Out of India - A true
story about the New Age movement by Caryl Matrisciana Description:
Born and raised in India, Caryl was surrounded by
Hinduism – an all encompassing religion that embraces Yoga, Eastern
Mysticism, reincarnation and at its heart, the belief that all is
divine. Raised a devout Roman Catholic, Caryl realized that Catholicism, Hinduism and the New Age Movement were all comprised of similar beliefs which had managed to gain inroads into various Protestant denominations. By the mid 1990s, this New Age spirituality was calling itself the Emerging Church and being welcomed into the Evangelical Church. Today, the New Spirituality, with its foundation in Eastern Contemplative Mysticism accepts interspirituality, the idea that all religions are equal paths to God. Out of India traces the roots of New Age emerging spirituality currently infiltrating global business, education, government, medicine and now even believers – seducing millions of Christians away from the truth of Biblical Christianity.