Bridges To Rome
and Genetic Engineering
Emerging Church
Good News
Israel and the Last Days Masons
and Freemasonry
New Age
One World Government
One World Religion Perilous Times
Rising Interest in the Supernatural
Catholic Church and Last Days Social Gospel
Signs and Wonders
Signs of the Last Times
For Global Monetary System
Transhumanism |
Christianity |
and Rumors of Wars
Of The Last Times
Signs Of The Last Times Archive. |
Nov 5 2019 |
Category 5 Super
Typhoon Halong among
strongest storm ever
observed by
satellite |
Oct 29 2018 |
USGS: Yellowstone
Super Volcano Threat
Set To ‘HIGH’ |
Oct 25 2018 |
18 volcanoes now
pose ‘very high
threat,’ U.S.
government warns |
Oct 23 2018 |
The Atlantic and
Pacific Ocean
hurricane season is
most powerful on
record this year |
Oct 6 2018 |
NASA is trying to
figure out how to
contain a
supervolcano that
could destroy
humanity |
Sept 14 2018 |
A Record 7 Named
Storms Are Swirling
Across The Globe –
Has ‘The Day After
Tomorrow’ Arrived? |
Aug 21 2018 |
Over The Last 7 Days
Our Planet Has Been
Violently Shaken By
144 Major
Aug 15 2018 |
Scientists Warn That
Millions Of Sea
Creatures Are “In
Real Peril” As
Pacific Ocean
Temperatures Rise To
Dangerous New
Records |
Aug 10 2018 |
Yellowstone Volcano
latest: Big One
fears as 153
Yellowstone in July |
Aug 1 2018 |
22 volcanoes
actively erupting,
43 volcanoes with
ongoing eruptions:
We are in a period
of high volcanic
activity |
July 25 2018 |
string of
earthquakes off the
west coast of the US
are detected miles
from the Cascadia
fault, where
scientists warn ‘the
Big One’ could be
poised to hit at any
Jun. 22 2018 |
Hostility to
Religion Rising
Globally, Christians
Targeted in 144
Nations: Pew Study |
May. 26 2018 |
Tropical Cyclone
"Mekunu" slams into
Oman as strongest in
recorded history,
dumps nearly 3
years' worth of rain
in one day |
May. 15 2018 |
Hawaii Volcano In A
CHAIN Of 169
Volcanoes, 50 Are
Ready To BLOW |
Apr. 19 2018 |
WARNING: Tens of
volcano earthquakes
RUMBLING around the
world |
Mar. 24 2018 |
Christians Boycott
'Blasphemous' Sweet
Jesus Ice Cream
Chain |
Mar. 10 2018 |
Scientists warn of
mysterious and
deadly new epidemic
called Disease X
that could kill
millions around the
world |
Mar. 9 2018 |
Yellowstone volcano
eruption: World NOT
READY for major
blast experts say
millions may die |
Mar. 8 2018 |
Papua New Guinea
rocked by HUGE 6.8
earthquake amid Ring
of Fire fears
Feb. 20 2018 |
earthquake: Worried
scientists log QUAKE
SWARM of over 200
rumbles within DAYS |
Jan. 29 2018 |
The week The Pacific
Ring Of Fire went
crazy 8 potentialy
deadly earthquakes
along with a
plethora of volatile
exploding volcanoes |
Jan. 16 2018 |
in 5 UK Nonbelievers
Prays to God in
Times of Crisis;
Only 40 Percent Say
God Answers Prayers
Nov 30 2017 |
Researchers: ‘Super
Eruption’ More
Likely |
Nov 26 2017 |
There Have Been 698
Earthquakes In
California Within
The Past 30 Days |
Nov 17 2017 |
Thousands of
scientists sign
terrifying ‘Warning
to Humanity’ letter
predicting an
imminent apocalypse
Nov 13 2017 |
Violently Erupts,
And Authorities Warn
A Bigger Eruption
Could Threaten More
Than 20 Million
People In Mexico
City |
Nov 2 2017 |
Madagascar plague is
worst in FIFTY
YEARS, experts warn,
amid fears Black
Death will explode
in cities |
Nov 2 2017 |
October seismicity
in Yellowstone
marked by the
ongoing but waning
Oct 30 2017 |
Europe Fears ‘The
Big One’ After 140
Earthquakes Strike
The French Alps In
40 Days
Oct 17 2017 |
Majority of
Americans, Third of
Evangelicals Say
Faith in God Not
Necessary to Be
Moral: Pew |
Oct 5 2017 |
Meet Siberia's
Jesus: former
traffic cop turned
cult leader |
Sept 24 2017 |
3 Large Earthquakes
And A Major Volcanic
Eruption In Mexico
Spark Fears That The
Big One Could Hit
California Soon |
Sept 7 2017 |
The Sun Just
Erupted: Blackouts
Reported After Huge
Solar Flare |
Sept 4 2017 |
More than half in UK
are non-religious,
suggests survey |
Sept 4 2017 |
Another cluster of
small to medium
quakes hit Soda
Springs near
Yellowstone National
Park as total stands
at more than 2,400
since June
Jul 23 2017 |
Eight Tropical
Cyclones At Once in
the North Pacific
Ocean For First Time
Since 1974
Jul 20 2017 |
Severe drought
devastating southern
European crops
Jul. 4 2017 |
Yellowstone reaches
878 earthquakes in
just two weeks as
scientists wonder
when the volcano
will blow |
Jun. 26 2017 |
A Giant Asteroid
Will Come Extremely
Close To Earth In
2029, And Impact
‘Can’t Be Ruled Out’ |
May. 7 2017 |
Apocalypse Soon:
Scientific And
Religious Leaders
Both Agree That
Disasters And Mass
Death Are In
Humanity’s Future |
Apr. 17 2017 |
The Real Reason Why
Millennials Aren't
Going to Church, and
It's Not Because
They Hate Jesus
Apr. 11 2017 |
Record Numbers
Abandon Sweden
Church Because 'They
Do Not Believe in
God' |
Apr. 10 2017 |
One in Four British
Christians Say
Resurrection of
Jesus Didn't Occur:
Survey |
Apr. 5 2017 |
Christians remain
world’s largest
religious group, but
they are declining
in Europe |
Mar. 31 2017 |
Study: Only 4
Percent of
Millennials Hold a
“Biblical Worldview" |
Mar. 19 2017 |
The Global Famine
Begins: UN Announces
That The Worst Food
Crisis Since World
War II Is Happening
Right Now |
Mar. 1 2017 |
New Research Reveals
Disturbing Trend
Among America's
Jan. 11 2017 |
asteroid might bang
Earth! |
Jan. 11 2017 |
magnetic field has
CRACKED - humanity
at risk of cosmic
radiation |
Jan. 10 2017 |
Asteroid Almost
Collided With Earth
While You Were
Sleeping |
Jan. 6 2017 |
Risk of catastrophic
asteroid impact
‘real’ – White House |
Jan. 4 2017 |
NASA warns two
asteroids OR comets
are HURTLING towards
Earth |
Dec. 28 2016 |
Volcano Activity
Strengthening Around
The World |
Dec. 21 2016 |
Naples shows signs
it is on BRINK of
blowing |
Dec. 13 2016 |
Earth woefully
unprepared for
surprise comet or
asteroid, Nasa
scientist warns |
Dec.12 2016 |
Mount St. Helens
shakes 120 times
within a week |
Dec. 8 2016 |
Enormous Earthquakes
Hit Both Sides Of
The Pacific And
Experts Warn The San
Andreas Could ‘Unzip
All At Once’ |
Nov.11 2016 |
Haiti faces a 'major
food crisis', its
interim president
says |
Oct.10 2016 |
Cholera, food crisis
looms in Haiti after
Hurricane Matthew |
Oct.3 2016 |
California at
imminent risk of
major earthquake |
Sept.27 2016 |
Panic, anxiety
sparks rush to build
luxury bunkers for
Los Angeles’s
super rich |
Sept.23 2016 |
4 in 10 Millennials
Unaffiliated; No. 1
Reason for Leaving
Faith Is Stop
Believing in
Teachings: Survey |
Sept.20 2016 |
Want To Slow Climate
Change? Stop Having
Babies |
Sept.19 2016 |
A 100-year solar
storm could fry our
power grids — these
are the places most
at risk |
Sept.16 2016 |
Benny Hinn: The
Church Will Come Out
of Hiding When Billy
Graham Dies |
Sept.16 2016 |
Apocalyptic asteroid
with power of 3
billion nukes may be
headed for Earth |
Sept.3 2016 |
Modern life is
killing our
children: Cancer
rate in young people
up 40 per cent in 16
years |
Sept.2 2016 |
7.1 magnitude
earthquake biggest
to hit New Zealand's
North Island in 20
years |
Aug.28 2016 |
Barna: Only 3
percent of teens
read Bible daily |
Aug.28 2016 |
Witchcraft, Islam
And Humanism Are
Filling The
Spiritual Void Left
By The Dying Church |
Aug.27 2016 |
Life on the fault
lines: Major
earthquakes overdue
and ‘no one in the
world is safe’,
expert says |
Aug.26 2016 |
Italy quake toll
hits 250 as rescuers
search flattened
towns |
Aug.24 2016 |
The Earth’s Crust
Will Be Shaken By
More Than 100,000
Earthquakes That
Humans Can Feel In
2016 |
Aug.24 2016 |
With Christianity in
Decline, Britain
Sees Rise of
Humanist ‘Pastors’ |
Aug.11 2016 |
57 different
herbicides linked to
the rapidly
declining bee
population |
Aug.10 2016 |
Global Cooling
Straight Ahead, Says
Solar Physicist |
Aug.2 2016 |
Polish Experts:
'Europe is at the
end of its
existence. Western
Europe is
practically dead' |
July.20 2016 |
Mercury pollution
contaminating Arctic
wildlife, causing
death and
problems among bird
populations, studies
show |
Jun.27 2016 |
A real ‘Zombie
Apocalypse’: How the
sun (or terrorists)
could cripple
America for a decade |
Jun.13 2016 |
Ferocious hailstorm
wreaks havoc in
Harbin, China |
May.29 2016 |
US Barna survey:
Goodbye absolutes,
hello new morality |
May.29 2016 |
June 7: FEMA Will
Hold A Drill To
Prepare For A 9.0
Cascadia Subduction
Zone Earthquake And
Tsunami |
May.15 2016 |
Religion fading,
increasing globally |
Apr.30 2016 |
Apocalypse how?
Killer robots and
asteroids among
dangers scientists
warn could wipe out
humanity |
Apr.22 2016 |
rise as one huge
tremor a day hits
world so far THIS
Apr.15 2016 |
American Religion
Has Never Looked
Quite Like It Does
Today |
Apr.14 2016 |
News Alert -
5 Major Earthquakes
In 48 Hours As A
Seismologist Warns
‘Catastrophic Mega
Earthquakes’ Are
Coming |
Apr.14 2016 |
Malawi Declares
State Of Disaster
Over Food Crisis,
Drought Linked To El
Niño |
Apr.13 2016 |
Global food crisis
looms anew |
Apr.2 2016 |
We're shockingly
unprepared for an
extreme weather
event that could fry
Earth's power grid |
Mar.24 2016 |
CDC Chief: More Than
30 States at 'High
Risk' for Zika
Transmission |
Mar.18 2016 |
US churchgoing in
decline as young
people leave the
faith |
Mar.2 2016 |
NASA finds:
drought 'worst in
900 years' |
Mar.1 2016 |
Huge Carbon Monoxide
"Pulse" Detected
Over California,
West Coast: Is an
Earthquake Imminent? |
Feb.27 2016 |
Fears over 'red
alert' Volcano as it
erupts TWICE in one
day sending ash 3KM
high |
Feb.26 2016 |
Tungurahua erupts
sending ash more
than 6 km above the
crater, Ecuador |
Feb.26 2016 |
eruption of LARGEST
active volcano on
Earth |
Feb.23 2016 |
extinction after
Earth's hyperactive
magnetic field
reversals |
Jan.28 2016 |
WHO: Zika virus
explosively,’ level
of alarm ‘extremely
high’ |
Jan.26 2016 |
World in panic over
claim earthquake
that could kill
thousands 'about to
hit Washington' |
Jan.26 2016 |
Argentina Scrambles
to Fight Biggest
Plague of Locusts in
60 Years |
Jan.10 2016 |
'A millennium’s
worth of
earthquakes': What
are states going to
do? |
Jan.7 2016 |
Yellowstone about to
blow? Scientists
warning over
could kill MILLIONS |
Jan.3 2016 |
Doomsday Volcanoes:
next large volcanic
eruption on the
planet could kill 1
million people |
Dec.3 2015 |
Sun Could Release
Superflares As
Powerful As a
Billion Megaton
Bombs |
Nov.4 2015 |
Christians Are At
War With One Another
As Americans Leave
The Church In Droves |
Nov.4 2015 |
White House is
preparing for
catastrophic solar
flares which could
wipe out power
around the world for
months - bringing an
end to modern
civilization as we
know it |
Nov.3 2015 |
PCUSA Report Shows
Evangelists Shifting
Away From Calls to
Repentance |
Oct.23 2015 |
Patricia Becomes
Strongest Hurricane
Ever Recorded;
Landfall Expected in
Mexico Friday |
Oct.14 2015 |
Church of England to
Only Open Churches
on Christmas and
Easter as Nearly 50%
of Brits Identify as
Atheist |
Sept.17 2015 |
Apocalypse looming?
Antibiotic resistant
diseases will cause
social breakdown,
say scientists |
Sept.3 2015 |
We've Never Seen
This Many Massive
Storms on the
Pacific at Once |
Aug.16 2015 |
Did You Know That
The U.S. No Longer
Has Any Strategic
Grain Reserves At
All? |
Aug.16 2015 |
Southern African
leaders meet as
region faces food
crisis |
Aug.15 2015 |
Climate change 'set
to fuel global food
crisis' |
Aug.14 2015 |
'heading towards
California this
winter': Forecast
mega-weather event
could be biggest
since records began
and bring with it
some epic rain |
Aug.3 2015 |
Searing 164-degree
temps in Iran as
'heat dome' traps
Middle East |
July.26 2015 |
The Persecution Of
Christians Is
Intensifying As
Hatred Sweeps The
Entire World |
July.23 2015 |
First half of 2015
hottest on record
globally: NOAA |
Jun.25 2015 |
Thousands of people
killed by extreme
weather so far in
2015 as climate
change feared to
bring more
hurricanes and
floods in future |
Jun.25 2015 |
Dry, dry Western
Canada braces for
hot and hard-growing
summer |
Jun.23 2015 |
Earth’s protective
is weakening |
Jun.17 2015 |
North Korea says hit
by worst drought in
100 years |
May.15 2015 |
supply balance is
unstable |
May.13 2015 |
Planet reeling from
a series of
earthquake strikes –
may be indicator
more quakes are on
the horizon |
May.12 2015 |
America Is Getting
Less Christian And
Less Religious,
Study Shows |
Apr. 28 2015 |
Christians are
leaving the faith in
droves and the trend
isn't slowing down |
Apr. 26 2015 |
There Will Be
Earthquakes: The
Crust Of The Earth
Violently Roars To
Life In Chile And
Nepal |
Apr. 24 2015 |
Large volcanic
explosions pose the
greatest threat to
human existence and
could destroy
society as we know
it |
Apr. 17 2015 |
Atheism on the Rise?
Growth of Disbelief
Signals Danger for
America |
Apr. 15 2015 |
Experts' warning
over volcanic
eruption that could
push Europe into
darkness THIS
Apr. 13 2015 |
Asteroid size of
Statue of Liberty
'on collision course
with Earth' |
Apr. 1 2015 |
Most Americans now
say Jesus actually a
sinner |
Mar. 25 2015 |
1 in 4 Americans
Don't Believe in
God; Lack of Trust
in Local Churches
Cited as a Reason
Why Adults Are
Leaving the Faith |
Mar. 25 2015 |
Food inflation on
the rise - list |
Mar. 24 2015 |
Huge asteroid
capable of wiping
out entire country
is on near-collision
course with Earth |
Mar. 24 2015 |
Number of Americans
Who Say They Have No
Religion Hits Record
High, Survey Finds |
Mar. 21 2015 |
The Economics of
California's Drought |
Feb. 13 2015 |
Worst Drought In
1,000 Years
Forecasted For The
U.S. |
Jan. 29 2015 |
claim scientists
tracking outbreak
amid fears virus
could go AIRBORNE |
Jan. 28 2015 |
Have we reached
'peak food'?
Shortages loom as
global production
rates slow |
Jan. 22 2015 |
The Doomsday Clock
is ticking again. It
is now three minutes
to midnight, a.k.a
the end of humanity. |
Jan. 15 2015 |
Ocean Life Faces
Mass Extinction,
Broad Study Says |
Jan. 12 2015 |
Rise in mass
die-offs seen among
birds, fish and
marine invertebrates |
Jan. 4 2015 |
NASA detects
enormous 'coronal
hole' on Sun’s South
Pole |
Jan. 2 2015 |
What If Every
Volcano on Earth
Erupted at Once? |
Dec. 29 2014 |
Ebola case numbers
top 20,000, deaths
approach 8,000: |
Dec. 21 2014 |
Why the next world
war will be fought
over food |
Dec. 5 2014 |
Study: California
Drought Worst in
1200 Years |
Nov. 21 2014 |
Water supplies dry
up in Brazil as
droughts continue to
affect world's
industrial farming |
Nov. 17 2014 |
California's drought
has reached
proportions. It's
time for a drastic
measure |
Oct. 24 2014 |
Church offers up
frosty beer for the
faithful |
Oct. 21 2014 |
Unchurched Americans
Most Resistant to
Evangelism Outreach
in 20 Years, Survey
Finds |
Oct. 16 2014 |
Ebola Escalation
Could Trigger Major
Food Crisis |
Oct. 15 2014 |
Doctor: Ebola Might
Be Transmitted In
Air Via “Droplets” |
Oct. 2 2014 |
Officials: 100
'Potential Contacts'
Linked To Dallas
Ebola Patient |
Sept. 29 2014 |
Water rationing hits
California: limit of
50 gallons per
person per day or
face fines of $500 |
Sept. 23 2014 |
Ebola Cases Could
Reach 1.4 Million
Within Four Months,
C.D.C. Estimates |
Sept.13 2014 |
Ebola: 'In decades
of humanitarian
work, I've never
seen such suffering' |
Sept.4 2014 |
Under what? Poll:
One-third of
Americans want God
out of Pledge |
Aug.29 2014 |
Research raises
fears of
megadrought for
American southwest |
Aug.15 2014 |
Over one million
affected by Ebola
crisis, WHO warns |
Aug.8 2014 |
Priest from Nineveh:
'Christianity is
finished in Iraq' |
July.31 2014 |
California breaks
drought record as
58% of state hits
driest level |
May.28 2014 |
Dust In The Wind:
Dust Bowl Conditions
Have Returned To
Kansas Oklahoma And
North Texas |
May.13 2014 |
A future of thirst:
Water crisis lies on
the horizon |
May.12 2014 |
The Rise of
Anti-Christianity in
the West |
May.7 2014 |
World is unprepared
for major El Niño
later this year |
May.6 2014 |
White House unveils
dire warning, calls
for action on
climate |
Apr.28 2014 |
Farmers warned to
prepare for the
worst as risk of El
Nino grows |
Apr.18 2014 |
Are You Ready For
The Price Of Food To
More Than Double By
The End Of This
Decade? |
Apr.8 2014 |
Beef prices hit
all-time high in
U.S. |
Mar.25 2014 |
Chileans worry over
string of 300 quakes
in north |
Feb.28 2014 |
Global riot epidemic
due to demise of
cheap fossil fuels |
Feb.15 2014 |
Food prices soar as
incomes stand still |
Jan.23 2014 |
U.S. Cattle Herd is
At A 61 Year Low And
Organic Food
Shortages Are Being
Reported All Over
America |
Jan.17 2014 |
Brown declares
California drought
emergency |
Jan.19 2014 |
Obama: Pot is not
more dangerous than
alcohol |
Dec.23 2013 |
‘None’ could be
religion’s new
normal in Britain,
Dec.9 2013 |
Demographic Shift:
Where Have All the
Christians Gone? |
Dec.5 2013 |
2013 marks record
year for the number
of volcanoes
erupting across the
planet |
Dec.4 2013 |
Troubling Trend of
Decline Reaches
Evangelicals |
Nov.13 2013 |
Locust plague
swarming over
Mauritania desert |
Nov.10 2013 |
Philippine typhoon
deaths climb into
thousands |
Aug.19 2013 |
Flooding forces
20,000 Russians from
their homes |
June.13 2013 |
Forecasted To Hit
British Columbia,
Pacific Coast For
First Time in 11,000
Years |
June.7 2013 |
Solar storm could
leave Britain
without power 'for
months' |
May.16 2013 |
Natural Disasters
Displaced 32.4
Million People In
2012, IDMC Study
Shows |
May.3 2013 |
worsening, global
food supply at
increased risk of
regional failures
Apr.29 2013 |
Deadly earthquakes
strike around the
world |
Mar.26 2013 |
Madagascar Seen by
UN Needing $22
Million to Fight
Locust Plague |
Mar. 3 2013 |
Plague of locusts
afflicts Egypt |
Feb. 20 2013 |
Catastrophes and
Fatalities Projected
to Rise in Populous
21st Century |
Feb. 17 2013 |
The U.S. has to get
used to extreme
weather warn
scientists |
Feb. 7 2013 |
A solar 'superstorm'
is coming and we'll
only get 30-minute
warning |
Feb. 4 2013 |
Earth Reeling from
nine major
striking in 5 days |
Jan. 18 2013 |
No relief in sight
for drought-stricken
Plains |
Jan. 10 2013 |
Heat, Flood or Icy
Cold, Extreme
Weather Rages
Worldwide |
Jan. 10 2013 |
Snowstorm, fierce
winds and deadly
flooding thrash
Middle East |
Jan. 6 2013 |
Australia braces for
wildfire days |
Dec. 31 2012 |
20 dark predictions
for 2013, the year
of oppression and
Nov. 21 2012 |
U.S. food banks
raise alarm as
drought dents
government supplies |
Oct. 28 2012 |
Sandy: East Coast
braces for epic
storm surge |
Oct. 13 2012 |
UN warns of looming
worldwide food
crisis in 2013 |
Oct. 4 2012 |
World food prices
near crisis levels |
Sept. 28 2012 |
Pakistan: Monsoon
rains, flooding kill
422 people |
Sept. 28 2012 |
"Biblical" drought
bites into Spain's
olive oil harvest |
Sept. 26 2012 |
Monsoon flooding
leaves two million
homeless in India
Sept. 24 2012 |
New SARS-like virus
detected in Middle
East |
Sept. 23, 2012 |
World on track for
record food prices
'within a year' due
to US drought |
Sept. 20, 2012 |
Niger hit by worst
flooding in 80
years: Oxfam |
Aug. 30, 2012 |
World food prices
rose 10% in July,
pushed by Midwest
drought |
Aug. 22, 2012 |
Report Highlights
Consistent Pattern
of Hostility Toward
Christians in US |
Aug. 10, 2012 |
Thousands to help
clean up Manila
flood debris |
July 31, 2012 |
Drought deepens
worries about food
supplies, prices |
July 23, 2012 |
Bugs like it hot:
Record heat kicks
insects into high
gear |
June 21, 2012 |
Scientists Say Bird
Flu Poses Human
Pandemic Threat |
June 20, 2012 |
North Korea:
'drought threatens
harvest' |
Feb 12, 2012 |
Mystery disease
kills thousands in
Central America |
Feb 7, 2012 |
Animal Virus Leaps
Europe, UK Borders |
Feb 6, 2012 |
With world
population rising,
era of low food
prices over |
Feb 2, 2012 |
Flesh-eating bug
that you can catch
on the bus or train
is spreading in the
UK |
Dec 2, 2011 |
Unusual drought
triggers alarm
across Balkans |
Nov 28, 2011 |
'Anthrax isn't scary
at all compared to
this': Man-made flu
virus with potential
to wipe out many
millions if it ever
escaped is created
in research lab |
Nov 4, 2011 |
Economy: The rising
cost of eating |
Oct 27, 2011 |
Death toll in Turkey
quake soars past
500; survivors plead
for aid |
Oct 26, 2011 |
Thai floods may
cause global rice
shortage |
Oct 22, 2011 |
Flood Waters
Submerge One Third
Of Thailand |
Oct 20, 2011 |
105 dead in Central
America after days
of rain |
Oct 5, 2011 |
Worst Cambodian
floods in a decade
kill 167 |
Oct 3, 2011 |
2011 Sets New Record
for Federal Disaster
Sept 30, 2011 |
Scores die in worst
Mekong flooding
since 2000 |
Sept 28, 2011 |
Typhoon affects
hundreds of
thousands in
Philippines |
Sept 27, 2011 |
Tens of thousands
stranded by
floodwaters in India |
Sept 8, 2011 |
A Record Year for
Weather Disasters |
Sept 7, 2011 |
As wildfires rage
across Texas, feds
take control and
scuttle volunteer
firefighters |
Aug 28, 2011 |
Irene Wreaks Havoc
on East Coast: $8
Billion in Damage,
18 Dead |
July 24, 2011 |
Hurricane Irene
Becomes Category 3;
North Carolina
Evacuates |
July 16, 2011 |
Earth in Crisis |
July 14, 2011 |
Twelve million
Africans suffering
through worst
drought in 60 years |
July 14, 2011 |
Record heat,
drought, and
flooding sweeps US;
food supply to take
a hit |
July 12, 2011 |
Superbug horror --
scientists discover
gonorrhea superbug
that defies all
known antibiotics |
July 12, 2011 |
Bedbugs found to be
carrying MRSA
superbugs |
June 22, 2011 |
Tsunami Warning
Called Off After
6.7-Quake Strikes
Japan |
June 22, 2011 |
North Dakota City
Braces for Worst
Flooding in 130
Years |
June 20, 2011 |
Number Of Recorded
Earthquakes Rises
Sharply |
June 9, 2011 |
This Week's Solar
Flare Illuminates
the Grid's
Vulnerability |
May 30, 2011 |
Millions face food
poverty as northern
Europe is hit by
worst drought in 35
years |
May 23, 2011 |
Death toll from
Joplin tornado
climbs to 116 |
May 22, 2011 |
Icelandic volcano
flings up ash, shuts
airport |
May 12, 2011 |
Rising Water From
Mississippi River
Brings Misery to
South |
May 11, 2011 |
Superbug Germ
Detected in Bedbugs,
Study Finds |
May 11, 2011 |
Doomsday fire:
Millions of
volcanoes are
stirring beneath the
world's oceans |
May 9, 2011 |
Farmers across
America ditch
tractors for oxen in
bid to beat rising
fuel prices |
Apr 29, 2011 |
Tornadoes Devastate
South, Killing at
Least 297 |
Apr 22, 2011 |
Europe prays for
Easter rain in worst
drought for a
century |
Apr 18, 2011 |
World Bank head
warns of threat from
food crisis |
Apr 17, 2011 |
Storm's fury over 6
states leaves at
least 37 dead |
Mar 24, 2011 |
Poll: Nearly 4 in 10
Americans Say
Natural Disasters
Sign from God |
Mar 23, 2011 |
Canadians losing
faith as religion
faces extinction |
Mar 15, 2011 |
Celebrities recruited to raise
awareness of world agriculture
crisis |
Mar 14, 2011 |
Mass honeybee deaths
now occurring
worldwide, says UN |
Mar 13, 2011 |
Official: Death Toll in Japan
Quake 'Likely' to Exceed 10,000 |
Mar 6, 2011 |
Hawaii volcano spews lava 65
feet high after crater collapse |
Mar 6, 2011 |
Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Hits
Northern Chile |
Mar 2, 2011 |
Droves of bald eagles dropping
from skies in Canada |
Mar 1, 2011 |
Food prices to skyrocket, riots
could follow, suggests USDA |
Feb 22, 2011 |
Get ready for a 'global
Katrina': Biggest ever solar
storm could cause power cuts
which last for MONTHS |
Feb 22, 2011 |
A new food crisis is on our
plates |
Feb 16, 2011 |
Biggest Solar Flare In Years
Headed For Earth |
Feb 9, 2011 |
US corn reserves hit lowest
level in 15 years |
Feb 4, 2011 |
Doomsday Determined? Asteroid
Apophis Could Strike Earth in
2036 |
Feb 4, 2011 |
Extreme weather is just the
beginning: Garnaut
Jan 24, 2011 |
Food prices to rocket by 50% as
global hunger epidemic causes
riots and famines |
Jan 22, 2011 |
Obama Policies Fuel Global Food
Crisis Through Ethanol Mandates,
While Foster Obesity in America |
Jan 17, 2011 |
World is 'one poor harvest' from
chaos, new book warns |
Jan 12, 2011 |
World moves closer to food price
shock |
Jan 12, 2011 |
Few Millennials Interested in
Religion, Study Finds |
Jan 12, 2011 |
Timeline of recent mysterious
bird, fish deaths |
Jan 10, 2011 |
Economy, inflation, crisis:
Experts predict price shock in
2011 |
Jan 10, 2011 |
Latest Food Crisis Brewing for
Months |
Jan 10, 2011 |
Food skyrockets to highest
prices ever |
Jan 8, 2011 |
Rioting spreads across Tunisia;
unrest also reported in Algeria |
Jan 7, 2011 |
Researchers discover a shocking
96 percent decline in four major
bumblebee species |
Jan 5 2011 |
***Mass Animal Deaths - Google
Global Maps |
Dec 27, 2010 |
Swine flu pandemic outbreak
sweeping through Britain even
though 70 percent were
vaccinated last year |
Dec 13, 2010 |
Canada marching from religion to
secularization |
Dec 11, 2010 |
Matthew 24 - Signs of the End of the Age |
Dec 7, 2010 |
Science: NASA Records Solar
Blast of Epic Proportions On
Tuesday December 07, @05:00PM |
Dec 7, 2010 |
Global food prices
Dec 7, 2010 |
Hamas: Kill Christians and Jews
"to the last one"
Nov 30, 2010 |
Ireland is better equipped than
most to deal with the impending
food crisis |
Nov 29, 2010 |
China's food crisis spells end
of record highs |
Nov 27, 2010 |
Hold a strategic partnership to
develop food production |
Nov 26, 2010 |
The hunger for more ambition in
Canadian agriculture |
Nov 17, 2010 |
World Food-Import Costs Will
Exceed $1 Trillion on Higher
Prices, UN Says |
Nov 15, 2010 |
One in 7 US households hit by
hunger issues in 2009 |
Nov 11, 2010 |
ARAB WORLD: To fight off hunger
and food shortages, governments
must plan |
Nov 6, 2010 |
of life' wavers under weight of
humanity |
Nov 5, 2010 |
Indonesia volcano burns whole
villages; 122 dead |
Nov 5, 2010 |
NIA Warns Of Food Crisis,
"Societal Collapse" In Response
To Fed Money Printing |
Oct 30, 2010 |
Second Indonesian volcano erupts |
Oct 25, 2010 |
Global food crisis forecast as
prices reach record highs |
Oct 20, 2010 |
Christianity Not Welcomed At
Woolies! |
Oct 11, 2010 |
One billion people suffer from
hunger |
Oct 7, 2010 |
Coldest winter in 1,000 years on
its way |
Oct 5, 2010 |
Snow hits farmers big time |
Sept 28, 2010 |
Churches Find Empty Pews at
Sunday Evening Services |
Sept 26, 2010 |
Australia faces worst plague of
locusts in 75 years |
Sept 26, 2010 |
Spirituality Gaining; How About
Religion? |
Sept 1, 2010 |
Scramble for food companies a
warning of crisis to come |
Aug 29, 2010 |
Sun storm to hit with 'force of
100m bombs' |
Aug 16, 2010 |
Arabs urged to set up strategic
food stockpile |
Aug 12, 2010 |
Record Droughts, Floods and
Fires Strain Food Markets'
Resilience |
Aug 11, 2010 |
New 'superbug' found in UK
hospitals |
July 19, 2010 |
Sun surges: Yet another
apocalyptic theory to worry
about |
July 18, 2010 |
2nd quake: Tsunami warning |
Apr 26, 2010 |
Major earthquake hits off Taiwan
coast |
Apr 15, 2010 |
Australia faces huge locust
plague |
Apr 13, 2010 |
Bodies Pile Up After Quake in
Western China Kills More Than
600 |
Apr 12, 2010 |
More moving and shaking, but
why? |
Apr 11, 2010 |
7.1-magnitude quake hits off
Solomon Islands |
Apr 4, 2010 |
Quake rolls across Baja |
Mar 14, 2010 |
Magnitude 6.6 Quake Sways
Buildings in Tokyo |
Feb 27, 2010 |
Chile struck by one of strongest
earthquakes ever |
Feb 19, 2010 |
Millennial generation less
likely to claim religion, study
finds |
Feb 11, 2010 |
Presbyterian Church USA: Some
reject John 14:6 |
Jan 16, 2010 |
Haiti quake death toll tops
200,000 |
Oct 20, 2009 |
Study: H1N1 vaccine too late to
help most |
Oct 19, 2009 |
Scientist: Arctic Ocean to Be
Ice-Free in Summer |
Sept 25, 2009 |
Where Have All the Christians
Gone? |
Sept 22, 2009 |
Survey: One Quarter of Americans
Could Claim 'No Religion' in 20
Years |
Sept 1, 2009 |
U.N. chief calls for urgent
action on climate |
Aug 31, 2009 |
State preps to relocate
quarantined H1N1 victims
'Your home and other less
restrictive alternatives are not
acceptable' |
Aug 24, 2009 |
H1N1 Could Kill as Many as
30,000 to 90,000 in U.S., Report
Says |
Aug 2, 2009 |
Thousands quarantined as
pneumonic plague hits China |
Apr 25, 2009 |
World Health Organization Chief:
Swine Flu Outbreak Could Become
'Pandemic' |
Mar 13, 2009 |
Action needed to avoid world
water crisis, U.N. says |
Mar 6, 2009 |
Polygamy battle continues in
Canada |
Mar 5, 2009 |
Canada judge: Man not
responsible for beheading |
Feb 10, 2009 |
Christian Broadcasters Face
'Dark Clouds'; Affirm Commitment
to Preach |
Feb 9, 2009 |
Australian Wildfires Called
'Mass Murder' After 171 Killed |
Jan 9, 2009 |
Powerful Solar Storm Could Shut
Down U.S. for Months |
Nov 23, 2008 |
Future is nuclear war and famine
- US intelligence |
Sept 30, 2008 |
Scientists: Climate-Change 'Time Bomb' About to Go Off |
July 2, 2008 |
1.5 bln people may starve due to land erosion: FAO |
June 19, 2008 |
experts: Forecast is more extreme weather |
June 5, 2008 |
Disasters Up More Than 400 Percent in Two Decades |
June 3, 2008 |
Iranian president slams 'devilish' West over
food crisis |
May 17, 2008 |
Myanmar health system stretched to the limit |
May 17, 2008 |
Myanmar death toll soars |
May 13, 2008 |
Massive quake kills thousands in China |
May 7, 2008 |
Oil price 'may hit $200 a barrel' |
May 7, 2008 |
Myanmar deaths may top 100,000: U.S.
diplomat |
May 6, 2008 |
Chile volcano blasts ash 20 miles high,
forcing evacuations |
May 6, 2008 |
Myanmar State Radio Says Cyclone Death Toll
Soars Above 22,000 |
May 5, 2008 |
Myanmar death toll could top 10,000:
minister |
Apr 22, 2008 |
Rice Shortage in Philippines May Mean More
Trouble for Arroyo |
Mar 20, 2008 |
Has the 'notion of sin' been lost? |
Feb 2, 2008 |
Federal judge bows to homosexual demands in
Oregon |
Feb 2, 2008 |
Church dropouts a worry |
Jan 25, 2008 |
Religious Leaders Celebrate 'Equality
Sabbath' in support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Oregonians |
Jan 24, 2008 |
'Gays and grays' -- so happy together |
Jan 18, 2008 |
Sacramento schools’ history textbook
advocates Islam, ignores Christianity, Judaism |
Jan 14, 2008 |
NBC Show Criticized for Portraying
Christians as Violent 'Bible Thumpers' |
Jan 1, 2008 |
Gay Couples Enter Unions in New Year |
Dec 28, 2007 |
Chance of Asteroid Hit on Mars Increases |
Nov 21, 2007 |
Colorado shootings reflect big threats to
big churches |
Nov 19, 2007 |
Bangladesh cyclone death toll hits 15,000 |
Nov 16, 2007 |
Exodus Youth Aim to Reverse
'Anti-Homosexual' Church View |
Nov 5, 2007 |
Britain 'No Longer Christian,' Says
Influential Liberal Think Tank |
Nov 3, 2007 |
Pastor on trial for refusal to work with
female minister - Court charges him and 2 other church leaders with
criminal discrimination |
Oct 4, 2007 |
Beware Russia, energy superpower - Putin's
control of oil and gas may bring the West to its knees, says Philip
Delves Broughton |
Sept 25, 2007 |
Study: Christianity No Longer Looks Like
Jesus |
Sept 21, 2007 |
Ice withdrawal 'shatters record' |
Sept 13, 2007 |
World Crops Could Decline 16 pct Due to
Warming |
Aug 11, 2007 |
Lutherans to allow pastors in gay
relationships |
Aug 7, 2007 |
Early 2007 saw record-breaking extreme
weather: U.N. |
Aug 4, 2007 |
European Heatwaves 'Have Doubled' |
Aug 2, 2007 |
European fires near record levels |
July 24, 2007 |
Cities And Economy Under Threat, Tourists
Despair In Britain's Worst Floods In Memory |
July 14, 2007 |
Russia warns it may quit key arms pact in 5
months |
June 27, 2007 |
US Senate to open with Hindu prayers |
June 9, 2007 |
Half of China on flood alert, 23 dead |
May 29, 2007 |
Russia Says New ICBM Can Beat Any System |
May 6, 2007 |
Fresh tornadoes pound central US |
May 2, 2007 |
'Only 50 years left' for sea fish |
Apr 27, 2007 |
California Hotels Go Green With Low-Flow
Toilets, Solar Lights |
Apr 11, 2007 |
Mysterious bee losses threaten several crops |
Apr 9, 2007 |
Iran 'enters new nuclear phase' |
Apr 6, 2007 |
Billions face climate change risk |
Mar 12, 2007 |
Brown demands 'new world order' |
Mar 10, 2007 |
Warming Report to Warn of Coming Drought |
Feb 17, 2007 |
Action plan for killer asteroids |
Feb 17, 2007 |
Wind shifts devastate ocean life |
Jan 19, 2007 |
World faces megafire threat - expert |
Jan 17, 2007 |
Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock' |
Jan 5, 2007 |
French president calls for Middle East peace
conference |
Jan 4, 2007 |
2007 predicted to be world's warmest year |
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