Bridges To Rome
and Genetic Engineering
Emerging Church
Good News
Israel and the Last Days Masons
and Freemasonry
New Age
One World Government
One World Religion Perilous Times
Rising Interest in the Supernatural
Catholic Church and Last Days Social Gospel
Signs and Wonders
Signs of the Last Times
For Global Monetary System
Transhumanism |
Christianity |
and Rumors of Wars
Catholic Church And The Last Days Archive
Dec 31, 2007 |
The frail Child, born of the Virgin Mother,
is the Prince of Peace, says Pope |
Dec 29, 2007 |
Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on
Satan |
Dec 24, 2007 |
'Blair's plan to convert began at 10 Downing
Street' |
Dec 22, 2007 |
Blair converts to Catholicism |
Dec 17, 2007 |
Contact with saints leads people to true
spiritual resurrection, says Benedict XVI |
Dec 11, 2007 |
News Alert -
Seeking Spiritual Moms for Priests |
Dec 11, 2007 |
Mary Inspires Believers to Fight Evil, Says
Cardinal |
Dec 9, 2007 |
News Alert -
Presents Mary as Road to Peace |
Dec 8, 2007 |
Pope: The Immaculate Conception, the Mother
of Love for the young "victims of corruption" |
Dec 7, 2007 |
Though church bans women priests more and
more women are saying, 'Why wait?' |
Dec 5, 2007 |
Plenary Indulgence granted for 150th
anniversary of Lourdes |
Nov 30, 2007 |
Pope pens new hymn to Mary in "Saved by
Hope" |
Nov 30, 2007 |
Pope's new encyclical calls for a
rediscovery of hope |
Nov 26, 2007 |
News Alert -
Rise of Pentecostalism Spurs Call for
Catholic 'Self-Examination' |
Nov 18, 2007 |
Natural disasters and human tragedies do not
mean the end of the world, says Pope |
Nov 14, 2007 |
Benedict XVI Welcomes Relics of St. Thérčse |
Nov 13, 2007 |
Catholic University to Give Award to
Goddess-Worshipping Theologian |
Nov 13, 2007 |
Celebrations organized for the 150th
anniversary of Lourdes apparitions |
Nov 13, 2007 |
The "Eucharist as Communication" is theme of
the next Bishops' Meet |
Nov 12, 2007 |
"Evangelization depends on an encounter with
Christ," says Pope |
Nov 8, 2007 |
Look to the Church Fathers to shed light on
modern problems, writes the Pope |
Nov 6, 2007 |
A new campus for the “New Evangelization” |
Nov 3, 2007 |
'Pray for the Dead' says Cardinal Arinze |
Nov 1, 2007 |
Italian dioceses exchanges Halloween for
vigil invoking Holy Spirit |
Oct 16, 2007 |
Aiming to Stoke Eucharistic Fervor in Canada |
Oct 15, 2007 |
Fatima's message is that following Gospel is
path to peace, pope says |
Oct 10, 2007 |
Benedict XVI Praying for Catholic-Orthodox
Meeting |
Oct 7, 2007 |
News Alert -
Pray Rosary for Peace, Benedict XVI Urges |
Oct 6, 2007 |
The Little Flower showers roses and
blessings |
Oct 5, 2007 |
Fatima shrine given €80m facelift to counter
zealotry |
Oct 1, 2007 |
Indian priest says his cure was miracle
through Mother Teresa |
Sept 27,2007 |
Experts to Study Mary's Ecumenical Role |
Sept 27,2007 |
6 nuns in Arkansas excommunicated for heresy |
Sept 25,2007 |
East meets West – Theologian’s work sets off
Vatican’s doctrinal alarms |
Sept 25,2007 |
Vatican warning over pope 'relic' |
Sept 23,2007 |
Pope asks Christians, Muslims to find Common
Ground |
Sept 21,2007 |
Cardinal Ouellet invites the West to
Congress |
Sept 21,2007 |
Act more in the interests of neighbors as
Good Samaritan, Australian bishops urge |
Sept 21,2007 |
UCAN: 'Miraculous' Marian statue seen as
living miracle |
Sept 17,2007 |
25 Years of Vigilance |
Sept 13,2007 |
John Paul II Relics Available - Vicariate of
Rome Accepting Requests |
Sept 9,2007 |
Catholic Outreach Program - Professor
explains why he became Catholic |
Sept 7,2007 |
Look to Mary, Pope Urges Faithful |
Sept 7,2007 |
Christianity not just legacy, but future
way, pope says in Austria |
Sept 1,2007 |
Pope: Loreto, young people's spiritual
capital |
Aug 31,2007 |
Beads to Unite Believers on Rosary Day -
Marian Devotion on the Rise, Says Scholar |
Aug 27,2007 |
News Alert:
Appearances of "Christ" |
Aug 27,2007 |
Praying at Our Lady of Tewatte to heal sick
people and a sick nation |
Aug 26,2007 |
Get Your "Passport" Ready for Heaven, Says
Pope |
Aug 23,2007 |
The Mailbag: Reports Claim A 'Bleeding' Host
In Outback Of Africa, Statue In India |
Aug 22 2007 |
Pontiff Invites Youth: Let Mary Protect You |
Aug 21, 2007 |
Friars spread papal message of love during
march |
Aug 19, 2007 |
On the Peace Christ Brought |
Aug 17, 2007 |
Papal Q-and-A Session With Priests, Part 2 |
Aug 15, 2007 |
Canadian Catholic News: Cardinal hopes int'l
'08 Eucharistic Congress will start a globalization of love |
Aug 14, 2007 |
Millions gather for rare Marian procession
in southern India |
Aug 10, 2007 |
Statue of Our Lady of America comes to St.
Louis |
July 25, 2007 |
News Alert -
Text of Pope Benedict XVI’s message for World Youth Day |
July 24, 2007 |
Return of Latin mass sparks old vestment
hunt |
July 23, 2007 |
Pope Calls for Peace to Make 'Heaven' on Earth |
July 20, 2007 |
News Alert -
‘08 Int’l Eucharistic Congress youth organizer sees signs of renewal |
July 11, 2007 |
Document Released By Pope Stirs Catholic
Controversy |
July 10, 2007 |
Vatican doctrine congregation reaffirms
truth, oneness, fullness of Catholic Church |
July 10, 2007 |
News Alert -
Non-Catholic churches 'wounded,' Vatican says (Roman Catholic Church
Only True Church) |
July 7, 2007 |
Pope Benedict XVI winning hearts and money |
July 7, 2007 |
Pope Eases Use of Latin Mass |
July 7, 2007 |
The Ratzinger Effect: more money, more
pilgrims – and lots more Latin |
July 4, 2007 |
“For women and men engaged in ministry in
the Diocese of Oakland” |
June 21, 2007 |
WorkCamp andThe Inspiration of Our Youth |
June 15, 2007 |
Holy Stairs Restored |
June 12, 2007 |
When A Host Isn't Swallowed |
May 28, 2007 |
Marian shrine in Madhu to become 'peace
zone' |
May 28, 2007 |
Pope Benedict XVI upgrades Vatican's
relations with Islam |
May 28, 2007 |
Alpha for Catholics |
May 28, 2007 |
Roman Catholics Join Hands With Chanting
Tantric Monks |
May 23, 2007 |
Pope Considers Return To Latin Mass |
May 23, 2007 |
Baby's 'miracle' recovery in British
hospital to give Malta its first saint |
May 20, 2007 |
The New Evangelization in the UK |
May 18, 2007 |
Blair 'planning to become a Catholic after
he quits No 10' |
May 13, 2007 |
Pope Seeks to Stem Latin American Decline |
May 6, 2007 |
Pope hopes visit will beat back surging
Pentecostal tide in Brazil |
Apr 26, 2007 |
The Tide Is Turning Toward Catholicism |
Apr 26, 2007 |
Vatican Message to Buddhists |
Apr 20, 2007 |
Pope shifts on limbo; says unbaptized babies
have hope |
Apr 20, 2007 |
Benedict meets new UN Secretary-General
Apr 12, 2007 |
Adoration Chapel an 'oasis of peace', prayer |
Apr 12, 2007 |
Vatican threatens to boycott Holocaust
memorial |
Apr 2, 2007 |
News Alert -
Paul a step closer to sainthood |
Apr 1, 2007 |
John Paul Sainthood Push Moving Ahead
Mar 28, 2007 |
Bishops defend Catholic Church from false
teachings, pope says |
Mar 27, 2007 |
New image of Christ in Tignish church |
Mar 20, 2007 |
Latin Mass Society welcomes Papal document
on Eucharist |
Mar 19, 2007 |
Vatican Approval For Rwandan Apparitions
Documentary |
Mar 16, 2007 |
Non-stop dancing helps Indian Catholics take
new steps in faith |
Mar 13, 2007 |
Vatican plans new TV network |
Mar 13, 2007 |
See Eucharist as real presence, live faith
fully, pope says in exhortation |
Mar 10, 2007 |
Pope's envoy hails Putin meeting |
Mar 6, 2007 |
Rediscovering Eucharistic Adoration |
Feb 25, 2007 |
Enthusiastic Catholics clamor for Mass of
past |
Feb 21, 2007 |
KFC Appeals to Higher Authority by Asking for Papal Blessing for New
KFC(R) Fish Snacker Sandwich |
Feb 19, 2007 |
Cardinal's permission for gays' Mass dismays
Catholic traditionalists |
Jan 23, 2007 |
Nun's The Word |
Jan 19, 2007 |
News Alert -
Vatican display exhibits eucharistic miracles |
Jan 8, 2007 |
Pope urges today's Wise Men to shape a world
based on Christ |
Jan 3, 2007 |
Catholicism Top Faith in U.S. Congress |
Dec 28, 2006 |
Pope asked to let Muslims pray in cathedral |
Dec 12, 2006 |
Rosary at Rose Bowl set for May 19, 2007 |
Dec 8, 2006 |
New Statue of Our Lady of America |
Dec 5, 2006 |
Virgin Mary shrine at tree stump gets
permanent shelter |
Dec 5, 2006 |
Vatican archaeologists unearth St. Paul's
tomb |
Dec 4, 2006 |
'The Nativity Story' Movie Problematic for
Catholics |
Dec 4, 2006 |
Pilgrim statue visits inmates |
Dec 1, 2006 |
Rwanda: Thousands Pray At Marian Shrine As
Jubilee Year Opens |
Nov 30, 2006 |
Documentary on Marian images to debut in
December |
Nov 12, 2006 |
Pope calls for change to world's economy |
Oct 24, 2006 |
Lay ministers may not cleanse Communion vessels, Pope Benedict says |
Oct 19, 2006 |
News Alert -
Non-Catholic visitor sees Jesus in local chapel |
Oct 8, 2006 |
Woman joins small club of ‘consecrated
virgins’ |
Oct 5, 2006 |
Pope abolishes Limbo |
Sept 28, 2006 |
Pope urges religious tolerance, openness to others |
Sept 23, 2006 |
Mexican president says he will thank Virgin of Guadalupe for allowing
him to govern |
Sept 23, 2006 |
Greek Police Recover 'Miracle' Icon |
Sept 15, 2006 |
World of Islam condemns pope's remarks |
Sept 14, 2006 |
12,000 pilgrims attend coronation of Mary,
Mediatrix |
Sept 12, 2006 |
Converts from Islam on pilgrimage to
Mariamabad, "Asia's Lourdes" |
Sept 12, 2006 |
Pope Gives His Cardinal's Ring to Mary at
Altoetting |
Sept 10, 2006 |
Pope Begins Visit to Bavaria at Feet of Mary |
Aug 31, 2006 |
300,000 Marian devotees gather to pray for
peace in Sri Lanka |
Aug 25, 2006 |
Pope Greets Meeting on Global Emergencies |
Aug 24, 2006 |
Holy shell? Family sees Mary's image on
turtle |
Aug 23, 2006 |
Pope Benedict: Read Book of Revelation as
Christ's victory over evil |
Aug 22, 2006 |
Perfumed water from Virgin Mary statue |
Aug 15, 2006 |
Pope: to Mary, Queen of peace, I entrust
anxieties of world rent by violence |
Aug 4, 2006 |
St. Joseph is hot as housing market cools |
Aug 2, 2006 |
Pope Calls for Immediate End to Conflict |
July 31, 2006 |
Catholics must unite behind the pope for
peace |
July 20, 2006 |
‘Holy Communion not for sale' |
July 17, 2006 |
Pope asks Catholics to pray for Mary's
intercession in Holy Land |
July 3, 2006 |
When You Go To Mass, Remember That It's Not
Just A Ritual |
June 19, 2006 |
Exploring a Catholic rite |
June 16, 2006 |
Eucharist Is "Bread From Heaven," Says Pope |
June 18, 2006 |
On the Eucharist - "'Treasure' of the
Church" |
June 18, 2006 |
Catholics renew commitment to faith at College Park gathering (Annual
Eucharistic Conference) |
June 16, 2006 |
Father Cantalamessa on Corpus Christi |
June 15, 2006 |
Pope leads Corpus Christi procession through
Rome |
June 9, 2006 |
Randall Terry (founder of Operation Rescue)
converts to Catholicism |
June 9, 2006 |
Catholics Unshaken By Huge Scandals Because
Eucharist Is At Church's Core |
June 6, 2006 |
Benedict XVI Eager for Document on Eucharist |
June 5, 2006 |
Pope and Blair Talk Faith and Peace in First
Private Meeting |
May 17, 2006 |
Rosary Aids Spiritual Growth, Says Pope |
May 14, 2006 |
Pope: Immaculate Heart of Mary watches over
journey of Church and mankind |
May 13, 2006 |
Vatican Marks 25 Years since Papal Shooting |
May 11, 2006 |
Pope Benedict chides Canadian Bishops:
rediscover centrality of the Eucharist |
May 8, 2006 |
Fatima statue in Rome on anniversary of
papal-assassination attempt |
May 5, 2006 |
Creationism dismissed as 'a kind of
paganism' by Vatican's astronomer |
Apr 30, 2006 |
Pope entrusts to Mary world “marked by
shadows” |
Apr 25, 2006 |
Benedict XVI Grateful for Rome's Embrace -
City Honors Its Bishop With a Concert |
Apr 21, 2006 |
Bleeding Host - A Eucharistic Miracle? |
Apr 21, 2006 |
Controversy erupts after Catholic,
Protestant clerics concelebrate Easter mass |
Apr 15, 2006 |
Non-Christians in church flock |
Apr 7, 2006 |
French Bishops Open to Lefebvre's Followers |
Mar 31, 2006 |
Cost of clergy sex abuse now exceeds $1.5
billion |
Mar 29, 2006 |
Mission Chicago seeks to 'jump-start'
evangelization |
Mar 25, 2006 |
Pope: Virgin Mary Saved Pope John Paul's
Life In St. Peter's |
Mar 19, 2006 |
Vatican Change of Heart Over 'Barbaric'
Crusades |
Mar 16, 2006 |
US Catholic Bishops: Take a Mulligan on St.
Patrick's Day |
Mar 14, 2006 |
Could reported miracle bring beatification a
step closer for John Paul II? |
Mar 14, 2006 |
Vatican accused of helping radicals by
backing Islamic hour in schools |
Mar 5, 2006 |
Pope Backs Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Particularly in Rome Diocese |
Mar 5, 2006 |
Pontiff Meets With President of Italian
Senate |
Mar 4, 2006 |
Church denies Communion to autistic boy |
Feb 22, 2006 |
Bishop of Rome Explains His Universal Role |
Feb 20, 2006
Rare wooden Jesus figurine consecrated in
Chennai church |
Feb 14, 2006 |
World Apostolate of Fatima Sees Status
Upgraded |
Feb 13, 2006 |
Church Digs Mel Gibson's $5 Million |
Jan 25, 2006 |
To bring about peace, end to violence, faithful must take
the side of God, love, justice, says Pope |
Jan 11, 2006 |
Pope adds red to wardrobe |
Jan 8, 2006 |
Pope Baptizes Newborns in Sistine Chapel |
Jan 1, 2006 |
Pope Warns of 3 Key Threats to Peace -
Terrorism, Nihilism and Fanatic Fundamentalism |
Dec 18, 2005
Seeing Mary all over again |
Dec 13, 2005 |
Faithful Claim Miracles Coming From Weeping
Mary |
Dec 9, 2005 |
Pope prays at Marian statue in Rome |
Dec 8, 2005 |
Mary has accompanied Church in 40 years
since Council |
Nov 30, 2005 |
Nonbelievers Too Can Be Saved, Says Pope |
Nov 30, 2005 |
Limbo consigned to history books |
Nov 28, 2005 |
Pontiff Tells Young Dutch How to Know Christ
Through Prayer, Eucharist and Sacrament of Reconciliation |
Nov 28, 2005 |
Pope's Advent message: God calls us to
communion which is fully realized in Christ's return |
Nov 26, 2005 |
Believers Flock to 'Crying' Virgin Mary |
Nov 25, 2005 |
Vittorio Messori and "The Mary Hypothesis" |
Nov 21, 2005 |
Eucharist and Marian Devotion |
Nov 20, 2005 |
Don't Confuse True and False Religion, Says
Cardinal |
Nov 20, 2005 |
Islanders pray to Jesus image on plant pot
Nov 16, 2005
The Virgin Mary gaining admirers |
Nov 11, 2005 |
Pope reminds all faithful need Jesus to
'take their hand and lead them to the Father's House' (urges faithful to
pray for the dead) |
Nov 9, 2005 |
Miracles & Mary: Illinois A Mecca For
Sightings |
Nov 7, 2005 |
Evolution in the bible, says Vatican |
Nov 6, 2005 |
Pope Encourages Spiritual Reading of Scripture At Angelus Address, He
Extols "Lectio Divina" |
Nov 3, 2005 |
Vatican to Catholics: Listen to scientists: Cardinal -Believers
otherwise risk 'becoming prey to fundamentalism' |
Oct 29, 2005 |
Labyrinth provides monastery residents with
'inner journey' |
Oct 26, 2005 |
Catholic priests seek to adopt Hindu rituals |
Oct 25, 2005 |
Vatican Organizing a Congress on Catholic TV
To Promote Collaboration and Intercommunication |
Oct 25, 2005
Ratzinger’s Revolution Passes with Flying
Colors |
Oct 24, 2005 |
Pope entrusts Synod to care of Mary,
stresses bond between Eucharist and Church's mission |
Oct 20, 2005 |
Has a wafer actually replaced the Cross?
Jesus' ultimate sacrifice? |
Oct 17, 2005 |
Pope Benedict XVI Channels John Paul II |
Oct 17, 2005 |
Eucharist Seen as an Antidote to Drug
Addiction |
Oct 17, 2005 |
Benedict XVI's Interview on Polish
Television. John Paul II "Is Always Close to Me" |
Oct 14, 2005 |
Approaching Eucharist without conversion is
'crisis of love', says Bishop Aquila |
Oct 13, 2005 |
Visitors flock to see image of dead priest |
Oct 11, 2005 |
African dances 'enrich' Eucharist |
Oct 10, 2005
Image of pope seen in pancake |
Oct 10, 2005
Bishops urge concrete action to increase
respect, understanding of Eucharist: seminary formation, penance,
reverent posture |
Oct 8, 2005 |
Synod Rediscovers Eucharistic Adoration -
Prelates Underline Its Importance |
Oct 6, 2005 |
Eucharistic adoration is key, but also has
drawbacks, bishops say |
Oct 5, 2005 |
Record crowd at audience hears Pope denounce
idolatry |
Oct 5, 2005 |
Link Between Eucharist and Public Ethics
Stirs More Talk |
Oct 5, 2005 |
Catholic archbishops praise Alpha as
'effective tool' with 'excellent results' |
Oct 5, 2005 |
Protestant Author Asks: Is the Reformation
Over? |
Oct 5, 2005 |
Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of
the Bible |
Oct 3, 2005 |
Synod of Bishops begins in Rome |
Sep 29, 2005 |
Mary Co-redemptrix: A Dogmatic Crowning for
the Queen? |
Sep 24, 2005 |
Images of Mary reported worldwide |
Sep 21, 2005 |
Closeness of God with Old Testament Israel
points to coming Christ, His presence to the world, says Pope |
Sep 18, 2005
Pope Says Eucharist Is Secret to Holiness |
Sep 14, 2005 |
Catholics take to the airwaves in growing
numbers |
Sep 14, 2005
Pope Blesses Statue Of St. Josemaria Escriva |
Sep 12, 2005
The Eucharist at the centre of life and
faith in Pakistan |
Sep 4, 2005 |
John Paul II's Secret Was Eucharist, Says
Benedict XVI |
Aug 31, 2005
Pope tells Catholics to multiply |
Aug 29, 2005 |
Collar Holds Blessing, Believers Say |
Aug 25, 2005 |
Benedict XVI's Homily on Feast of the
Assumption "We Have a Mother in Heaven" |
Aug 25, 2005 |
'Body of Christ' stolen from church |
Aug 24, 2005 |
Shared Communion: Brother Roger's death
spotlights perennial issue |
Aug 24, 2005 |
Bible Belt Catholicism: changing face of
Church is young, tech savvy and faithful |
Aug 22, 2005 |
Pope and youth stop to adore Christ in the
Blessed Sacrament |
Aug 20, 2005 |
Address Of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI - Youth Vigil WYD Cologne 2005
Aug 18, 2005 |
Pope Visits Jewish Synagogue in Cologne |
Aug 16, 2005 |
Thousands gather for Virgin Mary celebration |
Aug 16, 2005 |
More Than 100,000 Flock to Icon in Romania |
Aug 13, 2005 |
Virgin Mary gains new following in post-9/11 |
Aug 10, 2005 |
Virgin Mary Apparition in North Valley? |
Aug 10, 2005 |
Special Indulgences For World Youth Day |
Aug 10, 2005 |
Point Place Family Sees Image of Jesus on
Pie |
Aug 5, 2005 |
Alpha Courses gaining support among
Catholics |
Aug 1, 2005 |
Vatican rejects prayer to "Lady of All
Nations" |
Aug 1, 2005 |
Darwinism and Catholicism should be
compatible |
July.29, 2005 |
Believers Say Religious Statue Is 'Alive' |
July.29, 2005
The One True Church Needs To Look At Why
Other Ones Are Filling Their Pews |
July.28, 2005
Miracles Help Deepen Faith in the Eucharist |
July.27, 2005 |
Pilgrims flock to see Naples' 'moving'
Madonna statue |
July.25, 2005
Parishioners use mobile phones to film
'walking' Virgin |
July.25, 2005
Roman Catholic church destroyed early
Saturday |
July.22, 2005
How to Seek the Intercession of John Paul II |
July.21, 2005
Eat! Drink! It's all in the Eucharist |
July.21, 2005 |
Christendom Institute Focuses on Eucharistic
Mystery |
July.13, 2005 |
Basilica in Argentina celebrates 17,000 hours of continuous Eucharistic
adoration |
July.13, 2005 |
Eucharistic Miracle Report |
July.12, 2005 |
Author Asserts That Host Rose Subtly In
Lourdes Basilica |
July.10, 2005
John Paul II set to be saint within weeks |
July.7, 2005
Lack of Religious Practice Linked to
Ignorance About Eucharist |
July.7, 2005
Synod document addresses liturgical abuses, calls Eucharist center of
Christian life |
July.7, 2005
Israel extends papal invitation |
July.3, 2005
Another Eucharistic Conversion Testimony
June.25, 2005
Is the Son of God making guest appearances in homes across North America? |
June.24, 2005
for John Paul II's Intercession
June.20, 2005
Benedict XVI reminds faithful that Christian charity is nourished by participating in the Eucharist
June.12, 2005
On Importance of Sunday Mass
June.12, 2005
Eucharist in the Pontificate of Benedict XVI
June.9, 2005
Abuse Cost for Catholic Dioceses Tops $1B
June.6, 2005
Time to consecrate the world
June.3, 2005
Online Casino Pays $10,600 For 'Virgin Mary' Pretzel
May.29, 2005
"God Offers Christians the Eucharist, the New Manna"
May.27, 2005
Pope's 1st Trip to Highlight Importance of Eucharist
May.24, 2005
When a Consecrated Host Falls on the Floor
May.22, 2005
Of Eucharist Is Also The Year For Lessening Purgatory
May.20, 2005
Enthusiastic crowd welcomes Bush to Catholic prayer breakfast
May.17, 2005
Consecrating a "Second Batch" of Hosts
May.14, 2005
Catholic Author Calls for Boycott After eBay Approves Sale of Consecrated Hosts
May.13, 2005
Pope John Paul II to be beatified
May.12, 2005
Pope pauses at Guadalupe statue to offer prayers
May.12, 2005
Eucharistic Miracles and Faith in Christ's Presence
May.11, 2005
Pope Points Faithful Toward Virgin of Fatima
May.10, 2005
Vatican official says rediscovery of Eucharist needed to counter satanic sacrilege
May.5, 2005
Physician Tells of Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano
May.5, 2005
People Praying to Pope
May.4, 2005
Relics in the Altar [position confirmed]
May.3, 2005
Marian Eucharistic Rally (for all religions) May 13, 2005
May.2, 2005
Marian apparitions of Betania attract an international following
Apr.27, 2005
Papal visits to Krakow, Fatima being proposed
Apr.21, 2005
New Pope Links "Apparitions of Mary" With "Signs of the Times"
Apr.21, 2005
Benedict XVI: The Pope and His Agenda
Apr.20, 2005
Pope Benedict calls on faithful to intensify devotion to Eucharistic Jesus
Apr.20, 2005
Benedict XVI, implementing the Second Vatican Council in a globalised society
Apr.19, 2005
German Doctrinal Overseer Ratzinger Elected Pope
Apr.19, 2005
Pope Benedict XVI invokes Mary, “the Most Holy Mother who is with us.”
Apr.18, 2005
Canadian cardinal creeps quietly onto lists of
Apr.18, 2005
Cardinals Gather to Choose Pope
Apr.17, 2005
Cardinal Who Warned of 'Antichrist' Rises in Betting Odds
Apr.16, 2005
Even in Death, a Media Superstar
Apr.13, 2005
Dying pope taught staff valuable lessons, top aide says
Apr.12, 2005
Gibson Plans Pope Movie
Apr.11, 2005
More pope miracles
Apr.11, 2005
'Miracles' lift Pope's beatification campaign
Apr.10, 2005
Pope’s private secretary saw “miracle”: report
Apr.8, 2005
Teachings, example led to renewed devotion for Virgin Mary
Apr.6, 2005
Pope was devoted to Virgin Mary
Apr.6, 2005
Medjugorje seer claims Pope appeared to him
Apr.5, 2005
Experts Are
Predicting Sainthood
Apr.5, 2005
Pope Entrusted Poland to Black Madonna
Apr.3, 2005
"We Have Another Saint to Pray to in Heaven"
Apr.1, 2005
Lustiger: Second Jewish Pope?
Apr.3, 2005
Who Will Be the Next Pope?
Mar.25, 2005
Apparitions of Mary, spurred on by technology
Mar.24, 2005
Listening to the Eucharist
Mar.16, 2005
Catholics of all ages flock to adoration chapels
Mar.13, 2005
Hail, Mary
Mar.12, 2005
With Love For Eucharist And Mary, Pope Tells Marians
Mar.10, 2005
In Pilgrimage To Fatima In Portugal Expected In 2005
Mar.7, 2005
Traveling relics awe worshippers
Mar.6, 2005
Plans 'Miracle' Film
Feb.28, 2005
Eucharist and Eschatology
Feb.28, 2005
Pope's hospital message shows spiritual 'heart and soul' of papacy
Feb.19, 2005
Weeping statue visits Arcadia
Feb.17, 2005
Pope to proclaim more saints
Feb.14, 2005
At Papal Retreat, a Call to Rediscover Eucharist
Feb.14, 2005
"No More Secrets," Visionary Said in 2001
Feb.13, 2005
Vatican Retreat to Focus on Eucharist
Feb.13, 2005
Last of Children to See Fatima Virgin Dies at 97
Feb.9, 2005
Mardi Gras carries history as last party day before Lent
Feb.7, 2005
Bible-Belt Catholics
Feb.8, 2005
(Sacrament of Eucharist Valid Even) When a Priest Is in Mortal Sin
Feb.5, 2005
Vatican Is Own Hard-To-Penetrate World
Feb.4, 2005
Eucharist Is Key to Renew Consecrated Life, Says Pope
Feb.3, 2005
Pontiff's 1981 attacker offers cryptic wishes for his recovery
Jan.24, 2005
calls seminarians to put the Eucharist as “the point of reference for
your lives”
Jan.19, 2005
Sacred hosts taken in theft
Jan.18, 2005
On The Why of Indulgences
Jan.14, 2005
New Plenary Indulgence to Mark Year of the Eucharist
Jan.12, 2005
Dec.20, 2004
Pope loosens up saints' miracle clause
Dec.13, 2004
John Paul II Encourages Group in Marian Devotion
Dec.8, 2004
Papal Meditation on Blessed Virgin Mary
Dec.3, 2004
What Eucharistic Contemplation Implies
Nov.23, 2004
'Virgin Mary' toast fetches $28,000
Nov.9, 2004
Stay Close to Mary, Advises John Paul II
Oct.19, 2004
7 Conclusions of International Eucharistic Congress
Oct.4, 2004
Year of the Eucharist to Start
Sep.20, 2004
Beatification Nears For Anna Emmerick
Sep.17, 2004
Pope Tells of Hopes for Eucharistic Year
Sep.9, 2004
Devotion to Mary Should Bring One Closer to God, Says Pope
Aug.16, 2004
Vigils and prayers for return of Blessed Sacrament
Aug.13, 2004
Church invalidates girl's first Communion
Jul.25, 2004
Eucharistic Congress Planned in Washington
Jun.4, 2004
Religious icons can be mysterious
Jun.1, 2004
Questions the Holy See Is Asking About the Eucharist
May.30, 2004
Pope calls Catholic Charismatic Movement "Providential" Answer for "New Evangelization"
May.28, 2004
Mystic Who Helped Inspire "The Passion" to Be Beatified in October
May.20, 2004
The Why of Marian Apparitions
May.9, 2004
Mary as Mother Is Close to Us, Says John Paul II
Apr.9, 2004
Devotees nailed on cross in bloody ritual
Apr.8, 2004
Love for Eucharist a Key to Vocations, Says Pope
Apr.6, 2004
At Last Supper Christ called all priests of all times by name
Apr.5, 2004
Reenactment of Crucifixion set in San Pedro Cutud
Apr.5, 2004
Easter and the Holy Eucharist
Mar.30, 2004
Gibson Visits Nuns in Louisville
Mar.30, 2004
Remarkable, Obscure Apparition Called For A 'Red Scapular Of The Passion'
Mar.18, 2004
Talking with James Caviezel after his meeting with the pope
Mar.8, 2004
Challenge of Sects Calls for Strong Evangelization, Says Pope
Stresses Need for Eucharist to Be at the Heart of Pastoral Plans
Feb.23, 2004
Seer as scriptwriter
Feb.22, 2004
Pope Reflects on Lent as Time of Conversion: Looks Ahead to Ash Wednesday
Feb.19, 2004
Nail Sale
Feb.12, 2004
Pope Calls Worldwide Synod of Bishops on Eucharist
Jan.13, 2004
Pope comments on "a classic of Marian spirituality"
Dec.21, 2003
Vatican fine-tunes details of the Mass
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