April 14, 2014- April 20, 2014 
 News In Review
 Vol 9, Issue 16
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The News In Review newsletter is a service provided by Understand The Times that is a compilation of the news articles previously posted on our site . Understand The Times does not endorse these events but rather is showing the church the current events.  The purpose of posting these articles is to warn the church of deception from a Biblical perspective.

 April 14 - Pope Francis To Visit Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love in May
 Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days

The Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amore (Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love) has confirmed that Pope Francis will the famed Roman sanctuary on May 18th.
The shrine, which is comprised of the original church built in 1745 and the current church built in 1999, is a place of pilgrimage held dear to Romans. An image of Our Lady with the Child Jesus that is considered miraculous is housed in the sanctuary.
The Holy Father's predecessors have visited the pilgrimage site in the past. Blessed John Paul II visited the shrine twice: on June 7, 1987 and July 4, 1999. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI visited the shrine on May 1st, 2006.
Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has shown particular devotion to the Blessed Mother. The morning after his election, he made an unannounced visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. He visited the same Basilica before and after his apostolic visit to Brazil for World Youth Day.
"Our journey of faith is the same as that of Mary, and so we feel that she is particularly close to us," Pope Francis said on the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, on January 1st, 2014. "As far as faith, the hinge of the Christian life, is concerned, the Mother of God shared our condition," he added. "She had to take the same path as ourselves, a path which is sometimes difficult and obscure. She had to advance in the 'pilgrimage of faith'". (J.A.E.)

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 April 14 - Reaching the Middle Men in the Ecumenical Movement
 Article: Bridges To Rome

ZENIT: Couldn't we say that the Church has made Christian unity (ecumenism) a priority since Vatican II, and definitely over the last three pontificates. Are we getting anywhere? What's the ecumenical landscape today?
Deacon Wentworth: There are numerous efforts that are happening worldwide, I believe, directly because of the initiative of Vatican II. We have the official dialogues that have resulted in major agreements between Christian traditions, such as the Joint Declaration on Justification between the Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions. This declaration in effect ended Luther's final debate. There are also grassroots efforts among the laity that are changing the attitudes among Christians of every stream. The pro-life movement is causing Christians to rethink their prejudices of each other. The new Fatherhood campaign, the Reclaiming Easter project, Cry Out America, and The National Day of Prayer are others, to mention just a few. 
ZENIT: Pope Francis is following his predecessors' lead in calling for Christian unity, but his recent outreach to Kenneth Copeland has been called unprecedented. What is your analysis of what happened?
Deacon Wentworth: Pope Francis took the relationship from theological formation to human formation. We are too busy most of the time trying to prove our point, instead of trying to relate to our fellow Christians and members of the same family. We theologically recognize their baptism, but we treat them as the prodigal son. The Holy Father modeled the father in the parable of the prodigal son. We get to choose if we are going to model the father or if we are going to act like the older brother.

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 April 14 - Police Are Testing a "Live Google Earth" To Watch Crime As It Happens
 Article: Miscellaneous

In Compton last year, police began quietly testing a system that allowed them to do something incredible: Watch every car and person in real time as they ebbed and flowed around the city. Every assault, every purse snatched, every car speeding away was on record-all thanks to an Ohio company that monitors cities from the air. The Center for Investigative Reporting takes a look at a number of emerging surveillance technologies in a new video, but one in particular stands out: A wide-area surveillance system invented by Ross McNutt, a retired Air Force veteran who owns a company called Persistent Surveillance Systems.

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 April 11 - Biometric security can't come soon enough for some people
 Article: Technology For A Global Monetary System

In a world where nearly every ATM now uses an operating system without any technical support, where a bug can force every user of the Internet to change the password to every account they've ever owned overnight, where cyber-attacks and identity theft grow more menacing every day, the ability to use your voice, your finger, your face or some combination of the three to log into your e-mail, your social media feed or your checking account allows you to ensure it's very difficult for someone else to pretend they're you.
"The system is essential broken," Bionyn CEO Karl Martin said. "The idea that technology uses this secret string of letters and numbers to know who we are and we have to remember [that string of numbers and letters] is archaic."
Biometric innovators like Karl continue to develop new ways for our bodies to sign in for us. Martin's Nymi bracelet, for example, allows users to enter a password with only the beating of their heart.
Whether hardware or software, implementation all of these biometric advances requires an overhaul of infrastructure. The good news about the death of Windows XP is that it forces banks to upgrade the security systems used in their ATMs, allowing at least an opportunity to implement some new technology.

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We hope the Weekly News In Review has been a blessing to you.

Roger Oakland

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