Understand The Times |
Class Catalog - Available Classes. You will need to register for that class. Enter Classroom - After registering for the Understand The Times Internet Bible School you can enter the classroom here. Register - Please register for each course that you enroll in You can register for more classes later. We will update Bible School Registrants as we add more classes.
Understand The Times will be offering Online Bible Classes. We are not an accredited institution so a degree will not be issued for participation in this Bible School. There will be no charge to take any of the courses but registration will be required. The goal is to prepare and equip believers to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ in these last days. Financial support for UTTIBS will come from people on a free will donation basis. The first course will be "Origins" taught by Roger Oakland. A course that has been added is a Study in the Book Of Revelation taught by Lorne Pritchard President of Understand The Times International Internet Bible School will be William Wynne, who is on the Board of UTT USA and presently living in the Boston area. Academic Dean will be Tom Worthington, a retired veterinarian and now a missionary and pastor who lives in Crown Point Indiana. This course is a self course. You can start it at any time and go through it at your pace. There is not an instructor available for the course.
To enter the classroom and take the course, go to our web
http://www.understandthetimes.org and click on the
button “Internet Bible School” Then click on the words
“Enter Classroom” Then click on the word “Enter” where
you can see PDF files, MP3 files and the exam for each
section of the course.
Understand The Times is an independent non-profit organization in
Canada and the United States.