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Roger Oakland's letter to Paul Crouch regarding TBN promoting Roman Catholic dogma |
July 5, 2006 Paul Crouch, President Dear Paul, I am writing this letter is to ask you to respond to some concerns that I have regarding the direction your Trinity Broadcasting Network is headed. Although you claim you are promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ, there is factual evidence that your organization is becoming a tool of the Roman Catholic Church and you are promoting another gospel that leads to another Christ. Several years ago, while visiting your facility on Bear Street in Costa Mesa, I noticed a picture of you and your son Matt shaking hands with Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square in Rome. I also noticed at this time that you had a statue of the Queen of Heaven (“Mary”) wearing her crown and holding baby Jesus, displayed in clear view on the second floor. Since that time, I noticed that some of your programming and your practices indicate you are either not aware or not concerned about the false teachings promoted by the Roman Catholic Church. Such practices are not only confusing to the millions of Christians who look to you for leadership, they are also spiritually lethal in that you have the potential to mislead people into believing they are Christians when, according to the Scriptures they are not. For the past several years, I have been researching the “New Evangelization” program implemented by the Roman Catholic Church. This is a well documented agenda to win the world to the Eucharistic Jesus. I have personally heard you say that you have taken the word “Protestant” out of your vocabulary. This causes me to wonder if you understand why the Reformers were protesting and the fact that many were willing to die for their faith in Jesus Christ alone. It can be documented that many Evangelical Protestant organizations have been influenced by the teachings of Rome promoted by Jesuits and other Roman Catholic influences. We are living in a day when we see many being drawn towards a one world religion for the cause of peace in the name of Christ as the Bible predicts. When I see your willingness to promote Roman Catholic dogma and doctrine, it would seem that TBN has been influenced by this agenda as well. I have just returned from Rome, Italy and saw first hand the Roman Catholic Jesus (the Eucharistic Jesus) on public display on Corpus Christi Day (June 15, 2006). I also saw many devoted Roman Catholics bowing down to a monstrance that contained a piece of bread they believed to be the actual presence of Jesus Christ. Further, these same Catholics are taught to believe that the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross was not sufficient. The Sacrament of the Eucharist, administered by priests who have been ordained by the “One True Church” (The Mother of All Churches) provides the only true way of salvation. Perhaps you are not aware that one of the major goals of the New Evangelization program is to win the world to the Eucharistic Jesus and establish the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus here on planet earth. This is a diabolical plan to establish the Kingdom of God under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, administered by the pope in Rome. Unfortunately, many “Protestant” evangelical Christians, some of whom you promote on TBN, also have a plan to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth. It would seem this “Kingdom Now” plan has the potential of merging with the Roman Catholic plan. I had considered writing you before, but until today I neglected to carry out what the Lord was prompting me to do. Someone, aware of my concerns with regard to the Roman Catholic New Evangelization program, notified me that your TBN “Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh” Online Bookstore distributed a number of books promoting Roman Catholic teachings. After doing a search of your site, I was astounded to see the number of unbiblical titles that you are promoting. The following list includes a few examples:
http://www.parable.com/tbn/item_1569550956.htm http://www.parable.com/tbn/item_1593250630.htm
http://www.parable.com/tbn/item_0809139251.htm Paul, this by no means is an exhaustive list of the books that you carry in your bookstore documenting you are on the road to Roman Catholicism. For example a search of your site produces the following:
You will notice that the last three books in the list that I have provided summarize where you are headed – That All May Be One – headed to Rome to worship and adore the Roman Catholic Jesus. What I have perceived about the direction you seem to be headed is confirmed by the books, teachings, dogmas that you are promoting -- the same ones that are promoted by the Roman Catholic Church that are not found in the Bible. Tragically, there is more! Not only does your “Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh” Online Bookstore promote purgatory, the Sacraments, the Sacrament of the Eucharist, Eucharistic adoration and the “veneration” of “Mary”, you also promote Hinduism and Buddhism as a means of getting closer to God. How books with the following titles could appear on a web site that is supposed to be associated with the Jesus of the Bible is beyond belief and certainly without excuse.
http://www.parable.com/tbn/item_0814627587.htm Paul, it is difficult to believe that this onslaught of material promoting “Christian Babylonianism” could be promoted by your organization without you being aware. In order to document what you are doing I actually ordered several of these heretical books online and had them sent to me. Further, I have included the links to these books from your online bookstore so that you can check this out for yourself. These materials which you are distributing in the name of Jesus Christ have the potential of leading people away from the truth to a lost eternity in hell. This is an abomination that must be corrected or exposed. It seems apparent that you have entered into an agreement with Roman Catholic officials to work together as partners of the “New Evangelization” program. I noticed in the photo of you in Rome that you handed Pope John Paul II a gift (the dove). I have been told by one of your staff members that the idol of “Our Lady of Loretto” that you have on the second floor of TBN headquarters in Costa Mesa was a “gift” given to you and Jan. I am highly suspect of its origin. While in Rome a few weeks ago, I watched TBN as it was broadcast in Rome. I found this rather amazing in light of the fact that born-again Christians who live in Rome (who do not attend the Roman Catholic Church and attend Mass) are considered to belong to a “cult” form of Christianity. My question is simple and straightforward: what kind of agreement did you establish with the Roman Catholic Church? When I see the volume of heretical Catholic books you are promoting, it would seem the answer to my question is obvious. I urge you to take action. You must renounce your support of the Roman Catholic agenda to win the world to the Roman Catholic Jesus. In the Old Testament, the prophets called by God, pleaded with their generation to turn away from false gods and turn back to true and living God and His Word. You must heed the same warnings from Scripture. If you do not, you will be held accountable before God for propagating doctrines of demons. If you would like to meet with me personally, I would be more than willing to do so. It is imperative you publicly renounce the error your organization has made and repent. You must also publicly warn your viewing audience of the great delusion that you have helped to promote or you will be guilty of partnering with the Roman Catholic Church that is preparing a counterfeit bride for a counterfeit Christ the Bible so clearly warns will be revealed in the Last Days. I hope and pray that you will take this matter seriously. You have the potential with your TBN network to reach the world with the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I exhort you to do what is right, right now.
Sincerely in
The Times |
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