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If the International Monetary Fund gets its way, the U.S. dollar will be replaced by the “bancor” as the world’s reserve currency. According to a report published April 13, the IMF would like to adopt a plan of action that would expand the use of SDRs (Special Drawing Rights) to replace the U.S. dollar as the storehouse of value, and eventually create a global currency called the “bancor.” The new global currency would be issued by a new global central bank that would have the authority to levy taxes for various infractions. The bank would have to be, according to the report writers, “accountable to member nations, but remain independent.” A global central bank has long been a goal of those who advocate global governance. America’s school system has failed to teach students about the century-long conflict between those who want a global governing authority and those who do not. Schools do not teach that President Kennedy planned to turn over U.S. military power to the United Nations in order to give the emerging global government the power to enforce its global governance policies. The people who believe the world should be governed by a global authority have been working toward this goal for more than a century. They are relentless; they are driven; they are convinced that they know best how people should live. They believe that all nations and all societies should be controlled by an elite, benevolent intelligentsia that can ensure social justice by enforcing what has now become known as sustainable development. These people are closer to achieving their goal than at any previous time in history.
Those who advocate
global governance
have changed their
tactics, but not
their goal. They
have made great
strides through a
variety of treaties,
and particularly
through the
implementation of
Agenda 21 and the
concept of
The erosion of
freedom that is
inevitable under any
system of global
governance has been
painted green,
packaged in a bundle
labeled social
justice, and sold to
a generation of
Americans eager to
make the world a
better place. Read More ....
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