Searching for the Truth on Origins

Exam #12: Creation Evangelism

True or False

1. T
The lesson reinforces what Scripture states that there are two roads that lead to eternity.
2. T
The last recorded words of Jesus in Acts 1 instruct all believers to be His witnesses, according to the lesson.
3. T
The relationship between God and man is permanently shattered because of sin.
4. T
The gospel begins with creation.
5. T
In Acts 17, Paul encouraged the men of Athens to stop worshipping the Unknown God
6. T
An example of creation evangelism will take place during the Tribulation when the two angels supernaturally proclaim the gospel to the world.
7. T
In order to become a creation evangelist one must have a degree in science.
8. T
No one is able to convince another person to believe in God.
9. T
According to the lesson, the first part of creation evangelism is to plant seeds of truth and the second part is to pray with the non-believer.
10. T
The practices of the occult and witchcraft that we see today are actually a revival of ancient Babylonianism

Multiple Choice

11.   Matthew 7 says that there is a wide gate and a broad path that leads to what?
  A Life
B Heaven
C Destruction
  D Punishment
12.   What excuse is often given by people who do not believe Jesus is the only way.
  A Some say they believe everything is God
  B Some say it really does not matter what you believe
  C Some say there are many ways to God
  D All of the above
13.   Who in Scripture was a persecutor of Christians and later became one of the greatest ministers and witnesses for Christ?
  A Peter
  B Paul
  C John
  D James
14.   Why does one face opposition when witnessing?
  A It is due to a lack of preparedness on the part of the witness
  B It is due to a lack of communicattion skills on the part of the witness
  C It is due to the fact that Satan will do anything to stop the witness
  D None of the above
15.   Which of the following verses is used in the lesson as elementary in laying out the gospel?
  A Genesis 1:1
  B John 3:16
  C Acts 26:16
  D All of the above
16.   The lesson explains that man is made of what three elements?
A Body, soul, and spirit
B Mind, soul, and spirit
C Heart, soul, and spirit
  D Body, mind, and soul
17   How did the men in Athens respond to Paul's message of the gospel?
  A Everyone scoffed at Paul
  B Not one person believed or followed Christ
  C They stoned Paul
  D None of the above
18.   During the Tribulation in Revelation 14, what do the angels declare about God?
  A That He is the Alpha and the Omega
  B That He is the Creator of heaven and earth
  C That He is the same throughout eternity
  D That He is not to be feared
19.   Why do Christians often feel that they cannot witness to evolutionists?
  A They are afraid of being laughed at
  B They think they need a science background
  C They think witnessing should be left up to preachers
  D All of the above
20.   What is the role of an effective creation evangelist?
  A Their role is to educate the evolutionist on biblical truth
  B Their role is to get the evolutionist to doubt what they believe
  C Their role is to get the evolutionist to stop worshipping the gods
  D Their role is to get the evolutionist to go to church
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