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October 12 - Ahmadinejad boosts Hezbollah with Lebanon visit
Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars
Thousands of
welcomed Iranian
Ahmadinejad to
Lebanon on
throwing rose
petals and
sweets at his
motorcade at the
start of a visit
that underscores
deep divisions
within this tiny
Arab nation.
The visit by the leader of Iran — Hezbollah's most powerful ally — throws Lebanon's divisions into sharp relief. Hezbollah's opponents in Lebanon often brand it a tool of Iran and fear the movement is seeking to impose control over the country. Hezbollah boasts widespread support among Shiites, virtually runs a state-within-a-state in Shiite areas, and has the country's strongest armed force. Iran funds Hezbollah to the tune of millions of dollars a year and is believed the supply much of its arsenal. "Ahmadinejad is a big leader in the region because of his words about the resistance," he said, referring to Iran's support for what Hezbollah touts as its armed resistance to Israel. A group of 250 politicians, lawyers and activists sent an open letter to Ahmadinejad on Tuesday, criticizing Tehran's backing of Hezbollah and expressing worry Iran was looking to drag Lebanon into a war with Israel. "We expressed our concern about it given that Iran, through its association with groups like Hezbollah, is actively undermining Lebanon's sovereignty," Crowley said in Washington. Read Full Article ....
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