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In The News


In The News

Comment from Understand the Times:
When the money men of the world dictate to the President of the United States, the United States has no sovereignity left. Of course this is the way it has been for years. We are in the last days and the 666 plan is almost here.
Rick Warren is doing his part to bring the One World Religion together. Others who support Rick Warren are not speaking up and exposing the lie because they have their hands tied behind their backs.
March 25 - Globalists - Through UN - Force U.S. Into Libyan War

Article: Wars And Rumors Of Wars

The United States, under Bilderberg-Trilateral Commission orders, is now engaged in not two, but three wars in the Middle East where America has no legitimate national interest. But the world's entrenched international financiers do have a huge interest in war profits, purchased at the cost of soldiers' blood. These powerful globalists also perceive maverick rulers like Libya's Muammar Qadaffi as roadblocks in their push for establishing a world regime.

Before the U.S. joined the invasion, Qadaffi sent a personal letter to President Obama in which he reportedly
told Obama that Islamic fundamentalists tied to al Qaeda were the primary source of the ongoing political troubles in North Africa-including Libya. Qadaffi challenged Obama: "If you had found them taking over American cities by the force of arms, tell me what you would do?"

This was no "crazy conspiracy theory" coming from the eccentric Libyan strongman alone. Even Secretary of Defense Robert Gates-among other high level figures in the American military diplomatic intelligence community-
raised concerns (like Qadaffi) about the possibility al Qaeda might be responsible for some of the unrest in Libya and/or that al Qaeda could benefit from the consequences of American intervention.

While the globalists were manipulating the United States into war in Libya-which is looking increasingly like it is about to become a classic "quagmire" of the Vietnam-Afghanistan-Iraq mode-two-thirds of Americans among a broad cross section in several polls expressed opposition to the Afghanistan war. In addition, polls show that
many Americans believe the U.S. cannot afford another war given the current state of the economic situation and joblessness in the United States.

Nevertheless, Bilderberg-Trilateral Commission power is so strong that these two pro world government groups were able to put America's fighting men and women into harm's way, and they did it by having the president seek guidance, not from Congress, but from the world's governmental body-the UN. As we go to press, the United States is raining bombs down on Libyan cities in another undeclared war.

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