Searching for the Truth on Origins Exam #9: Evolution's Effect on World Morally |
True or False |
1. |
T F |
There is no evidence that evolution has had an ill affect on human behavior in society today. |
2. |
T F |
Evolutionists believe everything in the universe, including everything on planet earth and all mankind, exist as the result of the explosion of a very condensed lump of matter. |
3. |
T F |
Charles Darwin's objective was to cause people to question the Bible, without attacking the Bible, by presenting his theory of the earth's layers. |
4. |
T F |
Darwinian evolution was presented as scientific atheism in Russia and other communitst countries for over seventy years without an alternative view. |
5. |
T F |
Feminist and evolutioninst, Barbara Walker, said she understands the significance that creation has to Christianity. |
6. |
T F |
Books today that push the agenda to advance evolution, basically teach that narrow-minded people are trying to push science back to the Dark Ages. |
7. |
T F |
Although Charles Darwin is often called "the father of evolution", he is only one of numerous contributors to this theory. |
8. |
T F |
Oakland says that many Christians today do not comprehend the importance of creation and have embraced evolution. |
9. |
T F |
The Darwinian Tree of Life indicates a progression of life from simple to complex which is evidenced in the fossil record through vertical variation. |
10. |
T F |
The Lunar Society labeled people who embraced Eastern philosophy and mythology as unfit to determine truth. |
Multiple Choice |
11. | How do artifacts left by ancient civilizations agree with the creation perspective, according to the lesson? | |
A | They reveal that animals were overruled by man | |
B | They reveal that man worshipped the gods of the Bible | |
C | They reveal that man was created with tremendous abilities | |
D | They reveal that God used time and evolution to form man | |
12. | What bitter experience contributed to Darwin referring to Christianity as "a damnable doctrine"? | |
A | The loss of his wife to tuberculosis | |
B | The loss of his daughter Annie | |
C | The loss of his grandfather Erasmus | |
D | The loss of his coveted position at the university | |
13. | Current trends in the deterioration of human behavior in society can be linked to what, according to the lesson? | |
A | The impact of belief in evolution | |
B | Rejecting the evidence that there is a Creator | |
C | Denying that there are consequences to behavior | |
D | All of the above | |
14. | Who wrote "The Zoonomia" which laid out the idea that life progressed from lower to higher over time? | |
A | Charles Darwin | |
B | Isaac Asimov | |
C | Erasmus Darwin | |
D | Charles Lyell | |
15. | What was the era called in the 16th and 17th centuries where throwing away religion and burning Bibles was promoted to advance man's ideas? | |
A | The Age of Enlightenment | |
B | The Dark Ages | |
C | The Golden Years | |
D | The French Revolution | |
16. | Who made the statement, "There is no God. Religion is the opium of the people"? | |
A | Charles Darwin | |
B | Karl Marx | |
C | John Dewey | |
D | Charles Lyell | |
17 | Which was NOT mentioned in the lesson as foundational to the religion of humanism? | |
A | The universe is self-existent | |
B | Man is part of nature | |
C | There is no God | |
D | Man is here by Providence | |
18. | How did Richard Dawkins, a professed atheist, say he was going to try to educate the public into believing in evolution? | |
A | Through his book, "Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without a Design" | |
B | Through joining forces with the Pope and others who promote the idea that God used evolution | |
C | Through writing articles in newspapers that oppose the creation view | |
D | All of the above | |
19. | Who said, "Spiders, salamanders, salmon, and sunflowers are equally our brothers and sisters."? | |
A | John Reader | |
B | Richard Dawkins | |
C | Carl Sagan | |
D | Spiderman | |
20. | What consequences arise when individuals choose to ignore the evidence for creation, as seen in Romans 1? | |
A | They become vain in their accomplishments | |
B | Their foolish hearts are lightened | |
C | They profess to be wise, but become fools | |
D | They glorify themselves | |
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