovation often
brings choice which is good, but it also brings more complexity
and difficulty."
Tony Crisalli, who has
run the Holmdel Village Exxon for 20 years, said
he is seeing fewer and fewer cash
"Even for something as simple as a flat tire, people pay with a
credit card," he said.
Eighty to 90 percent of the gas Crisalli sells is purchased with
credit cards.
"Credit is king," he
Read Full Article....
We hope the Weekly News In Review has been a
blessing to you.
Sincerely, Roger Oakland