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The fact that a well known political leader like Tony Blair is advocating an organization to bring about global religious unity for the cause of peace, clearly shows we are moving in the direction the Bible predicts would occur in the last days.
This peace plan will continue to grow as more and more political, economic and religious leaders agree to work together to establish the "6-6-6" plan, also known as the three-legged stool plan that has been promoted by Peter Drucker, Rick Warren and others. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is backed by some high-profile Americans, including former President Bill Clinton and evangelical mega-church pastor Rick Warren, who serves on the group's advisory board.
Those who resist this plan by man will be considered narrow-minded religious bigots. The Bible indicates there is only one leg to the peace plan God implements. This is when Jesus Christ rules and reigns here on planet earth. However before this plan can unfold, the false peace plan will be established by the rule of the coming antichrist. We are in the process of being prepared for this plan at this moment.
June 12 - Tony Blair: As the world becomes smaller, the need to understand each other's faith grows
Article: One World Religion
With globalisation pushing people closer together, peaceful coexistence becomes essential. And not just coexistence but active co-operation. If faith becomes a countervailing force pulling people and communities apart, it becomes destructive.
But if it becomes a means of peaceful coexistence, teaching people to live with a diverse religious ecology, to respect "the other", to search for common values while respecting differences, then faith becomes an important power for making the 21st century work more humanely and the one shared creation a better place for all its inhabitants. But we want to highlight faith in action. We want to facilitate greater opportunities for people of different faiths to work more closely together or work in areas where they may not have worked together before. And we want to grow greater understanding between faiths through shared action and encounter. We aim to educate. So we are working with Yale University's Schools of Divinity and of Management to design a new course on faith and globalisation. It will be designed so that it can be spun off to other universities in different parts of the world, and I hope that its lessons will help to inform the thinking of politicians, business leaders and other opinion formers. We shall also focus on schools. We are going to use new and interactive media to engage young people of different faiths. We want to produce material that teaches young people what it really feels like to be a member of another faith and captures their imaginations. We intend to mobilise a greater interfaith effort in pursuit of the UN's millennium development goals. We intend to help to mobilise people of different faiths in countries affected to bring this about and, in the West, to mobilise young people of different faiths to come together to act as ambassadors for this initiative. Finally, we will help organisations that aim to counter extremism and promote reconciliation in matters of religion. Where people of faith combat such extremism they should be supported. In a shrinking world we must be global citizens as well as citizens of our own countries. And this means that we must know more about the dynamics of the world's great faiths, must be prepared to learn from their stores of wisdom, must be willing to trust those of other faiths and to work so that they will trust us. If people of different faiths can coexist in mutual respect, then so much the better for our world. Read More ....
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