April 16 - Nevada Senate & Assembly to open with Hindu prayers
Article: Misc.
Both Nevada State Senate and Nevada Assembly in Carson City will open with Hindu mantras on April 17, containing verses from world’s oldest existing scripture. Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed will deliver the invocations from ancient Sanskrit scriptures before the Senate and Assembly. After Sanskrit delivery, he then will read the English translation of the prayers. Sanskrit is considered a sacred language in Hinduism and root language of Indo-European languages.
Reciting from Brahadaranyakopanishad, Rajan Zed plans to say “Asato ma sad gamaya, Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, Mrtyor mamrtam gamaya”, which he will then interpret as “Lead us from the unreal to the Real, Lead us from darkness to Light, and Lead us from death to immortality.” Reciting from Bhagavad-Gita, he proposes to urge Senators and Assembly-members to keep the welfare of others always in mind.
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