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The News In Review newsletter is a service
by Understand The Times that
is a compilation of the news articles
previously posted
on our site . Understand The Times does not
endorse these events but rather is
showing the church the current events.
purpose of posting these articles is to warn the church of deception from a
Biblical perspective.
July 6 - Pope: we should not be afraid to renew the Church's "ancient, passing structures"
Article: Roman Cathloic Church And The Last Days
We should not
be afraid to renew the "ancient, passing structures" of the Church,
following the Holy Spirit, like in the past.
In today's Mass at Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis
touched one of the most pressing issues of his pontificate, namely the
reorganization of the Church's "structures"
Inspired by Jesus's idea of "New wine in new
wineskins", Francis focused on the renewal that Jesus brings, Vatican
Radio reported. "The doctrine of the law," the Pontiff noted, "is
enriched, renewed with Jesus," who delivered "true renewal of the law, the
same law, but more mature, renewed." What Jesus requires of us is greater
than the requirements of the law. The law allows us to hate our enemy;
Jesus, on the other hand, tells us to pray for him. This is then "the
Kingdom of God that Jesus preaches," a renewal that is above all "in our
The Gospel's
newness lies in its newness "but within the same law that comes in the
history of Salvation." And this newness, he said, "goes beyond us," it
renews us and "renews the structures." This is why Jesus says that new
wineskins are necessary for new wine:
"In Christian life, even in the life of the
Church, there are old structures, passing
structures. It is necessary to renew them! And the Church has always been
attentive to this, with dialogue with cultures . . . It always allows itself
to be renewed according to places, times, and persons" it encounters. "The
Church has always done this!"
Read Full Article....
July 9 - Decree of Plenary Indulgence for World Youth Day
Article: Roman Cathloic Church And The Last Days
Here is the translation of the Decree of
Plenary Indulgence on the occasion of the 28th World Youth Day in
Rio de Janeiro.
gift of Indulgences is granted on the occasion of the "28th World
Youth Day," which will be held at Rio de Janeiro
during the current Year of Faith.
The Holy Father Francis, desiring
that young people -- in union with the spiritual ends of the Year of
Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI --,
are able to obtain the hoped for fruits of
sanctification from the "28th World Youth Day,"-- which
will be held from the 22nd to the 29th of the month of July at Rio
de Janeiro, and which will have as its theme "Go and Make Disciples
of All Nations (cf. Matthew 28:19)," -- during the audience given
last June 3 to the undersigned Cardinal Major Penitentiary,
manifesting the maternal heart of the
Church, of the Treasure of the satisfactions of Our Lord Jesus
Christ, of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the Saints, has
agreed that young people and all the faithful adequately prepared
can benefit from the gift of the Indulgences as follows:
a Plenary Indulgence is granted, obtainable once a day with the
usual conditions (Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion and
prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff) and also
applicable by way of suffrage to the souls of the deceased faithful,
for the faithful who are truly repentant and contrite, who will
participate devotedly in the sacred rites and pious exercises which
will take place at Rio de Janeiro.
The faithful who are legitimately
impeded, will be able to obtain the
Plenary Indulgence provided that, complying with the usual
spiritual, sacramental and prayerful conditions, with the intention
of filial submission to the Roman Pontiff, participate spiritually
in the sacred functions during the specified days, provided that
they follow the same rites and pious exercises while they are taking
place, through television and radio or, always with the due
devotion, through the new means of social communication;
The Partial Indulgence is granted to the faithful, wherever they are
during the said meeting, whenever, at least with a contrite spirit,
they raise fervent prayers to God, concluding with the official
prayer of the World Youth Day, and devout invocations to the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Queen of Brazil, under the title of "Our Lady of
Conception Aparecida," as well as to the other Patrons and
Intercessors of the same meeting, in order to stimulate young people
to reinforce themselves in the Faith and to lead a holy life.
so that the faithful can easily make
themselves participants in these heavenly gifts, the priests,
legitimately approved for the hearing of sacramental confessions,
with a prompt and generous spirit are ready to receive them and
propose to the faithful public prayers, for the success of the same
"World Youth Day."
Read Full Article....
We hope the Weekly News In Review has been a
blessing to you.
Sincerely, Roger Oakland