Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberger Group, contends people should care because the idea behind each and every Bilderberg meeting "is to create what they themselves call the aristocracy of purpose between European and North American elites on the best way to manage the planet. In other words, the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity." This year’s private meeting is being held at the Westfield Marriott Convention Center in Chantilly, Va. – the same place it was held four years ago when rumors circulated the group had determined Barack Obama would be the Democratic presidential nominee, not Hillary Clinton. Two days after the event, Clinton bowed out of the race. The group usually holds its annual meeting in Europe, with past meetings in France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Scotland and Norway. But this week, through June 4, the Bilderberg Group is meeting about 20 miles from the U.S. capital. Observers point out George H.W. Bush attended in 1985. He became president in 1988. Bill Clinton attended in 1991. He became president a year later. Tony Blair attended in 1993. He became prime minister of England in 1997. Romano Prodi attended in 1999. Later that year he became president of the European Union Commission. If people participate in the ideas shaping the world, if a nation is allowed to grow its own food, develop its own natural resources, be truly self-governing, it would end the Bilderbergers’ oligarchy."
The meetings are private, invitation-only for about 150 individuals from the worlds of politics, business, finance, energy, media and nobility. No resolutions are voted on, no outsiders at the meetings, no minutes are taken, not statements issued. Estulin has cited David Rockefeller’s own admission. Rockefeller, a Bilderberg member, wrote: "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
The question-and-answer exchange with Estulin:
WND: What exactly is the Bilderberg Club, and why should Americans care?
Estulin: It’s a meeting of people who represent a certain ideology. Bilderberg Group is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy reality. There are many people who go off the deep end and try to make more of the Bilderberg Group than it actually was and is. It was a very important element of the oligarchical structures of the Cold War period. It is a self-perpetuating system, a virtual spider web of interlocked financial, political, economic and industry interests. And that in and of itself is a pretty significant factor, because what it meant was that it was a vehicle through which private financier oligarchical interests were able to impose their policies on what is nominally sovereign governments. Bilderberg is a medium of bringing together financial institutions which are the world’s most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time, it is that combination which is the worst enemy of humanity.
The meetings are private, invitation-only for about 150 individuals from the worlds of politics, business, finance, energy, media and nobility. No resolutions are voted on, no outsiders at the meetings, no minutes are taken, not statements issued. Estulin has cited David Rockefeller’s own admission. Rockefeller, a Bilderberg member, wrote: "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
The question-and-answer exchange with Estulin:
WND: What exactly is the Bilderberg Club, and why should Americans care?
Estulin: It’s a meeting of people who represent a certain ideology. Bilderberg Group is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy reality. There are many people who go off the deep end and try to make more of the Bilderberg Group than it actually was and is. It was a very important element of the oligarchical structures of the Cold War period. It is a self-perpetuating system, a virtual spider web of interlocked financial, political, economic and industry interests. And that in and of itself is a pretty significant factor, because what it meant was that it was a vehicle through which private financier oligarchical interests were able to impose their policies on what is nominally sovereign governments. Bilderberg is a medium of bringing together financial institutions which are the world’s most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time, it is that combination which is the worst enemy of humanity.
WND: What kinds of decisions have been made at prior meetings? What are you expecting this year?
The idea of Bilderberg, and that obviously has a lot to do with the decisions they reach is to create One World Government, Ltd. Corporations, in other words, with a lot more power than any government on the planet, as was explained by George Ball at the 1968 Bilderberg meeting in Canada. Obviously the complete meltdown of the world’s economy will be high on the agenda. But, you have to understand why this is important. The reason? Population reduction. This has been their goal for a long time.
The idea of Bilderberg, and that obviously has a lot to do with the decisions they reach is to create One World Government, Ltd. Corporations, in other words, with a lot more power than any government on the planet, as was explained by George Ball at the 1968 Bilderberg meeting in Canada. Obviously the complete meltdown of the world’s economy will be high on the agenda. But, you have to understand why this is important. The reason? Population reduction. This has been their goal for a long time.
CFR’s "Project 1980s" promoting controlled disintegration of world economy.
Bilderberg’s 1995 "Demand destruction." How do you destroy demand? By destroying the world’s economy on purpose. By cutting down productivity, through cutting down infrastructure, by cutting inventions, technology, what you are doing is you are forcing a collapse in population. And if you keep people stupid and not too numerous, then the minority can control them.
WND: What is the Bilberberg’s Club overall agenda, if it has one?
Estulin: Bilderberg isn’t a secret society. It is not an evil, all-seeing eye or a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. There is no conspiracy even though a lot of people with their infantile fantasies see it as such. No group of people, and I don’t care how powerful they are, sit around the table in dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world’s future. These are organizations that have operational missions. These are not the seats of power. These are not the organizations that actually meet and deliberate on major policy decisions, issues of war and peace, questions of genocide. These are the conveyor belts. The oligarchical principal works on [a] different and higher level, and so they create a multiplicity of front organizations whose job is to radiate out the idea that already has been pre-determined at a much higher and much more exclusive level. These organizations play a role, but they are not at the top of the pyramid by a long shot."
WND: What can people opposed to the group do, seeing as how it is composed of the most powerful people in the world?
Estulin: Once again, I want to stress that these are not the most powerful people in the world. Most powerful people don’t attend Bilderberg meeting. Just look at the list of attendees. CEOs of companies, members of European Parliament, European Commissioners, journalists. These are mid level cogs of the system, not the makers of history. The true power rests with people who are not listed on Google. For example, one of the most powerful families in the world are the Friscobaldies, the old Venetian nobles. Their wealth is measures in trillions of dollars. I spent 3.5 years researching these families at the National Library in Florence poring over 13th-, 14th-century notary books, counting the acres of land, their properties over the centuries. These are the true seats of power and believe me, they do not attend Bilderberg."
WND: In the world where economic power is transitioning to Asia, is the group as powerful as it once was?
Estulin: "Not only Asia. Russia is a big problem because unless you can succeed in destroying Russia and China you will not succeed in destroying the nation state system. And if you get an alliance between the U.S., Russia, China and India around the principles of national sovereignty, then you could deliver a death blow to this whole system of oligarchism once and for all. Because that’s what Bilderberg is: an oligarchical system of control based on the old Venetian system. From the standpoint of Bilderberg being any kind of a voice of authority for an oligarchical system, if you kill the oligarchical system off, then Bilderberg is absolutely useless.