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In The News


In The News

Comment from UTT:
The "New Evangelization" implemented by Pope John Paul II has the major focus of winning the world to the Roman Catholic Jesus known as the Eucharisitic Christ. The Eucharistic Christ requires a Roman Catholic priest for the process of transubstantiation during each mass.
Therefore, when the term evangelization is used in the context of the "new evangelization" it is the same evangelization that has always been in place by the Roman Catholic church. In other words, nothing has changed. 
Unfortunately, those who are bent on unity at any cost and not at the foot of the cross, either are ignorant of the Roman Catholic agenda, or they do not care and are willing to unify with Rome anyway. This means they would be willing to believe in transubstantiation - that bread and wine, actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, as the Roman Catholic Church contends.
Although the Roman Catholic Church is now claiming the "new evangelization" program includes discussing human rights to bring about unity of the faith, this is merely a smokescreen. The real issue is that conversion to Roman Catholicism is what is intended. 
June 26 - Conference to discuss promotion of human life and dignity in the 'New Evangelization'
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
.- Pro-life leaders will join physicians, ethicists and experts in family life and social justice issues for a July convocation in Camden, New Jersey to discuss new ways to promote human life and dignity.

A press release for the convocation, which is titled "Life, Justice & Family: Partners in the New Evangelization," says the meeting will "take up John Paul II's call for creativity and deeper unity in crafting a 'new evangelization' - new in ardor, methods and expression."

The three-day convocation, which is open to the public, will begin on July 28, 2008, the fortieth anniversary of Pope Paul VI's encyclical "Humanae Vitae."

Plenary sessions at the convocation, which is the first national gathering of its kind, will explore human rights, the environment, bioethics, family life, and the relationships between science, technology, and religion.

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