Bridges To Rome
and Genetic Engineering
Emerging Church
Good News
Israel and the Last Days Masons
and Freemasonry
New Age
One World Government
One World Religion Perilous Times
Rising Interest in the Supernatural
Catholic Church and Last Days Social Gospel
Signs and Wonders
Signs of the Last Times
For Global Monetary System
Transhumanism |
Christianity |
and Rumors of Wars
and Genetic Engineering Archive |
Nov 6, 2006 |
Plan to create human-cow embryos |
June 18, 2006
Mixing animal, human cells gets exotic |
May 31, 2006
Is there a human right to be superhuman? |
May 10, 2006 |
Scientists to create 'frankenbunny' in big
research leap |
Apr.6, 2006
Researchers Regenerate Tendons, Ligaments
With Stem Cells |
Apr.4, 2006 |
Doctors grow organs from patients' own cells |
Jan.20, 2006 |
problems and Mickey Mousetalking mice |
Jan.19, 2006 |
Stem cell experts seek rabbit-human embryo |
Dec.19, 2005 |
Creating First Synthetic Life Form |
Dec.13, 2005 |
Mice Created With Human Brain Cells |
Oct.14, 2005 |
The Key To The Gates Of Hell |
Oct.8, 2005 |
New Zealand scientists intend to use human cells to genetically engineer
cows |
Sep.23, 2005 |
Scientists implant human chromosome in mice |
Sep.9, 2005 |
Scientists win right to create human embryo with three genetic parents |
Aug.24, 2005
Cloned wildcats prove ability to reproduce |
Aug.19, 2005 |
Creating Life from Scratch, One Molecule at a Time |
July.27, 2005 |
South Koreans clone dog |
July.27, 2005 |
Japanese develop 'female' android |
July.24, 2005 |
We are approaching an uncertain future with the so-called enhanced
humanity we are creating |
July.17, 2005 |
Clones: What are they good for? |
July.11, 2005 |
'Human-brained' monkeys |
Jun.27, 2005 |
The cyborgs are coming |
Jun.27, 2005
Boffins create zombie dogs |
Jun.22, 2005
'Two Dad' Babies on the Horizon?
Jun.7, 2005
No human clones this century - stem cell expert
May.27, 2005
Another Missy - Can dog cloning be far off?
May.19, 2005
UK scientists clone human embryo
Apr.24, 2005
GM industry puts human gene into rice
Apr.21, 2005
Blending of species raises ethical issues
Feb.13, 2005
U.N. Talks Seek Compromise on Human Cloning Ban
Feb.9, 2005
Dolly creator to clone human embryos
Feb.8, 2005
'Dolly' scientist gets human cloning license
Jan.25, 2005
Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy
Dec.23, 2004
Cloned Cat Sale
Dec.7, 2004
Scientists Close to Cloning Monkey
Dec.6, 2004
Christian Doctor Warns Against Radical Human Hybrid
Dec.5, 2004
Dolly creator on mission to make a mouse
Dec.3, 2004
'We will be able to live to 1,000'
Nov.20, 2004
Of mice, men and in-between
Nov.19, 2004
U.N. Deadlocks on Cloning Ban
Oct.4, 2004
Scientists seek to create 'three-parent' babies
Sep.28, 2004
Dolly scientists' human clone bid
Aug.30, 2004
First steps in cloning from dead
Jul.26, 2004
Japan gives green light to human cloning
Apr.21, 2004
Scientists create mice with 2 genetic moms, no dad
Feb.18, 2004
The Human Body Shop: The Cloning, Engineering, and Marketing of Life
Feb.18, 2004
Dolly's creator defends human cloning studies
Feb.1, 2004
School Uses Cells From Aborted Fetuses
Jan.18, 2004
Brave New Babies
Jan.17, 2004
Doctor Says He Has Implanted Cloned Human Embryo
Jan.16, 2004
US doctor visits London to find woman to carry cloned baby
Jan.14, 2004
Knesset panel to reconsider ban on cloning
Dec.16, 2003
New Jersey Legislature Passes "Most Radical" Cloning Bill Ever
Dec.16, 2003
Human Clone Experiment Repeated Successfully
create sperm from stem cells
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