Searching for the Truth on Origins

Final Exam

True or False

1. T
Belief in creation is foundational because there is a Creator and everyone is accountable to Him.
2. T
Belief in creation is foundational because there is a Creator and everyone is accountable to Him.
3. T
One of Oakland's objectives in this series was to show that people do not think critically when it comes to human origins
4. T
It is reasonable to conclude from illustrations, exactly what extinct ancestors looked like and how they lived
5. T
The Bible can be interpreted from an evolutionary perspective by using Genesis 7 as corroborating evidence
6. T
In Matthew 7, Jesus speaks of two pathways that lead to eternity. The lesson indicates that the majority of people in the world today are on the right path
7. T
Immanuel Reddy proved to the world that you can get life from non-life spontaneously, during his experiment with garbage
8. T
Creationists believe that natural selection occurs and that it is a fact of nature
9. T
Scientists admit there is a high possibility for a protein molecule to evolve into a cell
10. T
Uniformitarianism is a term based on geology which implies that the past is the key to the present
11. T
One reason Oakland is compelled to give presentations on creation is to help people understand that the Bible is true and what it says has occurred in the past can be believed and trusted
12. T
Although they were both raised in atheistic homes, authors Hutton and Lyell embraced the biblical account of the origin and the history of the world
13. T
Fossils are not reliable sources for dating gelogical layers
14. T
In the Hawaiian Islands, volcanic materials have been dated at hundreds of millions of years that were actually formed recently
15. T
There is evidence that a moderate climate exisited in the Arctic and Antarctic area that was like the climate of the Florida Everglades
16. T
Today most geologists consider what the Bible has to say about a worldwide flood as nothing more than myth
17. T
We should be able to substantiate what God has said in His Word and find evidence of it in His world
18. T
Geologists are willing to acknowledge that dinosaurs were buried in various places by local floods, but will not acknowledge that flood may have been global
19. T
If we want to understand what is taking place in the world today, we need to check out what Scripture says will take place in the future
20. T
The Lunar Society believed that the biblical view of the origin of man was mythological.
21. T
Nowhere in the Bible does God predict mankind's rejection of Him and His creation
22. T
Once a theory has been given scientific status it cannot become invalid
23. T
The Anthropic Principle states that all of creation is skillfully designed or balanced specifically for man's existence
24. T
The lunar eclipse randomly occurs in various saasons and in various years
25. T
A cell is the smallest living structure that came into existance over time
26. T
The idea that Planet Earth is very old is foundational to the authenticity of the Bible
27. T
Anthropologists who are evolutionists have suggested that the Australopithecus known as Lucy does not deserve a place in the lineage of man
28. T
China's history reveals that they originally worshipped a deity, who created the heavens and the earth
29. T
The New Age movement could never have occurred without the influence of evolution
30. T
Mutations are beneficial in helping to reshape new forms of life

Multiple Choice

31.   What is mentioned in this series as the main goal or agenda of humankind's adversary?
  A His active agenda is to deceive the whole world into believing that he is god of the universe
B His active agenda is to convince people that God used evolution to create
C His active agenda is to cause people to doubt the existence of the Creator
  D His active agenda is to confuse the minds of humanity so that the facts regarding evolution are believed
32.   Which of the following describe "the fountains of the great deep" referred to in Genesis 7?
  A Springs of water pouring forth from the ocean floor
  B The fracture in the earth's crust which pours forth molten rock and volcanic ash
  C The Water Canopy that filled the oceans to flood the land
  D All of the above
33.   Which of the following represent Oakland's view of why more than 350 dinosaurs were uncovered from one particular area in Alberta Canada?
  A The strata in this region dates to 65 million years which is when they believe dinosaurs became extinct due to drought
  B A river flowed through this region and during a flood season when the river was running very high and very quickly, the dinosaurs all drowned
  C A catastrophic global event occurred which very rapidly killed all of the dinosaurs at the some time
  D A devastating fire destroyed the entire area and eliminated all living creatures
34.   The term micro-evolution is used to describe what process?
  A Observable changes in life horizontally within genetic boundaries
  B Observable changes in life from simple to complex
  C Observable changes in life vertically within genetic boundaries
  D Observable changes in life vertically and horizontally
35.   What was important about the discovery of a living Coelacanth in 1938?
  A It was a missing link between fish and amphibian
  B It could no longer be useful in dating layers
  C It could now be used as in index fossil
  D It was then verified as being seventy million years old
36.   The evolutionary view states that all of the complexity of life can be simply understood through what?
A The complexity of life can simply be understood given matter, chance, and time
B The complexity of life is simply understood through random chance and aging processes
C The complexity of life can be simply understood given trillions of years
  D The complexity of life can be simply understood because of divine intervention
37   Which passage of Scripture does Oakland use describing the beginning of earth's history as well as its final days?
  A Genesis 1:1-6
  B Isaiah 2:2-4
  C 1 Timothy 3:1-5
  D 2 Peter 3:1-10
38.   What is the tremendous geological catastrophe that is mentioned in this study?
  A The eruption of Mount St. Helens
  B The great flood of Noah's time
  C The formation of the Grand Canyon
  D The El Nino effect
39.   According to the study, how many records have been left from past civilizations that testify of a worldwide flood?
  A More that fifty
  B More than a dozen
  C More than one hundred and fifty
  D More than five hundred
40.   Because there are currently no living ape-like representatives that are said to have existed in the past, how are they reconstructed today?
  A They have been reconstructed from sets of bones exhumed from ancient layers of earth
  B They have been reconstructed from remains discovered in primitive family graves
  C They have been reconstructed from skeletons of families found in remote caves
D None of the above
41.   What does the Isaiah 55 passage say about God's thoughts?
  A God's thoughts are always fixed on man
  B God's thought are higher than man's thoughts
  C God's thoughts can never be comprehended by man
  D All of the above
42.   Genesis tells us that man was created in what image?
  A He was created in the image of an ape
  B He was created in his own unique image
  C He was created in the image and likeness of God
  D He was not created but God used evolution to bring man into existence
43.   In the study, what is NOT mentioned as being in mankind's nature from the beginning of his creation?
  A Man was made with intelligence
  B Man was made with creative skills
  C Man was made with the ability to love
  D Man was made with supernatural abilities
44   How does the study explain who "the gods" are from the Genesis 3 passage?
  A It refers to them as a fallen spiritual dimension
  B It refers to them as animal idols worshipped by man
  C It refers to them as spirits of wind and fire
  D It refers to none of the above
45   How does the evolutionary worldview explain that great civilizations suddenly appeared with no primitive beginnings?
  A They explain it as extraterestrial intervention
  B They explain it happened through the spiritual dimensions
  C They say it is a mystery and cannot explain it
  D They say it is miraculous and cannot explain it
46   Current trends in the deterioration of human behavior in society can be linked to what, according to the lesson?
  A The impact of belief in evolution
  B Rejecting the evidence that there is a Creator
  C Denying that there are consequences to behavior
  D All of the above
47   In which of the following Scriptures does it specifically mention God as the Creator of the heavens, the sun, moon, and stars?
  A Isaiah 44:23
  B Psalm 19:1-6
  C Psalm 148:1-5
  D Genesis 1:8
48   According to the lesson, which of the following describes the law of biology or biogenesis?
  A Variations of life occur vertically within genetic boundaries
  B Observable lifecycles show the appearance of variation within genetic boundaries
  C Life must come from pre-existing life without variation
  D Variations of life occur horizontally within genetic boundaries
49   What conclusion did Dr. Michael Beehe make after learning that eight million bacterial motors would fit in the cross-section of a human hair?
  A Examination of life at the molecular level reveals design that could not possibly have assembled spontaneously
  B Biochemical studies are inconclusive regarding spontaneous chance process
  C Bacteria were one of the first life forms to evolve from chemicals and will continue to multiply with time
  D None of the above
50   Why is impossible to accurately date rock layers using the Geological Column?
  A The geological column was simply a drawing based on speculation and assumption
  B There is no place in the world to drill down a core and find this sequence of layers
  C The theory behind the actual chart uses circular reasoning
  D All of the above
51   Where did geologists discover the so-called younger layers of the earth buried under older layers from the Cambrian era?
  A Mount St. Helens
  B Toros-Menalla Dessert
  C Mount Yumnuska
  D Kilauea Crater
52   According to the textbook, "The Human Odyssey," which of the following are cousins to the human race?
  A Lemurs
  B Gibbons
  C Tarsiers
  D All of the above
53   The term "intermediates" is used in reference to which of the following?
  A Proposed stages of life that evolved from the cell into higher life forms
  B Proposed creatures who existed during the time between the ape and mankind
  C Primates whose intelligence levels were inferior to the chimpanzee
  D Fossil fragments of animals in between the stages of evolution
54   Ramapithecus was formulated or reconstructed by using which of the following?
  A Two portions of jawbone from Africa and from Turkey
  B Sections of a skull found in southern England
  C A hip joint from Australia
  D A tooth that was discovered in Nebraska
55   According to Genesis 2, how was man created?
  A God breathed life into a lump of clay
  B God formed man from the dust of the ground
  C God formed man from an animal rib
  D None of the above
56   According to the Genesis account, what was unique about the first human beings?
  A Adam and Eve were created as adults and did not begin life as infants
  B Adam and Eve were given a free will to respond to their Creator
  C Adam and Eve had the power to create in the likeness of their Creator
  D Adam and Eve were given instincts like all the animals in the Garden
57   Which of the following is NOT part of New Age philosophy, as described in the lesson?
  A The new man is emerging and he will renounce all forms of deity
  B Man is evolving to higher dimensions of consciousness
  C Evolution is the force that guides and directs everything
  D Anything and everything can be god
58   In what sense is evolution actually becoming a unifying religion?
  A People are widely rejecting the evolutionist view and they are joining religious denominations
  B People are attending churches that have begun preaching evolution
  C People realize the world is facing a global crisis and it must unite with a common cause; and evolution is the answer
  D People realize that the earth cannot survive unless mankind continues to evolve spiritually
59   In the study, what term is given to the current trend of reintroducing the gods to our generation?
  A The spiritual revolution
  B The evolution delusion
  C The spiritual evolution
  D The great delusion
60   What do the angels in Revelation 14 reveal about God and man's response to Him?
  A God is the Alpha and the Omega and we are to worship Him forever
  B God is too beyond our comprehension and we must rejoice in His goodness
  C God is the same throughout eternity and we must never worship another god
  D God is the Creator of heaven and earth and we are to worship Him
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