Watch out for the word "unscientific" in propaganda that's pushing GMOs, pesticides or other dangerous chemicals onto our world. In a joint letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, three Republican members of Congress (Rep. Frank Lucas, Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Sen. Pat Roberts) attempted to spin GMOs as being "scientific."
They urged the USDA to "return to a science based regulatory system" and claimed that "science strongly supports the safety of GE alfalfa." (
The implication, of course, is that anyone who opposes GMOs is "unscientific" (and therefore stupid). The letter further implies that any USDA opposition to GMOs is purely political in nature and not based on science.
Apparently the cabal of GMO pseudoscientists have forgotten one of the most important principles of science: The Precautionary Principle which states that when dealing with large-scale unknowns (such as modifying the genetic code of the world's food crops), it is wise to err on the side of caution.
This effort to characterize GMO opposition as "unscientific" is just the latest outlandish spin campaign that attempts to reframe the entire GMO debate as "scientific versus unscientific." You're either in favor of GMOs, the twisted logic goes, or you're against science!
In reality, it's not actually science that's behind GMOs but rather corporate greed, public relations, lobbying and the financial influence of members of Congress. Today, Frank Lucas, Saxby Chambliss and Pat Roberts all effectively painted signs on their foreheads that read, "GMO sellout."
Take a look at this astonishing letter from Big Agro giants which literally claims that any regulation of GMOs would "...undermine the public's trust in the integrity of the scientific process that the president directed all executive branch agencies to uphold."
That letter, in fact, is one of the most grotesque examples of pseudoscientific linguistic contortionism I've ever seen. The author of the letter, whoever he may be, is an intellectually dishonest individual who is knowingly bastardizing the use of the word "science" to try to hide the real agenda of corporate domination over the world's food crops.
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