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Ministry Update |
November 25, 2007 I would like to thank all my prayer partners for praying for Understand The Times over these past several months. As you know, God has been leading and directing me day by day. It has been similar to Abraham and Moses who were both led from one place to another by God. This may sound like a grandiose statement, but as you know, all things with God are possible for those who love and follow Jesus and His Word. We have asked you on several occasions to pray for direction and protection. Should we be surprised when God gives us direction? Some may say, how can God actually direct someone? Could it be through circumstances? Sometimes even those who have asked for direction, when direction is given, take another direction. Remember what Jesus said: "Follow me, I and I will make you fisher's of men". Following requires being Spirit led. When we are in the flesh we can be driven. It is much better to be led by the Spirit.
Led To California About twenty years ago, Myrna and I were shopping in Calgary, Alberta for Christmas gifts. We drove to a shopping mall and went our separate ways with a plan to meet back together again at a certain time in a certain place. The shopping was rather dreadful. People were pushing, shoving and shouting to get the best bargain. Some had even been drinking. In the midst of this, there was a choir singing Christmas songs from the second floor of the mall. You could hear their voices even above the noise. I heard the choir sing "Go Tell It on the Mountain". It was like a breath of fresh air. Later when I met Myrna we compared notes. What did you see and hear? Myrna saw and heard the same things in the stores where she was shopping. Then Myrna said, "Did you hear that choir." I was afraid she was going to ask that question. "Yes, I said." "So what did that song mean to you," she asked again? "Well, I believe we are to "go tell it on the mountain," I responded, "that Jesus Christ is LORD." God has marvelous ways to lead us from one place to another. I suppose the rest is history. In August of 2008, we would have completed 20 years in southern California. It is really quite a story. But you see the journey of faith continues until death. Sometimes it's hard to see it that way. I don't.
Led Back to the Desert God has called us to return to the desert. This is what the early settlers called the Palliser Triangle, and area of land in southwestern Saskatchewan. Apparently we have been in southern California long enough. I don't know all the reasons. Maybe there is going to be a great earthquake. I certainly hope and pray that is not the case. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandson will be still living there. Of course we will have to visit southern California from time to time. Besides, Understand The Times has a ministry base in southern California. Our non-profit office is located in a booth in Denny's restaurant on Harbor Boulevard. We also have an additional office at Carl's Jr. on Harbor and another at Mc Donald's on Mac Arthur. I guess I have always known that we would return to my home town. I love the farm and the town. It's where I was born. There are some really good people there.
My Dad moved from Illinois to Eston in 1928. He took over his Dad's homestead after my grandfather had a stroke. He married my mother a few years later and never went back to the USA. My Dad loved the farm too. I love the farm. So did my son, Bryce who is now with Jesus. Now my oldest son Wade is farming. I love to help him out. Speaking of my Dad, he passed away in 1973. I thought I would show you his picture. I loved my Dad. He represented my Heavenly Father, who by the way, I didn't come to know, until I was thirty.
Life Changing Experiences Now I am sixty. How could this have happened! When I was 10, I wanted to be 20. When I was 20 my Dad was seventy. When my Dad was 70 he said he would like to be 40. When one of my friends was 20, when he heard my Dad say he would like to be 40 again, "Who would ever want to be 40." Now that he is 60 too, he thinks it would be great to be 40. You see how it works, don't you. There is another reason I can see why God is moving us home. One is my son, Wade. You see, when Bryce suddenly went home to be with Jesus in August of 2001, I was devastated. All I could think of was how many years I had been on the road and not home. Satan nearly did me in! But now we can have the best of both worlds. I can spend half the year with Wade and the other with Angela. Where do you suppose we will spend the winter months? Finally, there is one more reason why I believe this move is from God. I have known some real men of God, who will go down in Church history. One is Glen Mc Lean. Another was Ed Okuhara. I have a photo of them both. They were men of God who taught the grace of God. I don't believe I have known two men who were more alike more alike.
Mc Lean was a pastor and a President of a Bible School. That was in the days when there was such a thing as a Bible School. One day Glen Mc Lean and I went on top of the hill to pray. We prayed for the town of Eston. The hill overlooks the town. My mentor told me that in the "early days" Christians would meet on the hill to pray. They prayed God would make the town a lighthouse to the world. This happened for many years. Bible students called by God learned the Word of God. It was incredible. Missionaries and pastors were sent all over the world. Those were the days! Could it become a lighthouse once again, in these last days?
The men who founded the Bible School sixty years ago had faith. They believed that true faith was built on the rock - on Jesus. But of course times change, right? However faith based on God's Word, never changes. Am I right? Faith comes by hearing the Word. To have faith, you have to be able to get the Word into you brain, so truth can get to your heart. That way, you can be changed from the inside out. I know that Jesus is coming soon! I know because of the times. Our ministry is called Understand The Times. The way events are happening in light of the Bible, I don't know if there will even be enough time to make the move. Now, I don't want to sound like an alarmist. Some of you on my prayer list will think that is so. Did you know there are some on my prayer list who don't know Jesus? I want you to know that I am praying for you.
The Future So, God has given us a plan. As you may know, I am nearly worn out. In the past three weeks, I have been to three doctors and I have three more to go - whenever I can find time. My wife is completely worn out. She has been working full time for years to support Understand The Times. My wife is the most dedicated woman I have ever met. Besides working under incredible stress at her job, she has to live with me when I am home. She hardly ever complains. Right now her body is very weak. Further, she is almost as old as I am. So this is the plan. We have had 20 good years based in southern California. The LORD sent us to California to "go tell it on the mountain" and now He is sending us back to Canada to "go tell it on the mountain". But, I know what you are thinking! That does not sound like a very good decision. Have you discussed this with your board? Have you received wise council? By the way, I believe in having men of God around me to keep me accountable. I appreciate my present board and the role they play in my life and ministry. However, the President of my board is Jesus, not some man. Jesus has been leading and directing me. He has indicated there is something ahead for me to do that will take the message of truth to even more places. He likes to use the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. He prefers small towns over big cities where there are fewer problems because there are fewer people. With Jesus, all things are possible. My faith has never been greater. Please pray for God's will to be accomplished. Sincerely In
Christ, |
Understand The Times is an independent non-profit organization in
Canada and the United States.