Searching for the Truth on Origins

Exam #3: The Origin and the Progression of Life


True or False

1. T
A quote from the evolutionist, Isaac Asimov, reveals that scientists face the problem of explaining the suddenness with which life appreared on earth.
2. T
Biochemical processes that keep organisms alive are known in complex detail, but the vital spark that initiates life awaits precise definition, according to Oakland.
3. T
The lesson supports the evidence presented in the Smithsonian Institute showing that carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen combine to form a living cell.
4. T
According to Oakland, the idea that molecules can become cells is nothing more than science fiction.
5. T
The "Dino Bird" that appeared on the cover of National Geographic was actually a combination of a reptile and a bird discovered by a Chinese farmer.
6. T
Charles Darwin's study of the finches in the Galapagos Islands supports the evolutionary theory that vertical change occurs genetically through time.
7. T
The probability of a protein molecule being formulated spontaneously by chance is as impossible as a person finding a winning lottery ticket on the sidewalk every week for a thousand years in a row.
8. T
The findings from studies which observed the variations of finches, beetles, and moths all support the creationist view rather than document the evolutionary process.
9. T
Vertical variations in the progression of life over a period of time is often referred to as micro-evolution.
10. T
The evolutionary proclamation is that human beings are related to fish with backbones and that there are countless examples in the fossil records on display in museums.

Multiple Choice

11.   What famous experiment is often used to support the idea that life has arisen from non-life?
  A Darwin's Galapagos Islands experiment
B The Stanley Miller experiment
C The Hubert Yockey experiment
  D The Immanuel Reddy experiment
12.   Which of the following statements represent a common denominator that the evolutionary worldview assumes as factual.
  A Life originated from non-life by chance
  B Non-life spontaneously became life without a Designer-Creator
  C Organic molecules came together to form living cells
  D All of the above
13.   According to the lesson, which of the following describes the law of biology or biogenesis?
  A Variations of life occur vertically within genetic boundaries
  B Observable lifecycles show the appearance of variation within genetic boundaries
  C Life must come from pre-existing life without variation
  D Variations of life occur horizontally within genetic boundaries
14.   The Cambrian layer is one of the oldest layers of earth's history. What importance does this lesson emphasize regarding this geological discovery?
  A The Cambrian layer contains fossil record of complex creatures without any trace of previous ancestors which gives credibility to the creationist view
  B The Cambrian strata of rocks contains evidence of single-celled organisms becoming multi-cellular organisms, lending credibility to the evolutionist view
  C The Cambrian geological period supports the sudden appearance of multiple-cellular creatures coming from single-cell creatures encouraged by an increase of oxygen in the seas
  D The Cambrian explosion reveals the greatest burst of animal evolution the planet has ever known and fossil formations highlight its detail in this strata
15.   What significant factor is taught in this lesson about the discovery of a living Coelacanth in 1938?
  A It verified that they have not been extinct for seventy million years as previously believed
  B It discredited it's value as an index fossil used to date the layers of the earth
  C It disproved the theory that Coelacnth was a missing link between fish and amphibian
  D All of the above
16.   Theoretically, Archaeopteryx is an example of which of the following?
A A fish that evolved into a reptile
B A reptile that evolved into a bird
C A reptile that evolved into a mammal
  D None of the above
17   What does Oakland specifically say is wrong with artistic illustrations being used as evidence to support evolution?
  A An artistic rendering of a proto-type can be biased
  B An artist cannot accurately portray something that he did not personally see
  C Artwork cannot verify assumptions made by evolutionist theories
  D Even photographic art is not reliable because it can be altered or enhanced
18.   Which of the following is NOT supported by the Darwinian tree of life, as taught in this lesson?
  A Non-life progressed into a mother-cell which developed into all life forms
  B Human life evolved from a single amoeba over millions of years
  C Through hundreds of millions of years life progressed vertically from simple to complex
  D Perpetration of life occurs only through natural selection within the same kind of life forms
19.   What did Immanuel Reddy demonstrate to the world?
  A That it is impossible for life to come spontaneously from non-life
  B That non-living materials can assemble to become life
  C That garbage will eventually turn into maggots and flies
  D None of the above
20.   Which of the following describes the horizontal process of change which is often referred to as micro-evolution?
  A A reptilian creature through time becoming a mammalian
  B A single-cell organism becoming a multi-cellular creature
  C A series of beetles with different color variations
  D A fish becoming an amphibian
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