Searching for the Truth on Origins

Exam #6: The History of Life, Biblical Perspective

True or False

1. T
Geologists believe that originally the earth was like one large land mass which is what is described in Genesis 1:9
2. T
Scripture records geneologies of people who lived up to nine hundred years which lends credibility to a possible canopy model of the earth.
3. T
The Bible indicates that Noah's flood was a local flood.
4. T
Past civilizations have recorded over 150 accounts that testify of a worldwide flood, which have geologists reconsidering this possility.
5. T
Scientists theorize that long ago the earth was flooded with four-mile high waves created by objects that fell from the heavens into the oceans.
6. T
Scientists have found evidence of a major planet-wide flood on Mars, but they do not acknowledge that one occurred on the earth.
7. T
Water acts as a good shield against radiation, which explains how the original earth would have been protected from harmful ultraviolet rays.
8. T
The petrified forest in Arizona is provides evidence that denies the global flood model.
9. T
Before the flood of Noah the earth had never seen rainfall.
10. T
Geologists have discovered evidence of past treelife near the North Pole which is extremely north of the Present-day Tree Line.

Multiple Choice

11.   Where does the Bible give an account of a global flood?
  A Psalm 104
B Genesis 7
C 2 Peter 3
  D All of the above
12.   Genesis 1:6-7 says that God made the firmament and divided the waters under the firmament from the waters which were above it. Which term describes that condition?
  A The umbrella theory
  B The canopy model
  C The rain covering
  D The water layer
13.   The greenhouse effect would have produced which of the following conditions on the original earth?
  A The long wave radiation within the greenhouse condition would burn up all vegetation
  B The climatic conditions would have been inconsistent from pole to pole
  C The entire earth would have been like the atmosphere of the north pole
  D The greenhouse effect would have produced vigorous growing conditions like the inside of a terrarian
14.   What fossil evidence is given in the lesson to support the existence of a different climatic condition on the earth?
  A Palm trees existing at one time on Vancouver Island
  B Sixty-foot fruit trees with fruit and leaves on the branches that were frozen in ice north of Siberia
  C Marine organisms that only live in subtropical waters were discovered in the Spitzbergen Islands north of Norway
  D All of the above
15.   According to the lesson, which of the following areas was formed catastrophically when objects slammed into the earth from above?
  A The Grand Canyon
  B The Axel Hyberg Island
  C The Canadian Hudson Bay
  D The Red Deer Valley
16.   What distinguishes a polystrate fossil from other fossil formations?
A The polystrate fossil lays in more than one layer of rock
B The polystrate involves more that one form of life being fossilized simultaneously
C The polystrate fossils were fraudulently formed by human intervention
  D None of the above
17   Where does the Bible challenge the reader to seek answers to the earth's history through observing the beasts, the birds, and the fishes for answers?
  A Genesis 7
  B Job 12
  C Genesis 1
  D 2 Peter 3
18.   How old was Noah when the earth was flooded?
  A 100 years old
  B 450 years old
  C 300 years old
  D 600 years old
19.   Various kinds of vegetation found in the Canadian Arctic indicate that this region once resembled which of the following areas?
  A The North Pole zone
  B The Florida Everglades
  C The South Pacific Islands
  D The Anarctic area
20.   The lesson proposes that under the vigorous growing conditions of the canopy model, things would have grown much larger than they do today. Which was NOT mentioned in the lesson?
  A Fifteen-inch cockroaches
  B Dragonflies with three-foot wingspans
  C Gigantic humans the height of Goliath
  D Ninety-foot ferns
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