James Robinson sounds like the new spokesperson for Catholicism on his TV broadcast show Life Today. Robinson praised Fox News Contributor Fr. Jonathon Morris, claiming the Lord was upon him and we should listen to him. Robinson says everything that comes out of Fr. Morris’ mouth is consistent with the word of God and the heart of God.
He said: “I wish that most protestant preachers had the same sensitivity, discernment and gift of communication that you have, don’t you agree (audience)?” The audience claps in agreement. Fr. Morris states that Protestants and Catholics need to work together no matter what anyone says. Let’s take a look a Fr. Morris. He regularly appears on TV interviews on Fox, CNN and other networks as a Catholic spokesperson. I find it interesting that Fox news needs a Catholic spokesperson in the first place, given that the majority of the Christian population in the USA is Protestant. Fr. Jonathon claims that the Roman Catholic Church might need to change their view of Creation if scientists finds intelligent alien life forms. He states that if they find these life forms “Maybe we will need to change our understanding of perennial truths” The bottom line is the Emergent church is emerging. And we need to look at the big picture. 1. The Vatican has called for a new world order and a world bank. 2. The Vatican has told their members they can believe in space aliens and that they are their brothers. 3. The Vatican is ramping up interreligious dialogue with all religions and even atheists. 4. The Vatican, as of yesterday joined the International Migratory Organization. 5. The Vatican has called for a divided Israel and a Palestinian state. 6. The Vatican has called for international climate change law which will bring in world government.