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In The News


In The News

More bad financial news. Italy, Germany and China continue to decay economically as they move toward financial catastrophe. Banking sectors are trembling and on the way to toppling. Meanwhile, in China, one of the country’s top businessmen just issued a warning that the country’s dreadful real-estate bubble could pop at any time.

This sort of horrible economic narrative is not a coincidence. It has been painstakingly put into place by the world’s elites. It takes a lot of time and effort to shake the prosperity of seven billion people. But by establishing the dead hand of central banking around the world and then pumping money for decades into the world’s swollen coffers, the grand debacle has been painstakingly prepared. All that is needed now is a shove. First you create monopoly money issuers – central banks – that can print as much money as their controllers choose. Then you turn on the printing presses and flood the world with money. Finally, you encourage people, industries and governments to borrow more than they can afford. This, in simplest terms, is how you destabilize the world’s economy. It may take a 100 years, or 50 or 10, but by encouraging borrowing and supplying the necessary cash, the economic debasement can evolve as necessary.


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